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Everything posted by ChesStrategy

  1. Has anyone here been able to get pydio-sync to work? Just wondering.
  2. Ok; I think I know what I did wrong... Thanks for the help!
  3. Also if it helps; this is what I found on official mysql site; they are the ones providing this official mysql docker image: Source (https://registry.hub.docker.com/_/mysql/)
  4. The LAN IP should be ok right? We don't need to port forward and use the WAN IP (or what the Inet sees from the router, correct?) If so; I'm getting this error. It is strange because I can connect to the DB with the same credentials via my Windows PC with MySQL Workbench. Not sure where Pydio is getting that IP from though (see attachment):
  5. i'm not familiar with that container, what ip address are you using in the pydio setup interface to connect with it ? I thought it would be as simple as using localhost or with the port number appended (3306); since both docker images are running on the unraid server.
  6. In the mySQL container; I have created a username and database. My mySQL docker is running with the following xml: .... .... </Description> <Registry>https://registry.hub.docker.com/_/mysql/</Registry> <Repository>mysql</Repository> <BindTime>true</BindTime> <Privileged>false</Privileged> <Environment> <Variable> <Name>MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD</Name> <Value>(A chosen root password)</Value> </Variable> <Variable> <Name>MYSQL_DATABASE</Name> <Value>d_mysql</Value> </Variable> <Variable> <Name>MYSQL_USER</Name> <Value>d_mysql_user</Value> </Variable> <Variable> <Name>MYSQL_PASSWORD</Name> <Value>(Some Password)</Value> </Variable> </Environment> ... ... I've also created the user d_mysql in unraid itself... When you said 'database', did you mean I needed to explicitly create a table in the database first?
  7. I've setup the mysql container from a different repo and was able to connect to it via MySQLWorkbench; but I cannot connect using pydio; I get the following error: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) Could someone help me?
  8. We have ownCloud; and I think... last I saw Seafile was mentioned in a poll... Is someone able to make a docker image for aeroFS? Supposedly they have a beta version for Docker 1.5 or newer; see here: Info here: https://www.aerofs.com/blog/aerofs-on-docker/ Official repo (I think?) with "aerofs-docker.sh" (Not sure how to get it to work; but if someone is willing to post instructions; willing to get hands dirty...) https://github.com/aerofs/aerofs-docker If anyone could get this to work (or help me create my own docker image with aerofs); will be extremely grateful!
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