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Posts posted by cinereus

  1. I have a dual port 10 GbE card. One is connected by 1 Gb to my router and one by 10 GbE to my PC.


    The PC connection works fine at 10 GbE. However, the router connection keeps dropping to 100 Mb no matter what I do. I have tried switching the ports. I have tried three ethernet cables. I keep getting the same issue.


    What is causing this and how can I get my connection back to 1 Gb?




  2. On 7/6/2024 at 3:28 PM, cinereus said:

    Okay I fixed it. The reason the button wasn't working was because no internet access. It should open a popup to tailscale dash but didn't and no error message.


    Please consider this a bug report for that.

    I have this issue again but the button popup isn't working at all now.


    I can click the reauthenticate button 100 times but nothing happens and in the meantime lots of things on my server are broken.




    How else can I reauthenticate other than by this broken button?

  3. 3 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

    I don't think it is, though the message from v6.9 is probably different, but if it is the equivalent o the current message, it means the adapter is configured but there's no link detected, the current message is clearer:




    eth2 has link, eth3 doesn't, but that error will only show up for the first NIC if there are multiple NICs with the same issue, for example, if I port down eth1, I see this:




    I think v6.9 already has the port down option, try clicking that and the error should go way, or connect a cable.




    But I've never had anything connected to that port and it's never displayed that message before.


    This is a new message and only shown for that one port.


    I also get this message on network settings page:




    Notably it doesn't say that for port 1.


    Isn't that message for when a cable is connected but there is no connection? eth1 has nothing plugged in.


    The port up and port down buttons are greyed out:




  4. On 7/7/2024 at 10:37 AM, JorgeB said:

    Any special reason you are still on 6.9.2? No link is being detected on eth1.


    Also note that you have multiple gateways set, typically only eth0 should have a gateway configured, or you could have connectivity issues.

    I'm rolled back to 6.9.2 because last time I updated it messed up my zsh install. I will try to upgrade again after v7 comes out.


    No link is being detected but that's irrelevant to the message being shown. No link is detected on the other two and they aren't showing that message.


    I'm trying to figure out what that means and why it is being shown there and only there. Surely the message must mean something?!

  5. 11 hours ago, EDACerton said:

    You have to approve it in the Tailscale admin console.




    The expiration piece was probably just related to the server being unable to contact Tailscale; that seems to confuse the Tailscale client in some cases. Unfortunately, there's not much that I can do to resolve that part with the plugin -- I can only report back what the client tells me. :(

    I know. There is no option I can find anywhere in admin console. Where exactly? 

  6. Okay I fixed it. The reason the button wasn't working was because no internet access. It should open a popup to tailscale dash but didn't and no error message.


    Please consider this a bug report for that.


    I also had expiry disabled so don't know why it expired. Another bug report for that please.


    However, I still get this issue




    It's not obvious where to approve this.

  7. 24 minutes ago, EDACerton said:


    Go into the plugin settings, there is a diagnostics button there. Post the complete file that it downloads. (This includes the normal system diagnostics plus additional data for Tailscale.)



    (i have fixed the internet access issue as just needed to change gateway but tailscale still shows that error) and my other machines can't use the tailscale hostname to access server.


  8. 15 minutes ago, itimpi said:

    It would normally mean that the interface is not detecting a physical connection.

    That can't be correct. I have four interfaces. Only one has anything plugged in. The other two don't day this. 


    I've never had this appear on any of the four ports when something isn't plugged in.


    It still appears when someone is connected. 


    I've never seen this before. 

  9. Tailscale literally suddenly stopped working. I was on my server GUI, started an array rebuild and then pressed F5 and suddenly I can't access it via tailscale magic DNS hostname. Direct IP still works.


    When I go to Tailscale plugin I get this:




    However nothing happens when I click "Reauthenticate" and in my Tailscale dashboard my server is set to never expire.


    What's going on?

  10. Quote

    Click on status icon to send wake

    What on earth does this mean? How do I send a wol packet?


    I used to have the simple wol terminal executable on my machine but it doesn't seem to work any more.


    How on earth do I just install wol on unraid?!

  11. 3 hours ago, explosionhole said:

    I am having networking issues, which have occurred after updating get Tailscale plugin earlier this week.


    Unraid is my home server, IPv4


    Docker is running within this server, which I have not directly configured any network / DNS settings, but had worked without issue.


    Running containers have port mapping so be accessed via the local network, which I expect to use the above address. I also use the Nginx Proxy Manager (NPM) container as a front-facing reverse proxy for incoming connections to LetsEncrypt SSL certs.


    I cannot complete the creation of a new NPM Host. The direct log file contains:


    [5/17/2024] [9:30:07 AM] [SSL      ] › ℹ  info      Requesting Let'sEncrypt certificates for Cert #26: sab.redswitch.co.uk
    [5/17/2024] [9:30:07 AM] [SSL      ] › ℹ  info      Command: certbot certonly --config "/etc/letsencrypt.ini" --work-dir "/tmp/letsencrypt-lib" --logs-dir "/tmp/letsencrypt-log" --cert-name "npm-26" --agree-tos --authenticator webroot --email "[email protected]" --preferred-challenges "dns,http" --domains "sab.redswitch.co.uk" 
    [5/17/2024] [9:30:07 AM] [Global   ] › ⬤  debug     CMD: certbot certonly --config "/etc/letsencrypt.ini" --work-dir "/tmp/letsencrypt-lib" --logs-dir "/tmp/letsencrypt-log" --cert-name "npm-26" --agree-tos --authenticator webroot --email "[email protected]" --preferred-challenges "dns,http" --domains "sab.redswitch.co.uk" 
    [5/17/2024] [9:30:10 AM] [Nginx    ] › ⬤  debug     Deleting file: /data/nginx/temp/letsencrypt_26.conf
    [5/17/2024] [9:30:10 AM] [Global   ] › ⬤  debug     CMD: /usr/sbin/nginx -t -g "error_log off;"
    [5/17/2024] [9:30:10 AM] [Nginx    ] › ℹ  info      Reloading Nginx
    [5/17/2024] [9:30:10 AM] [Global   ] › ⬤  debug     CMD: /usr/sbin/nginx -s reload
    [5/17/2024] [9:30:10 AM] [Express  ] › ⚠  warning   Saving debug log to /tmp/letsencrypt-log/letsencrypt.log
    Some challenges have failed.
    Ask for help or search for solutions at https://community.letsencrypt.org. See the logfile /tmp/letsencrypt-log/letsencrypt.log or re-run Certbot with -v for more details.


    I have attached the Tailscale plugin diagnostics as well as the letsencrypt-log file (obtained from within the NPM container).


    If I open Unraid's console:

    1. "nslookup tower" (the Unraid hostname), it returns the Tailscale FQDN
    2. I cannot find any other hostname that resolves to the LAN IPv4 address I am expecting
    3. "ping tower" hits
    4. "ping tower.local" returns "Name or service not known"



    Can I ask for some help please?




    npm_letsencrypt-log.txt 18.43 kB · 0 downloads Tower-tailscale-diag-20240517-093835.zip 187.74 kB · 0 downloads

    Have you installed the latest update to the plugin?

  12. The latest version of tailscale has broken all my dockers.


    It sets the DNS for the host system and all dockers to using magic DNS.


    However none of the dockers can ping so all services that require DNS fail.


    The previous version of tailscale was working fine, the 2024-05-11 seems to have broken everything.

  13. The latest version of tailscale has broken all my dockers.


    It sets the DNS for the host system and all dockers to using magic DNS.


    However none of the dockers can ping so all services that require DNS fail.


    The previous version of tailscale was working fine, the 2024-05-11 seems to have broken everything.

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