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Everything posted by rjmorgan

  1. For those still having trouble running mineos-node outside of privilege, I did the following and it works now. The container still crashes when multiple players have joined at different times, but server will at least operate outside of privileged. Trying the other binhex minecraft docker to see if it is more stable. (I found this during the process of moving over to the other binhex docker because that docker wouldn't even start until I did the following) This is on the support page for the other docker. If this is a duplicate post and someone else has resolved the problem here, my apologies.
  2. Thanks to those of you who were working on this. I've resolved the problem.... If you can believe it, sometimes it takes turning off the machine, unplugging it, walking away for a few hours, and turning it back on.
  3. Here is the diagnostics file: I tried connecting to a different router with the same result. tower-diagnostics-20210328-0809.zip
  4. I shutdown the server to install a GPU and after restart, the IP address was a 169.x.x.x. During the startup I do see a message cannot find device "br1" br1 does not exist. I've checked the hardware and both the bios settings for the server and the gui in unraid still recognize the NIC, but I'm not sure what I've done that wont allow it to connect. I have checked my router (UI Dream Machine) and there are no settings that would keep it from connecting. At this point I have removed the GPU and still am not able to reconnect. Any help to get me back together would be much appreciated. UNRAID 6.8.3
  5. I am also having the same problem. Trying to install Big Sur and Catalina is what is installing.
  6. Thanks for your willingness to help. I've figured this problem out. I was in AHCI mode in the bios rather than raid. Changing that setting has allowed my disks to become available to assign. Sorry for all the files before.
  7. I'm hoping that I've got a simple setting messed up that is not allowing the drives to be recognized. Attached diagnostics.
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