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  1. Unfortunately, it looks like the recent changes are less Docker friendly. It might take a bit to sort it out.
  2. I've been wanting to do an update, but the releases seemed to be in flux/beta. However, I just checked and there's a new release today that doesn't have any language that makes it sound like it's risky. So I will try to create a image and re-test. No promises on migrating from your images to the newer container, though. In all likelihood, you will have to re-create them. We will see...
  3. Sorry for the late reply. I am not sure how would end up in this state. Did you choose any options to upgrade within the web interface?
  4. As with most containers, to update the container software you need to wait for the container maker to test and publish an updated image (so that would be me, not the software maker). In this case, the container seems fairly stable, and while there are some small feature updates, I am hesitant to update to a newer version and risk there being stability problems with UnRaid since AMP doesn't actually support this mode of deployment. That said. I do plan on updating the container semi-regularly, as it is one of the main things I run on my NAS.
  5. In case anyone else runs into this problem, here are some details about a recent experience: After some recent changes (which may have affected folder permissions), my AMP container wouldn't start in Unraid. Well, it would start, but the web UI would not return a page. To fix this I logged into my unraid console, found my /mnt/user/amp folder (this is where I personally chose to put my files, not under appdata). Looking at the perms using 'stat /mnt/user/amp' I could see the perms were not set to 'nobody' like my other shares. I'm not a linux guru, so many googles later I see that I need this command: chown -cR nobody:users /mnt/user/amp VIola! Now my folder has the same perms as my other shares, and after restarting my container it is now serving pages again! YAY. Except that inside AMP, my instances will not start... Back to "booooo!". After some troubleshooting I find my log files are in /mnt/user/amp/.ampdata/instances/Minecraft02/AMP_Logs Looking in the logs, it's clear that the "key" for the instance has changed - again. This is the thing with amp. When you re-create an instance, it generates a random key to use as a basis for some encryption to do with licensing. So if you had files that were written with one container, and you re-create it, you are going to need to re-create those files. Fortunately the log tells you exactly what to do - sort of. Here is the entry: No valid AMP licence was found. Please run `ampinstmgr reactivate Minecraft02` to reactivate this instance. Well, obviously you can open a terminal for that docker using the unraid web ui. BUT, there are a few problems. 1. You can't run that command as root, you need to run 'su -l amp' first. 2. You can't run that command while the main server is running and if you stop the main server it stops the container which closes your terminal window. To get around this, stop the container, edit it in unraid, switch to advanced view and add '--entrypoint=/bin/bash' to the "extra parameters" sections (so it should be '-it --entrypoint=/bin/bash'). Then start the container, open a terminal, and run the license command, and enter your license number, then stop the container and remove the entrypoint override. Finally restart and you should be good to go. Super simple, right? Ok, so to summarize all of that. If you have problems: 1. Stop your AMP container. 2. Open a terminal for your main unraid server. Find your amp volume folder, and 'chown -cR nobody:users [your folder here]' 3. Edit your AMP container, choose ADVANCED VIEW (top right), find the extra parameters field and add "--entrypoint=/bin/bash" after "-it" so it should now be "-it --entrypoint=/bin/bash" 4. Start the container, open the container console (console is a choice below WEBUI in the unraid website) and run 'su -l amp' 5. Run 'ampinstmgr reactivate [your instance name here]', and put in your license when prompted. 6. Close the console, stop the container, remove the --entrypoint you added in step 3, and restart the container That should do it. At least it did for me.
  6. I have seen this when the container is re-installed or edited, but not when restarted. AMP seems to have some pretty strong security in place to keep instances encrypted. I am not exactly sure why that's so important for game servers, but I suppose it's hard to argue against security. In the few instances where I have had to re-install, I have just manually re-created a new instance and copied my files over.
  7. I tried desperately to get mineos to work. But i had many problems. If I could get a pack working, it was generally fine - but that was a big if. With AMP, I can just pick the ftb release I want to setup. It's a 2 click install, and then configuring the server settings. Then my kid and I just pick the matching pack on Twitch and it works every time. The things I really like about AMP are: I find it to be very high quality UI (I am a web developer, so I appreciate quality) You can tell it's a commercial product Installing FTB packs is very very easy Installing a server pack that is not ftb is just as simple as setting up a generic forge server that matches the version, then copying up your server pack files to that share. The console is way better than any competing apps In general, it's very stable. Packs vary in this, but you can tell when the issue is your pack vs the admin panel. The problems manifest differently.
  8. Awesome, I haven't tested anything other than Minecraft. But in my opinion, it's the best minecraft server admin by leaps and bounds.
  9. I assume you setup a valid license. It sounds like an application level issue to me. Usually, if any app expects files to be writable but cannot write to them, the read-only failure manifests in a different way (errors - not locked fields). Did you install happen to use a McMyAdmin license, instead of a full Amp license? That will work, but you will only be able run the McMyAdmin specific server. Did you map the "Container Path: /home/amp" to appdata or somewhere else? Also, did you choose standalone for the install type? I haven't tested the other modes.
  10. I've been running a set of containers sharing their network as described here for a few days now, and I have had a few issues. Just wanted to post them here to see if you guys are getting the same problems: Using alturismo/ovpn_privoxy as my base container and vpn, the vpn seems to go down after a day or so. When I see everything is stopped - no vpn traffic - I restart the container and everything lights back up as expected. This could be the several things, but I feel like the VPN client is losing the connection and not reconnecting automatically. When I do have to restart the vpn, I can't just restart the main container. I have to restart every child container. That's a little tedious. The restarted child containers don't always start correctly, sometimes needing another restart. I seem to have better luck with this process: stop the children, restart the main container, start the children. But with eight-ish child containers, that's a real pain. Another challenge, that I haven't looked into yet, is that I need to allow traffic from my VPN container to a single IP on my normal LAN. My first thought is that maybe the route can be added in the OVPN files to have the VPN push the route to the network stack. If not, I don't know how else I might tackle this. Anyone else doing this?
  11. Another thought I had was that I would like to be able to run some kind of browser through the VPN. Obviously, I could setup some kind of proxy and point my browser at it, but that's not ideal for my use case. I just want to be able to pop on to the VPN and check out some web sites. This is what I found: Firefox in a container. Very simple setup, good to go.
  12. Yep, this worked great, and was extremely easy to setup. EDIT: This worked great until it didn't - the openvpn container would loose the connection after a few hours and had to be restarted. I switched to [Updated] 1. Added the ovpn_privoxy container downloaded the PIA ovpn file from here: started the container once, then stopped changed login, password in the file, per the github instructions renamed all my ovpn files to use underscore rather than space - ovpn files with spaces seemed to fail I DID change my network from bridge to Custom:BR0 because I wanted my apps to use a specific IP added static IP to vpn container 2. Opened my existing containers and set network to NONE, and added extra param of '--net=container:pia' 3. Confirmed by opening container console and using 'curl' 4. Because I can't seem to get the docker admin page to open the webui, I added a container for DashMachine to serve as a landing page Couple of notes: 1. I could no longer get it to redirect ports. Example, I wanted DashMachine mapped to port 80, but it ignored my mapping and used the default 5000. 2. Docker admin page no longer shows 'WebUI' option on these containers. Even when I hard coded the IP and port. 3. If you do what I did and forget to change network to none, it will fail to load and take your container out of the list. Just add it back manually using the 'add container' button. All your setting will still be there. At least mine were.
  13. I am working on a container stack using this one: Haven't gotten it all sorted yet, but I was able to connect with a test container and echo my IP. Returned the proper VPN IP, so I think it's going to be fine.
  14. I'm looking for help testing my new AMP container and template. (FYI, AMP requires a paid license / key) If you don't know what AMP is, it's an instance manager similar in function to Docker (not necessarily in technology). In other words, you can use it to create multiple instances of specific kinds of server software. Namely, it has built in support for many game servers like Minecraft or Counter-Strike. You can see the details and full list here: The evolution for Minecraft was McMyAdmin2 -> McMyAdmin3 -> AMP. After trying every other container based server panel, and even trying to install AMP directly in a VM, I was never satisfied with the both the function and performance. However, using this container, all my modded Minecraft issues are resolved. Large modpacks like Direwolf20 1.12 work fine (running from a cache-only share / SSD). Anyway, I have it up and running locally, but I am looking for some help testing it for general use. Let me know if you can help out. The github repo is here: Install by opening your docker admin page, and adding this repo URL to the Template Repositories list at the bottom of the page. Then add a new container, and select the "amp" template. FYI, I have only tested the Java Minecraft module so far. There could be missing dependencies for the other modules, so let me know if you find any. Thanks,