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  1. Thanks for the input, the problem was that the temporary cache-drive (nvme0n1) had hardware errors as well. I made a manual switch, I moved away the cached shares, and recreated the cache with the new drives. Then made a restore from "appdata backup" and rebooted. Now it seems to work - I hope.
  2. Here are the diagnostics. My current cache(Temporary 1TB disk) drive having it's issues as well... colossus-diagnostics-20240626-1223.zip
  3. Hi! Had a crash with my cachepool and now standing with a single 1TB m2 that I would like to replace with two new 2TB m2 and expand the cache to 2TB. What would be the best and easiest way to do that?
  4. Works like a charm for me! Saw that you added the OpenID-fix to firstrun.sh as well and it worked! - Thanks!
  5. @Taddeusz , please include the fix in firstrun.sh for openid if you update the docker, otherwise it will break all users using it.
  6. Hi! Looks like unrar is missing from the latest build?
  7. I was thinking what make threadrippers special - many cores. I actually think this is a multi-core issue, maybe it isn't that common to have 64 cores available to rtorrent?
  8. Maybe I actually found a workaround. I pinned some cores 4+4HT to the container and now it seems to behave much better.
  9. I have the exact same issue. rtorrent is more or less frozen whenever it downloads. Did you resolve it? (I have a thread ripper as well)
  10. I'm running Nginx Proxy Manager with guacamole and have no problems with SSH now when I tried (again). I have enabled "Websockets Support" and under "Custom Nginx Configuration" I've added "proxy_buffering off;"
  11. I think this will work in firstrun.sh: OPTOPENID=${OPT_OPENID^^} if [ "$OPTOPENID" = "Y" ]; then if [ -f "$GUAC_EXT"/*openid*.jar ]; then oldOpenidFiles=( "$GUAC_EXT"/*openid*.jar ) newOpenidFiles=( "$EXT_STORE"/openid/*openid*.jar ) if diff ${oldOpenidFiles[0]} ${newOpenidFiles[0]} >/dev/null ; then echo "Using existing OpenID extension." else echo "Upgrading OpenID extension." rm "$GUAC_EXT"/*openid*.jar find ${EXT_STORE}/openid/ -name "*.jar" | awk -F/ '{print $NF}' | xargs -I '{}' cp "${EXT_STORE}/openid/{}" "${GUAC_EXT}/1-{}" CHANGES=true fi else echo "Copying OpenID extension." find ${EXT_STORE}/openid/ -name "*.jar" | awk -F/ '{print $NF}' | xargs -I '{}' cp "${EXT_STORE}/openid/{}" "${GUAC_EXT}/1-{}" CHANGES=true fi elif [ "$OPTOPENID" = "N" ]; then if [ -f "$GUAC_EXT"/*openid*.jar ]; then echo "Removing OpenID extension." rm "$GUAC_EXT"/*openid*.jar fi fi
  12. The only way is to make sure that the openid-extension is loaded first is to rename it so it sorts first. Thats why they rename it to 1-openidextensionname.jar when they copying it to the extension folder.
  13. Hi! I looked in the official guacamole/guacamole docker, and they handle it in the start.sh-file: # Update config file set_property "openid-authorization-endpoint" "$OPENID_AUTHORIZATION_ENDPOINT" set_property "openid-jwks-endpoint" "$OPENID_JWKS_ENDPOINT" set_property "openid-issuer" "$OPENID_ISSUER" set_property "openid-client-id" "$OPENID_CLIENT_ID" set_property "openid-redirect-uri" "$OPENID_REDIRECT_URI" set_optional_property "openid-username-claim-type" "$OPENID_USERNAME_CLAIM_TYPE" # Add required .jar files to GUACAMOLE_EXT # "1-{}" make it sorted as a first provider (only authentication) # so it can work together with the database providers (authorization) find /opt/guacamole/openid/ -name "*.jar" | awk -F/ '{print $NF}' | \ xargs -I '{}' ln -s "/opt/guacamole/openid/{}" "${GUACAMOLE_EXT}/1-{}" Is this somehing you could add to this docker as well @Taddeusz ? /Fredrik
  14. No change, then it shows the ordinary login again. I would say this is a Guacamole bug, but would be nice to have a workaround in the docker until it is fixed.
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