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Everything posted by Xan_Nava

  1. Yeah that is what I have been reading. Which luckily OpenVPN has google authentication built into it(which is what I use on aws). Though now I need to figure out how to have unraid be undiscoverable by other computers on the same network, as so a local pc has to use the vpn encase it gets hacked. Edit: Yeah looks like I will be going with a managed switch to make vlans, which UniFi Dream Machine seems to also have security built in so looking into that.
  2. Hi I just want a nice dual authentication for the webui(something like aws has) as like a plugin or docker. I can't find anything from what I know(limited vocabulary on server management so might not know what to look for). If this isn't possible, is there a way to have like a vpn on a raspberry pi that has it so I just make a connected session then tunnel through the pi to the server resources? Main reason I am asking is I host minecraft servers from home, and want to be able to log into my unraid when I am away(not with ssh because command line sucks).
  3. Hey has anyone made(I am a noob) like a docker with TeamCity and Unity3D for linux? If this can't work my next line of action is just make a windows VM for it.
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