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Everything posted by TooMayHardDrives

  1. Agreed. I am currently testing 3 NAS solutions one of them being UNRAID. The other two each have their own strengths and weaknesses but the one thing they both have is the ability to have "real" linux system GROUPS and USERS with the ability to HARDEN the system. I was taken by surprise that after creating a low privileged GROUP and USER and then using that USER to ssh into UNRAID that that user who was to have no access to the system other then its own HOME directory was able to access all the SHARES and other directories and was able to READ and WRITE even when those folders were owned by ROOT and the permissions were set to RWX - - - - - - . I'm a belt, suspenders, duct tape, staples and paperclip kind of person. It just seems wrong not to be able to harden UNRAID and to rely solely on an external router/firewall to protect the UNRAID server.
  2. Not sure if that would accomplish what I am trying to do and it seems like a lot of jumping thru hoops to achieve what I am trying to do. Is there no undocumented or should I say unofficial way to enable REAL linux accounts/users? Or is there a method to install on full blown OS. I see that was possible in the past but now not so sure.
  3. It does what I need and I don't have that "Is my Time Machine backup going to fail just when I need it feeling."
  4. ? ? ? The VM (virtual machine) would be another OS running on top of UNRAID correct? So how would / what would allow the VM user to access UNRAID any differently and place files on the system? I'm confused with your suggestion? Can you provide details?
  5. Hello and thank you for the fast reply. Would like to have linux user ( NEWUSERNAME ) that has limited abilities. For example NEWUSERNAME could be used to SFTP files from other systems on the network to unshared directories on UNRAID. If needed scripts could then move files to desired shares.
  6. Hello Trying to figure out how to create a LINUX user that obeys file/folder permissions and does not act like ROOT. I did the following: groupadd NEWGROUPNAME -g NEWGROUPID useradd -g NEWGROUPNAME -m /mnt/user/NEWUSERNAME -u 1000 NEWUSERNAME Then I make the home directory and public/private key for the NEWUSERNAME. I change the permissions of the SHARES that I DO NOT want the NEWUSERNAME to have access to. drwxr-x--- 1 UNRAID-SHARE-PRIVATE UNRAID-SHARE-PRIVATE 118 May 11 19:03 UNRAID-SHARE-PRIVATE/ I verify that the UNRAID SHARE USER can still access the UNRAID-SHARE-PRIVATE. I DO NOT setup NEWUSERNAME as a user within the UNRAID GUI. I then ssh into the UNRAID server using NEWUSERNAME. To my surprise NEWUSERNAME ignores the file permissions set on UNRAID-SHARE-PRIVATE. NEWUSERNAME can READ & WRITE to the UNRAID-SHARE-PRIVATE. Is this doable? Does UNRAID treat everyone that SSHs in the server as ROOT? Is it that every file & folder is treated as if they have drwxrwxrwx permissions? Add yes I found this out AFTER I had created scripts to keep things persistent after reboots. -TooManyHardDrive
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