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  1. Worked for me, I removed the container and previous template. I reinstalled the container from Community Applications and the container started up without issues, Thanks!
  2. I was able to fix this by adjusting the docker extra parameters. The template lists "vault server" after the memory lock option in extra parameters, I believe the docker run command is accepting this as the repository value instead of hashicorp/vault. From the Vault Docker hub site it only shows server as the post command argument, vault appears to not be needed. Full disclosure though I'm by no means a Vault expert, I was just trying to spin up the container to try it out.
  3. Hi, I've followed this guide and Authelia is working for my nextcloud container. The only issue I've not been able to figure out is getting the Nextcloud iOS app to work. If I'm setting up the app initially to connect to my server, I get a connection error 200: Transfer stopped message. The app has an option to revert to an older login method, after logging in through this method I get the Authelia login which works. After verification with Authelia, the app is redirected to an Error page saying Access Forbidden invalid request. I'm not able to navigate anywhere else till I restart the app which just throws a bunch of 405 Errors. I don't have the same issue on my laptop or PC, so I'm kind of stumped at this point. If I pull Authelia out of my reverse proxy configuration the app works normally. Does anyone have the Nextcloud iOS app working that might be able offer some insight? These are the last Authelia log messages I see when trying to connect through the iOS app: time="2020-09-09T14:14:49-04:00" level=info msg="Access to https://nextcloud.example.com/ocs/v2.php/cloud/user?format=json is not authorized to user , sending 401 response" method=GET path=/api/verify remote_ip= time="2020-09-09T14:14:49-04:00" level=info msg="Access to https://nextcloud.example.com/status.php is not authorized to user , sending 401 response" method=GET path=/api/verify remote_ip= Thanks in advance for any help with this,