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Everything posted by 1300GT

  1. Thanks for another great video, they're really helpful and explained well. However, I have one big problem with this one that I can't resolve. Everything went fine and I setup with own domain / sub domains but I can no longer login to Nextcloud? It's sits for about 20 seconds and then reports 'Wrong username or password'? I know the password is correct (I've checked through saved login details on laptop browser to double check username and p/w. I can also see the password in the config file that you alter in this video). I have tripled checked everything is spelled correctly when altering the config and conf files as I did find another user having this problem but they had spelt something wrong. At a total loss now. Is it something to do with config file in Nextcloud having the variable 'dbuser' => 'nextcloud' ? I was assuming this is more to do with actual install and share name rather than a user? I only had one setup under admin for my Nextcloud instance but that and the password just won't let me in.
  2. As an update to this William at Asrock has sorted the problem straight off! If anyone else has similar it looks like the shipped BIOS version is too low to support the newer refreshed Coffee Lake-S CPU's. You can check your version off the small sticker on the actual motherboard. Was fairly straight forward to sort. Logged in through IPMI, went to maintenance and update BIOS. Chose the custom 2.21A BIOS update that was previously posted to this thread. Server then booted with no problems. For good measure I also updated the BMC after this to 1.80 from Asrock website. Early days but all hardware, memory storage and fans all seem to be correct and in order. Now the fun of trying to build first Unraid server begins! If this helps anyone in future all thanks need to go to William for the super quick help and simple to follow support.
  3. Thank you. Had seen that but unfortunately have had no luck. Annoyingly I have the exact same memory modules as mentioned by the other users on page 12 but have tried resetting CMOS and putting each stick in the A2 slot just to get to BIOS even once to reflash but no such luck. Hesitant to email William at Asrock who's mentioned in this thread, seems wrong to bother chap directly just because his email has been posted on a forum. I have posted email to general support at Asrock but just received areply to contact seller first. That's gonna be problem as board was hard to find over here in England and ended up getting off small scale seller throuh eBay.
  4. Thanks for the tips, I appreciate this isn't really place to be asking all this so thanks for the help. Unfortunately I can't get into bios. I've tried F2 / delete on bootup with no luck. It shows an IP address when ethernet cable in ipmi port but won't connect to it. (Assuming I'm trying correctly as I've never used ipmi before). I assume it's just case of browsing that IP through pc browser at http://xxx.xxx.x.xx ? Just tells me it's unreachable. You say it sat forever, perhaps I need to leave it for a very long time at this stage? Longest I've left it is approx ten mins before giving up. Just had battery out for last half hour to make sure CMOS reset. Booted with only one ram and CPU. Still same problem. But one other thing did happen. Just before during intel reference code execution (motherboard was showing code 13 at time) it powered off and rebooted itself and then stopped again at same old problem.
  5. Actually says in board specification at start of manual there is a 1 pin jumper? Anyways I've been pulling the battery but only for about 1 or 2 minutes each time with no luck but now perhaps it's cos I haven't actually cleared it each time? Argh. If 1 min is enough to clear it I'm at a total loss now if it's motherboard or memory up the spout. I'm assuming if it's cpu problem would be easier to spot? I've unplugged everything including keyboard, case fans etc. Only thing in is cpu, CPU fan and one of the sticks of memory. I've tried each stick singularly in each slot at various attempts. Always just hangs at south bridge initialization. I need a beer.
  6. Sorry this is not strictly unraid problem here but I've finally (after much delay) finished getting the build together I mentioned earlier in the post but have a problem with the E3C246D4U motherboard and wondered if someone could point in right direction. Hitting a problem on boot with the DXE South bridge initialization? It sits forever at this stage with code 72 on the screen (which I believe is just the initialization stage starting) and error code 11 on the board itself which is in the memory range. I've unplugged everything, even fans on motherboard, just to leave cpu and memory. I've got two dimms and tried both even each one singular in each slot. (If I boot with none it throws up error earlier in boot process saying no memory found). However, what is my main problem is how the hell on earth do you clear the CMOS on this board? Don't laugh but can't find a jumper anywhere! it's not labelled on board diagram in manual and can't see anything labeled CMOS, cncl or anything similar on board itself?? (It's hard to fully see clearly with cpu cooler and everything else in way). I can try all sorts but unless I can clear this it's probably not helping. Im obviously being thick as hell but it's absolutely stumped me. Any help appreciated with other owners of this board! Please.
  7. Thanks for the clarification re the parity & cache drive, that fits in with other things I'd heard researching this. I'm a Linux user so ok with rsync. I'll have a look at Krusader and do some reading up. I'd mounted my Qnap as an SMB before and transfer rates were mind numbingly slow. Guess at this point will just have to get stuck in and work out best way. Thanks for the guidance.
  8. Thanks for the tip, I'll make a note to do this. Do I just mount the Qnap as a share within UnRaid and let it (probably slowly) copy it all across or is there a program in UnRaid that manages this and would be better to use?
  9. Thanks for reply. Should be ok on this point by the sounds of it. I've ripped and transcoded my Blu-ray's into mkv format single files and the other files are either FLACs and raw photos.
  10. I can see quite a lot of threads on this and loathe to start a new one but they all seem to give conflicting advice based on particular hardware setups. Going to hopefully build first UnRaid server over next few days. I then want to copy files from my Qnap TVS-471 onto it. UnRaid server will be main server with Qnap relegated to onsite backup. UnRaid setup will be to start [1 500gb SSD cache drive, 3 X iron wolf 14tb HDDs, one as parity]. With media library this is going to be about 20tb in total to move. I can't work out a proper workflow of how to aporoach this? 1. Do I disable cache drive and setup a parity drive after migrating all the data? 2. What's best way, that provides fastest transfer speeds, to connect the Qnap to the server? I haven't got a switch on my network but can I ethernet cable it directly and simply mount it in UnRaid or is there an UnRaid specific utility that will handle this in a neater more reliable way? 3. Should I zip up / archive it all first to help with transfer? 4. As it's mostly media files does UnRaid do anything odd where it may split files across discs that may cause playback problems unless copied in specific fashion? Thanks.
  11. That's good to hear and makes sense. Think I will just go for it as I can't find any other mATX motherboard with the features and 8 SATA ports to fit my smallish build plan. I have a spare Quadro P2000 I will put in if all else fails but was going to get shot of it as it seemed overkill and rely solely on the CPU. Thanks for the help. Looking forward to building first UnRaid server. Finances willing!
  12. Thanks for the clarification, good to know the exact situation. Only worry I have about this is how much support is the modified BIOS going to receive moving forward? No other problems seem to be raising their head but I'm worried that some future fix we all need will only be made on official BIOS release and not the custom one and we lose quicksync? To be fair contact at Asrock seems on the money and above and beyond helpful. Do we know if they are planning to roll quicksync into official firmware?
  13. Hello I'm considering the E3C246D4U motherboard to pair with a Xeon E-228G but have two queries after reading through this thread: 1. Does quicksync only work with the custom 2.10A firmware mentioned or is it working in the officially available 2.30 firmware? If the official firmware is used do you have to choose whether to use only quicksync or only ipmi? 2. The high temps being mentioned with custom firmware - are these just incorrect sensor readings or is the firmware actually affecting the fans and causing high temps? Thanks.
  14. Thanks for the information, it's cleared up a couple of points I was wondering about nicely. With regards the security issue maybe I didn't word it as best I can. I have some knowledge of general aspects of it all, just meant I'm far from expert and in some ways a little knowledge is more dangerous! My current NAS does only have the Plex SSL connection port forwarded, it's not wide open access. That just seems a bit of a basic approach when talking about a full server. Guess what I was wondering is best security approach to cover a server that will have remote Plex access and a Nextcloud instance that 2 or 3 people will need to access to. Hardware box such as pfsense between it and the router or software solution such as VPN or similar? Guess my queries now aren't really UnRaid related, more general server security so will try and read up further rather than ask on here. One more question if you can though? How secure are dockers to one another? Presumably if Plex access for example is compromised it means access to the full array could be achieved not just the Plex related files? Thanks again.
  15. Hope it's alright to post a wide range of general queries in one post? Currently have a Qnap NAS. Primary uses are a 25tb Plex library and backup for photo and video editing. It's not bad but has limitations and growing daily with a limit of only 4 HDDs. Keen to get stuck into building my own NAS and on top of the above also use it as a Nextcloud server for document sharing and editing along with personal file backups. Possibly depending on options in the long term I may look at some sort of CCTV recording backup too and move my emails over to Nextcloud. System setup I'm considering: Xeon E-2278G CPU ASRock E3C246D4U motherboard 512gb SSD [cache] 12TB HDD [Parity] 10TB HDD X 3 [Array] with space to add 3 more Fractal Node 804 case I've never used dockers before and although I think I understand how they work I'm still wary of some limitations I may not have thought of. 1. Is it best practice to place the Appdata folder on the cache drive? In this case presumably 512gb is sufficient? I've already got thumbnail metadata turned off in Plex but how bloated is a server with selection of dockers likely to get? When I first move my library over to the new server is this going to flood the cache and is there anything that needs doing at this point? 2. Is there any benefit in having two cache drives? 3. With space to expand with 3 more drives presumably it's best to have one already installed and waiting to use in case of failure in meantime? 4. What happens if parity drive fails, do you need to back this up? GPU I have a spare Quadro P2000 I was going to put in for offloading any transcoding that should be needed for Plex. (I realise with that CPU & quicksync this is overkill even with 4k stuff I have as I've remuxed it properly to direct play. But as I have it I may as well use it and have it there for any future need) 1. Is there anything extra that needs installing on UnRaid to utilise a GPU? 2. How do dockers / VMs work with the GPU? If one is using it is it locked out to other dockers to use? Security My Qnap is rather stupidly internet facing with a minimum of security currently in place. I'd like to fix this on the new build but have a distinct lack of knowledge in the area! Started off looking at things such as reverse proxies and ended up reading up on pfsense boxes between the router and server. 1. Is this over the top? 2. Is there a definitive guide or best place to start that covers best practice for security of UnRaid servers for beginners? I'll use the Qnap as off site backup for essential stuff but would still like to minimise any disruption Thanks in advance for any pointers.
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