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  1. I found the same thing, but after removing and reinstalling the plugin, everything worked again. Just had to reenable the flash drive backups in the settings.
  2. That did it. I'd already removed and then added them all in the web interface, and it still didn't work. But it did when using removepkg on the console. Oh well, working now, thanks.
  3. Give it a try now. I compiled and added mediainfo, libmediainfo and libzen Still no dice. Made sure all three packages were installed, and now get this error: mediainfo: symbol lookup error: mediainfo: undefined symbol: _ZN12MediaInfoLib9MediaInfo13Option_StaticERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIwSt11char_traitsIwESaIwEEES8_
  4. Add libmediainfo. I forgot I combined it with mediainfo before. So you'll have to install both now. I added libmediainfo, but then it came up with the same error for libssl.so.1. I had libssl.so.1.1 so I made a symlink to libssl.so.1, but then I just got the same error for libcrypto.so.1. I guess I can keep making symlinks?? Edit: So after symlinking libcrypto, it now errors for libzen.so.0, and I don't have any version of that to symlink to.
  5. I just updated mediainfo and now I'm getting a libmediainfo.so.0 error: mediainfo: error while loading shared libraries: libmediainfo.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory I've uninstalled and reinstalled mediainfo and it didn't make a difference.
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