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  1. itimpi's post in "Nobody" as owner was marked as the answer   
    The ‘nobody’ user is normally the correct user.   Have you tried running Tools->New Permissions against a share which has these problems.
  2. itimpi's post in No Space Left on Device was marked as the answer   
    Your Split Level setting is too restrictive.  Split Level will over-ride the other settings in the event of contention on selecting a drive.
  3. itimpi's post in Data unvailable - Unmountable: Unsupported or no file system was marked as the answer   
    If you restart in normal mode then the emulated disk should now mount and you can check that it has the data you expect.   When you get around to rebuilding then the contents of the emulated disk will be rebuilt onto the physical replacement drive.
  4. itimpi's post in New USB Drive was marked as the answer   
    You have a limited number of automated licence transfers per year.    If you need to do more than that then you need to contact support.
  5. itimpi's post in Is there an API built-in to Unraid or not, 6.12? was marked as the answer   
    Not at the moment as far as I know.   
    Whether an official API is ever going to appear I have no idea but with the large number of internal changes likely to be needed for the 6.13 release that release is probably Limetech's priority at the moment.
  6. itimpi's post in Media share only filling up one drive was marked as the answer   
    That is expected behaviour.    The potential cutover points are based on the size of the largest data drive.   Since you say this is 8GB the first cutover point will occur when disk1 has 4TB left.    Since at this point no drive has more than 4TB free then disk1 will continue to be used until it has 2TB free.    It as that point you should expect disk2 to be used until it is down to 2TB free, etc
    This is described in some detail here in the online documentation accessible via the ‘Manual’ link at the bottom of the GUI or the DOCS link at the top of each forum page.
  7. itimpi's post in Unraid won't start was marked as the answer   
    Are you getting the Unraid boot menu?
    If not then rewriting the bz* type files as described here in the online documentation accessible via the Manual link at the bottom of the Unraid GUI.  In addition every forum page has a DOCS link at the top and a Documentation link at the bottom might help.
  8. itimpi's post in I can't recover backup file on the same USB driver. was marked as the answer   
    Try using the Manual method of creating the flash drive - it tends to be more reliable.
  9. itimpi's post in How to add a new cache to the old cache to make up the raid1 cache was marked as the answer   
    What file system type did you use for the cache?    If it was XFS then the answer is yes.   However if it was BTRFS then you can new drives dynamically.
    You may find this section of the online documentation to be of use.
  10. itimpi's post in Worry about rights on SMB shares. was marked as the answer   
    You should probably run Tools->New Permissions (probably better named as Reset Permissions) on the shares to get them to the Unraid defaults so that the SMB level ones then get applied for network access.
  11. itimpi's post in Unraid 6.12.3 - Moving to new rig and need sanity check was marked as the answer   
  12. itimpi's post in Protecting Pool Data was marked as the answer   
    The easiest way is to make the pool redundant by adding another drive to it and running it in RAID1 configuration.   However that is still not foolproof as things other than drive failure can cause data loss so you should still have a backup strategy for the data such as using something like the appdata backup plugin to make regular backups to the main array.
  13. itimpi's post in New Shares Not Reporting All Available Free Space was marked as the answer   
    A drive will not be included in the space for a drive until there is at least one folder/file for that share on the drive.
    BTW:   You can leave the included disks field empty if you want all disks to be allowed.
  14. itimpi's post in Made a mess copying files - many empty folders now created! was marked as the answer   
    Dynamix File Manager always uses a copy/delete strategy regardless of whether the files are located as this is safest.   Doing a move can sometimes result in unexpected results.
  15. itimpi's post in Unraid not startig: mv: can not stat usr/bin/mover : NO SUCH FILE OR DIRECTORY was marked as the answer   
    It is unlikely that the plugin is what is stopping it from booting.   You might want to try backing up the flash drive and then downloading the zip file for the release from the Unraid site and extracting all the bz* type files overwriting those in the root of the flash drive in case the system is having problems reading one of them.
    Having said that you can always remove (or disable) a specific plugin by by deleting its .plg file under config/plugins on the flash drive or by renaming it to have a different file extension and then rebooting.   You can also always disable all plugins by booting in Safe Mode.
  16. itimpi's post in High Water Mark Seemed to Stop Working was marked as the answer   
    That is correct behaviour.     The split points are based on the size of the largest drive - not on percentage used.    It is as described in more detail here in the online documentation accessible via the ‘Manual’ link at the bottom of the GUI or the DOCS link at the top of each forum page.
  17. itimpi's post in Safest/most efficient steps: parity replace + data drive add + data drive replace? was marked as the answer   
    Nothing wrong with the steps you posted.   It has the big advantage that in the first 2 steps you have the ‘removed’ drive intact in case something goes wrong.  The array remains usable (albeit with reduced performance) during each step.
  18. itimpi's post in Help! No shares and array won't start was marked as the answer   
    I think you changed a parity drive and tried to add a new drive?    This cannot be done as a single step - do these steps one at a time (order not important).
  19. itimpi's post in New disk doesn't seem to have been included in the array was marked as the answer   
    Have you checked Settings->Global Share settings that you have not limited which drives can be part of User Shares?
    You are likely to get better informed feedback if you attach your system’s diagnostics zip file to your next post in this thread.
  20. itimpi's post in disabled Parity drive was marked as the answer   
    The SMART report for the drive looks OK.
    You can rebuild parity to the same drive by using the procedure described here in the online documentation accessible via the ‘Manual’ link at the bottom of the GUI or the DOCS link at the top of each forum page.
    In terms of what caused the issue difficult to say.  The syslog is only held in RAM and restarts each time Unraid is booted.   If you want persistent syslog that can survive a reboot then you need to enable the syslog server.
  21. itimpi's post in UD to Array Transfers Seem Slow was marked as the answer   
    That seems a not unusual speed - I suspect initial boost was due to,RAM caching.    Do you have Turbo Write mode enabled (which is likely to even get 70 MB/s).   More information on Unraid array write modes can be found here in the online documentation accessible via the ‘Manual’ link at the bottom of the GUI or the DOCS link at the top of each forum page.
  22. itimpi's post in Use drive for VM, keeping data on it was marked as the answer   
    Yes - this is quite normal as it gives best performance.
    If you are using an Unraid 6.11.x release or earlier then you set any share that should be on it as Use Cache=Only.
    If you are using an Unraid 6.12.x release or later then you set the pool as Primary storage and nothing as secondary storage.    You can then take advantage of the Exclusive Share feature to improve performance by bypassing the Fuse layer in Unraid.
    In both cases if it is a single drive (no redundancy) then you need to make sure regular backups are made (probably to the array) and the VM Backup plugin can help with this.   You could also use a multi-drive pool to have built-in redundancy for the pool.
  23. itimpi's post in Device is disabled, contents emulated was marked as the answer   
    To rebuild the contents of disk2 back onto the same drive you should be using the process documented here in the online documentation accessible via the ‘Manual’ link at the bottom of the GUI or the DOCS link at the top of each forum page.
    if you are not sure what to do ask again here but with more detail on what you have tried so far.
  24. itimpi's post in Need Help! Unable to clear cache disk was marked as the answer   
    Prefer means you want files moved from array->cache.   You need Yes for cache->array.
    This is explained in the help text built into the GUI for the Use Cache setting.
  25. itimpi's post in [SOLVED] Gui not fully loading was marked as the answer   
    /the commonest cause of this type of symptom is the flash drive has dropped offline for some reason.   We would need the system diagnostics zip file to confirm that.
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