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Everything posted by jrprinty

  1. Thank you @JonathanM and @JorgeB. I was hoping but figured I had read that incorrectly. Thank you for the clarification .
  2. @JorgeB Am I reading this correctly, does unRAID now support Multipath SAS connections?
  3. That worked like a charm. Thank you so much dmacias!! Now I just got to figure out how to fix my runtime since it shows 14 hours. I could only wish that was the case.
  4. Okay so I ran upgradepkg with and got it installed. I think you might be right on needing the net-snmp updated. The new error now is root@unRAID-01:~# /etc/rc.d/rc.nut start Writing nut config Updating permissions... Network UPS Tools - UPS driver controller /usr/libexec/nut/snmp-ups: error while loading shared libraries: libnetsnmp.so.35: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory Driver failed to start (exit status=127) Thank you for your help dmacias and the plugin.
  5. I'm sure I've missed a step or post on here somewhere but when trying to connect to a CyberPower UPS with SNMP the NUT service will not start. If I try to run it with command line It says: root@unRAID-01:~# /etc/rc.d/rc.nut start Writing nut config Updating permissions... Network UPS Tools - UPS driver controller /usr/libexec/nut/snmp-ups: error while loading shared libraries: libcrypto.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory Driver failed to start (exit status=127) This is on a new install of unRAID 6.8.3 Any help would be appreciated.
  6. Thank you so much for the documentation. I just ran into this same issue with a DS4246 and the NetApp HBA and have already bought the Dell controllers and an LSI 9201-16e yesterday out of desperation. This now confirms I’m not crazy nor the one person that’s had this issue. I just wish I would have found this post a week ago before spending all the time researching the problem that nobody else seemed to have. I have even went so far as to RMA the HBA, DS4246, and the QSFP cable. The new ones of those will be here Saturday but the Dell and LSI stuff won’t be here until Monday. Also I did get my drives formatted but during boot/starting of the array drives would drop out randomly and I’d have to pull them out and reinsert them hoping they’d show up correctly.
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