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Everything posted by redbanana411

  1. Update - UniFi-Video is working again. I stopped the docker, went into the Journal directory above, and just deleted everything in a last desperate attempt. Re-started the docker and everything worked as normal.
  2. Hi, firstly great plugin. I've been using it since before it was on CA, and only recently started having trouble. After the dockers have all started up the dashboard will go blank like the picture attached, and in the settings area, my Nvidia Quadro K2000 has disappeared and the "Unit ID for Dashboard:" is blank. When I go into UnRaid Nvidia though I can see my K2000 GPU and the UUID as normal. Side note, when the GPU Stats plugin goes blank as below, Plex will not start with the error "decoder error: 254" and "Critical: libusb_init failed" Any help would be appreciated, I've already uninstalled the GPU Stats plugin and re-installed. -Redbanana411 P.S Also the Power for the K2000 has always shown as N/A/N/A shown in the second image after a reboot. Edit - Just tried to run "nvidia-smi -q -x" and got this error returned, so perhaps a dying GPU? Unable to determine the device handle for GPU 0000:1E:00.0: Unknown Error
  3. Hi, Anyone else seeing their AppData share fillup due to pducharme/unifi-video-controller? When I use Krusader to check size, the appdata/unifi-video/db-wt/journal directory is filling with thousands of "WiredTigerLog" files all 100MB each. I've stopped the docker for now as each time I start it gets stuck on "starting database services" and the logs start building again. Running latest update march 24th 5:11am Thanks
  4. Sorry just noticed my reply was on the wrong thread. Ignore me. Sorry if it’s already mentioned. How is everyone storing their recorded footage? On their UnRaid array? On an Unassigned device?? i currently am recording to a share on the array which only writes to 1 disk. Only issue is, when the 3TB disk gets full it’s doesn’t overwrite the oldest recording as it should. Instead the docker stops recording completely. The docker is still working and I can stream camera feeds, just no more recording. any help is greatly appreciated.
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