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  1. Before recreating the docker image, I wanted to try to create a different network with parent as br0 (for ipvlan) in one container and use it in other containers. With this configuration it works somehow. If I enable/disable the docker everythig start now. Created main network from pihole container and used the same network in other container as below. pihole: networks: vlan_network: ipv4_address: networks: vlan_network: driver: ipvlan driver_opts: parent: br0 ipam: driver: default config: - subnet: ip_range: gateway: and other networks: networks: pihole_vlan_network: ipv4_address: networks: pihole_vlan_network: external: true Is this just a fluke or was I doing it wrong before? any insights (to understand). If this fails, I will recreated= docker image as suggested.
  2. I think I might have found the issue, but I am not sure how to resolve it. Everytime I do enable/disable docker it doesn't preserve my network, with macvlan as well as ipvlan. Now the id is different, even though I have preserve user defined networks enabled. Am I doing anything wrong?
  3. Even with the macvlan, bridging disabled, I am getting the network not found error. switching either to ipvan or macvlan doesn't start up the custom network. All my dockers are custom, all start fine, except the one that are external are not starting up. I think I have all the settings correct. And this is the docker: my custom networks: sample of my docker compose in Portainer: services: homeassistant: container_name: homeassistant image: "ghcr.io/home-assistant/home-assistant:stable" labels: - net.unraid.docker.icon=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/linuxserver/docker-templates/master/linuxserver.io/img/homeassistant-logo.png - net.unraid.docker.webui= volumes: - /mnt/user/appdata/home_assistant/config:/config - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro - /run/dbus:/run/dbus:ro restart: always networks: eth0: ipv4_address: ports: - 8123:8123 networks: eth0: external: true May be I am doing something wrong. Diagnostics also attached if it helps. unraid-diagnostics-20240617-1301.zip
  4. Oh looks like that was the issue. No more traces in the logs 😀. I switched to ipvlan, but now when I reboot the docker all my dockers that uses custom network with static IP are not starting. I get this error These are the settings I have in the docker networks I deleted the custom network and recreated again, but getting same issue during the docker start. Anything I am doing wrong? Thank you,
  5. Oh got it, I will give it another try with less RAM and run unraid for a while.
  6. As suggested, I did memtest. I have two RAM sticks. I did the test again for individual RAMs and all tests are passed. It took long. What I did was after 6 successfull passes I stopped and exchanged the RAM and did memtest again for 6 passes. Is that the process, or should I let it continue? I don't know how many passes it needs to confirm that RAMs are fine. After that I rebooted the machine to unRAID and I see there are trace calls (like before) as attached. Any suggestions?
  7. Did a memtest from unraid boot option with both RAM. passed the test for 6 passes.
  8. I am back, but server hasn't crashed 🤩..... yet. So I am in an aggressive monitoring mode. I am checking the syslog to see if I encounter any lines with red color or mention of error. I see there is some lines with kernel tainted in CPU 3 with some proccess ID lsof. I have no idea what it means, a quick google and my speculation suggests that the kernel is not in pristine condition. Can you check with your experienced eyes if you see any warnings or errors, that I need to worry? The diagnostics are attached. unraid-diagnostics-20240605-2147.zip
  9. Did a chkdsk of a boot drive on a windows machine fixed the read-only issue. I was also able to enable the syslog mirror on the usb drive. Hopefully I will be able to share the diagnostic now if server crashes.
  10. in the monitor i see: unraid login: sed: couldn’t open temporary file /boot/config/sedwmnHkH: Read-only file system but this time i was able to login the ui, and i see red notification USB flash drive failure: time Alert[UNRAID] - USB drive is not read-write Cruzer_Fit(sda) does this mean my usb is failing? I will enable syslog server this time.
  11. no cli. cannot ssh to the machine. it is headless, may be try to hook the monitor?
  12. Unfortunately, when I was planning to enable syslog server, I noticed that the server is not accessible from web UI as well as ssh. I did hard reboot and unraid is seen in the DHCP clients of my router but cannot access webui and ssh. Looks like the server is dead. 😭 What should be my next step, any guidance?
  13. I noticed that, so I ran xfs_repair for both disk 2 before and still see that. I could not find lost+found in disk root directory. Am I using the right syntax: xfs_repair -V -L /dev/md2p1 xfs_repair -V -L /dev/md1p1 My server crashed this morning. When checking in the UDM (router), I was not able to see unRAID IP in the clients, but server was running; running in the sense that it had power but was not able to access it via SSH and WebUI. so had to force restart. Not sure what is causing this crash. Here is the diagnostics after the restart, if you can find something. unraid-diagnostics-20240601-1108.zip
  14. Now the xfs corruption shifted to disk 1 😢. Going to do same thing for disk 1.
  15. I get the same but in my router pihole takes the static IP that I assigned here. Can you access the pihole webui? in your case.
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