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Posts posted by thanhtran

  1. 12 hours ago, Djoss said:


    @thanhtran, if you want to keep all audio tracks, I confirm this is working for me:

    1. In HandBrake GUI, select your preset
    2. Access the 'Audio Defaults' tab.
    3. Set the 'Selection Behavior' to 'All Tracks Matching Selected Languages'.
    4. Add 'Any' to 'Selected Languages' box.
    5. Save your preset.

    If this preset is the one configured for the automatic video converter, then any video added to the watch folder will be converted will all the audio tracks retained.


    Wow, My issued is solved. thanks very much


  2. 1 minute ago, Jorgen said:


    I've configured my (custom) preset to retain ALL audio tracks (and subtitles), but I haven't actually tested the results. If I get a chance I'll have a play with it this weekend.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk



    Thanks, hoped you figure out :)


  3. 1 minute ago, Jorgen said:



    Doh! Thanks guys, don't know how I managed to miss those two things, seems so obvious in hindsight!

    So deletion of files in watch is now working perfectly for me, thanks again!

    I think it has also "fixed" my other problem with multiple files in watch on docker start, as each file deletion seems to trigger a rescan of the watch folder...


    Will have to read up on symlink creation. My ultimate goal is for NZBGet to store the HD file to my normal Media share, and also put a symlink to it in the Handbrake watch folder (but only whenthe movie is listed on my friends trakt.tv watchlist...)

    If anyone knows how to create a symlink and change the folder part to allow for the docker folder mappings, please speak out! Otherwise I'll report back if/when I solve it...




    Jorgen, Do you known how to keep multiple audio tracks after encored ? I'm stuck with this issue, hope some one will help.

  4. 2 hours ago, Djoss said:


    The option you are probably talking about is for removing the original video from the watch folder, not to move it.  So basically, you add videos to the watch folder, then HandBrake automatically converts them and put the result in the /output folder.  After that you have the option to keep the source file in the /watch folder or remove it.


    Brief, what you are describing is the expected behavior.



    This container is not designed to allow edition of the conversion script.  Normally, you should be able to change all the conversion options via a preset.  The preset can be edited/created via the HandBrake GUI (or by manually editing the presets.json file).


    Are you saying that there is some options that cannot be set via preset?  Are you able to achieve what you want by converting using the GUI?

    Sorry for misunderstanding, I though storage directory is place to keep original files when every file after encored , If we can move encored file to this folder , this is safe to keep original files by moving, not deleting.

    https://handbrake.fr/docs/en/latest/advanced/audio-subtitle-defaults.html ("HandBrake does not store Audio and Subtitle tracks in presets.
    Instead, we store behaviour rules for automatically selecting audio and subtitle tracks each time you scan a new source or select a title.")

    So When I export preset to file (json). it only gives 1 audio track. It never work with custom preset with 2 audio tracks. that's why I need modify script to add audio track option. how to solve this issued.

  5. 17 minutes ago, jonathanm said:

    What are the paths to the two folders, both from the container's view, and unraid's view?

    I don't think mapping folder have issue, because It can create output file in output folder, and can delete file in watch folder.


    /out; /watch , and /storage is created on SSD mount outside array. /out map to /out , /watch map to /watch; /storage map to /storage, and all 3 folder can R/W set

  6. 1 hour ago, Djoss said:

    By the way, great test plan @Jorgen!

    Djoss, Thanks for you hard working on HandBrake docker.

    1. I set option to move file in watch folder to storage folder after encored is done , but instead moving, it is delete file in watch folder, and not thing in storage folder.

    2. HandBrake preset "json" file is not save audio track (by default only one, can not put 2 audio tracks in preset), But my videos are 2 audio tracks. How can I I solve this problem. (to solve this issue, I have go to container modify convert script by adding option "-a 1,2 --aencoder copy:ac3,copy:ac3 --audio-fallback faac", it will override audio in preset, and I give 2 audio tracks . With your HandBrake, where is "convert.sh" , If I can put option 2 audio track in command line, It will solve my issued.



  7. 2 hours ago, Djoss said:


    Sorry about that.  The method I used worked for transfers done within the container, but not for ones done outside.  I pushed another update.  Hope it's good now.

    Djoss, I try to attach HandBrake docker in shell

    docker exec -i -t HandBrake /bin/bash , it gives me error "rpc error: code = 2 desc = containerd: container not started" 

    what's is mean. what do I do wrong ?

  8. On 5/21/2017 at 0:22 PM, coppit said:


    Edit the USER_ID and GROUP_ID settings in the HandBrake.conf file. Setting them in the template might work, but I haven't tested it yet. Feel free to test it for me in the container config. :-)


    AFAIK PUID and PGID are not standard. But if I'm wrong, let me know. My implementation uses USER_ID and GROUP_ID.



    Yep. Sorry for the problem. Folks, yell if you're still having problems. AFAIK all known issues are fixed at this point.



    What does the log say about it? It should say something like "change detected, waiting for folder to settle". My guess is that something is constantly writing to the folder, so that the detector is waiting for 10 minutes to elapse before giving up. You can set 10:00 to something shorter, but be aware that HandBrake might try to convert an incomplete file when the "give up" time elapses, but there is still writing going on. One thing I could do is detect when the file is open, and skip conversion of it.



    When it sees new files, it looks at all of them. But it remembers files that were already processed before. (In the processed_files.dat file.) So if you want to reconvert a file, you have to either delete the processed_files.dat, or give it a different name.



    If it already processed the files, it won't do it again. Try renaming a file.



    There's a simpler answer. The good news is that it looks like the GUI is already saving the preset changes to a file in your /config folder. So just edit HandBrake.conf to add an extra argument:

    HANDBRAKE_COMMAND='HandBrakeCLI -i "$SRCDIR/$SUBDIR/$FILENAME" -o "$DESTDIR/$SUBDIR/$BASE.mp4" --preset-import-file /config/handbrake/presets.json -Z "Very Fast 1080p30"'

    No need to export it yourself.


    Sorry for my off topic, 

    if I use video codec H.265 (x265) it uses 65-75% CPU, and if I use video codec H.264(x264), it uses 100% CPU. How to reduce CPU used, when I want to encode video with  H.264(x264) codec.


  9. Thanks for you instructions net2wire.  My docker ended up stuck in Maintenance Mode after the upgrade and your steps helped me out.

    I try to install ownCloud to my unRAID, installation is smoothly, but when I try to connect from web

    no go ...

    dogbowl used your instruction to install. I try to find your instruction but I don't it in this thread. Can you point to the link ?


    Hello. I think you're looking for this...?




    Hope this helps.


    BTW, it takes ownCloud a while to access login screen while setting up it's encryption, usually 20 to 40 minutes.



    Thanks for the link, but I still struggle with ownCloud. when I run ownCloud with webUI , I get message as:


    Your connection is not secure


    The owner of 192.168.xxx.xxx has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, Firefox has not connected to this website.

    192.168.xxx.xxx:8000 uses an invalid security certificate. The certificate is not trusted because it is self-signed. The certificate is only valid for yourhome.com Error code: SEC_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ISSUER


    How do I create security certificate ?


  10. Thanks for you instructions net2wire.  My docker ended up stuck in Maintenance Mode after the upgrade and your steps helped me out.

    I try to install ownCloud to my unRAID, installation is smoothly, but when I try to connect from web

    no go ...

    dogbowl used your instruction to install. I try to find your instruction but I don't it in this thread. Can you point to the link ?

  11. ...

    (The Question)

    I was curious if I can SSH into the container so that I can see what my script is actually doing?

    or would recreating a similar virtual machine be easier?


    docker exec -it container-name bash

    will give you a bash session inside a container.


    trurl , I install HB docker, It is seem working correct in GUI. But when I copy couple files to location Watch folder , video file doesn't convert by HB , even I manually start and stop Icon HB from docker tab, seem script file convert.sh not kick in . Do I need to run script convert.sh from terminal console ? I'm not Linux guy, pls gentle me.



  12. ...

    (The Question)

    I was curious if I can SSH into the container so that I can see what my script is actually doing?

    or would recreating a similar virtual machine be easier?


    docker exec -it container-name bash

    will give you a bash session inside a container.


    Thank you trurl,


    this will help me see what kind of a mess I tried to mix into Sparklyballs good work


    perfessor101 , I like your script ideas (moving file in and out watch folder, so you can monitor the process of Handbrake, cool).

    can you share your script when it work ? I have a lot of files to encore to .mkv container, hope your script will help me convert quicker. Thanks


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