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Everything posted by lonix

  1. Sparklyis working on This container with me
  2. Would you be so kind that you could provide me with a complete set of logs from it failing to start, i shall then commence investiating.
  3. If you do no longer require this Docker i will remove it from my repo in a few days.
  4. We are looking at a new icon series, and I'm working on specifying excatly what is what (in a document). Dockers that is approved by us will be under our name and in our repo, authors will move they're stuff to our repo when approval arrive
  5. would you please open a bug report on github, otherwise I might forget, and this sounds like something I will add
  6. Am I missing something? checkout doesn't do a pull, it is a local operation. you are right it should say git pull, not checkout
  7. Most likely when I get around too it. ( Should not affect you however)
  8. Inn all our containers updates will be applied at least when rebooting
  9. Well in the first case it's also updated with a checkout if the code exist. Therefor a restart will also update the app
  10. TO Clarify: In my post above, the path should be your plugins directory not you your entire plex appdata.
  11. A Few hours ago a patch was submitted to solve some the problem that some people experienced trying to access their plugins directory. This patch had some problems though. 1. It delayed the start of the plex with around 3. Mins. 2. It changed permissions on a lot of things, plex uses permissions to deal with a few things. 3. Plex also uses the Changed timestamp to determine whether or not to do certain things (like validate data\Backup etc..) Due to a lack of communication and Quality Assurance this patch was applied to General Public. (was redacted within a hour). And i would like to sincerely apologies for that. This should normalize itself within a week or so. Now to anyone have issues accessing there plugins folder. this is not a issue with this container in any way, but rather a result of something in your old container\plugin or such. You should rather ssh into your server and issue a command something like: chmod -R ug+rw /path/to/plex/appdata with the container stopped. This should fix the problem once and for all. And does not delay the startup of the container.
  12. The 2 hours is incorrect, it's actually 600 seconds (10 minutes) Source: I wrote/host the script -Eric/Heuristic Our data was based on a previous post i saw you posted. Glad you cleard that up
  13. I noticed my PlexPy wont take any settings I apply to it, and on restart of the container it wipes the config.ini in the app directory. Nothing appears to be getting logged. The only difference I have is I have my container port at 8181 and the host at 8080 since headphones is using 8181. Any thoughts? Edit: Any is probably the wrong word, it wont let me setup PushOver, it wont set my PMS Logs, every time i try to save it just says Verify your server information. The data is in PlexPy though and I was able to import PlexWatch DB, I just can't set settings it seems. I Will look into this. Also create a proper support thread
  14. Im sorry There was a error in the auto update feature for this container. I ha e pushed a fix now. Updated the the container and This Should not happen again
  15. Request approved, refresh your Community applications.
  16. Apparently i should post this url. https://kiwiirc.com/client/chat.freenode.net/#linuxserver.io
  17. Yes there is. I Just now pushed a test to the docker repo, "linuxserver/xdm" you will have to test it for me, as this is not something i use day-to-day, if you could join us on #linuxserver.io@freenode we could help you out.
  18. no need plex is auto updatable now following the script made by Kode What happens if a plexpass release causes problems for some people, will you downgrade everyone to the previous version? But what if the latest version actually solves problems for other people and they don't want to be downgraded? The great thing with Needo's Plex docker is that the user can specify exactly which version of Plex they want. So if you set the VERSION environment variable to "", it calls this script: http://plex.baconopolis.net/version.php?version= to get the url to the file: https://downloads.plex.tv/plex-media-server/ Can the same functionality be added to this docker? There is currently a build in progress with the suggested feature inplemented.
  19. no need plex is auto updatable now following the script made by Kode
  20. thanks and no worries just wondering. I switched over to your sonarr, cp and get and so far so good, all things looking up! thanks for all the hard work! Maybe a thought, but why not make the text file community editable or would that be to big an issue if people start messing with it? Actually I pushed a new version a few hours ago that now is automatic. Thanks to my friend Kode whom reasonatly joined lsio
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