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Everything posted by pupmeister

  1. I have been searching everywhere that I can think of, and I cannot find anything about 4k HDR content and how you can transcode it. Any help in this area would be appreciated.
  2. It is a network drive that I have mapped and mounted using the unassigned devices that I use for backups. I have just now unmounted as I now actually do the backups through a method that does not need it to be mounted locally. Thanks
  3. Hi I am getting a constant warning every few weeks from fix common problems stating that my system logs are filling up. This last time I was able to capture the diagnostic file before I had to reboot the system to clear the logs. I am running the latest stable release of Unraid 6.9.2 and use a AMD Ryzen 7 3700X on a ASRock X470 Taichi Ultimate. I run multiple dockers including Emby, Tdarr, Radarr, Sonarr, sabnzbd and qbittorrent. The system will run for a few weeks with no problem and then suddenly I will get the notification that the log files are filling up and the system becomes unstable shortly thereafter and I normally forced to do a hard restart because I cant get any response from the system. Any help would be appreciated. blueduck-diagnostics-20210622-0600.zip
  4. I have got the following error from Fix Common Problems. "Your server has detected hardware errors. You should install mcelog via the NerdPack plugin, post your diagnostics and ask for assistance on the unRaid forums. The output of mcelog (if installed) has been logged" Luckily I had mcelog installed so I have attached my diagnostics, so hopefully somebody can help me with this. Furthermore I sometimes get errors that my log is to full. Last time this happened I was unable to download my diagnostic files and could only restart my machine. Hopefully somebody could tell me what is causing this error. Thanks Stephen blueduck-diagnostics-20210525-2038.zip
  5. I am just going from the description in the Github Page "Gaps searches through your Plex Server or local folders for all movies, then queries for known movies in the same collection. If those movies don't exist in your library, Gaps will recommend getting those movies, legally of course." I did try and get the windows version from the Github page working, but could not figure it out.
  6. To quote the previous question, any update on this or the ability to just scan my movies folders.
  7. Yes Linux FFmpeg NVENC binary (3.4.5 for unRAID compatibility) is on. I actually found a solution that seems to work in thread on handbrake on Reddit, and was not mentioned in the posts that I read or needed for the other containers that use the GPU. Add a variable NVIDIA_DRIVER_CAPABILITIES and set the value to all . Seems to be working now. Thanks for trying to help me.
  8. I have answered your questions in blue above to the best of abilities. I know that the GPU is working, because I can get it to pass through to Emby and unmanic. I did stop both these dockers during my testing to ensure that I did not interefere. Thanks Stephen
  9. Has anybody been able to sort out this problem with the conversion not been able to load libnvcuvid.so.1? I have tried all the options quote above, and am running the latest 6.8.3 Nvidia Build, the AIO version of the docker.
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