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Everything posted by p3rky2005

  1. Hi everyone, long story short when i built my server i chose nextcloud encryption something im now living to regret, anyway just moved house all links and what not broken and i cant get back into my data, server was off for around 6 months and now i cannot fathom how to get into nextcloud to extract my data. im more than willing to pay someone to Remote into my server and get it going again as once ive got this data a plan on nuking the lot and starting again with the new found knowledge i have. ive tried to edit the config file to allow local access rather than through the external domain i had but whilst this was happening the docker image updated and now it wont let me do anything saying about the upodate being too far apart from the original install. Please Help i just want all my old photos and data back so i can start again..... thanks in advance Carter
  2. Hello, sorry no i dont and i didnt see anything in the log either, i usually know as plex tells me the database is corrupt around the time it does it.
  3. Hello Again, ive not got the log and have just had to reboot to get my server back working propperly again, here a copy of the syslog, i cant see anything in there really that looks of interest or worry maybe ive missed something??? syslog-
  4. thankyou very much, i will be in touch after my server falls over again with updated logs Carter
  5. yes they are, needed to use my machine to day and it went again last night, have not enabled syslog server as requested, this will take a couple of days before it shows the fault again, is it as simple now as download the diag again as i did easlier? only this time it will show more info?
  6. Hi all, ive been fighting this issue for quite some time now and am really struggling to pinpoint exactly whats going on..... heres the story, machine acting strangly after around 3 - 4 days, i know when its gone on the blink as i use emby and everytime it goes emby askes me to sign in again and wont accept my password, plex shows me the tiles but just says error with playback and my windows VM becomes unusable, reboot unraid all works again for another few days. docker containers wont start from memory i get execution error 403 only thing i can do is reboot. ive attached the diagnostics for someone who can read them better than me to have a look through, it was suggested in another post that memory could be an issue but ive since replaced the memory in my machine as i ran mem test and it did show me a river of red, possibly this is the aftermath of that. so machines been running for around 2.5 years, around a year ago i started transcoding my media to uniform everything and i inadvertantly filled my cache drive up, cache drive containing VM's and App Data on an NVME Drive to keep the machine running nice and speedy, ever since i filled the cache drive and my server died im now getting issues i cant seem to resolve, so i first assumed that given the amount of data that the cache drive has processed over its time, that i could have potentially hit the read write limit of the drive 1tb WD Blue drive, so naturally i upgraded to a 2TB used mover to pull everything off and after a few attempts got it all on to the array put my new drive in and reversed the process, but the issue still remains, i do have 2 drives showing errors within the array, im aware this isnt good but personally dont believe its causing the issue im seeing here as they have been showing the same level or errors with regard to reallocated sector count (sde) and offline uncorrectable (sdd), 1 error on each drive as such, any help be great, personally im thinking data corruption on BTRFS cache drive, plex does tell me on my phone the database is corrupt, if anyone knows of a guide or could guide me how to fix that too that would be amazing, the issues could well be linked but it could be deeper than that, i dont know HELP. thanks in advance Carter voyager-diagnostics-20221112-1029.zip
  7. Hi Guys, And thabkyou so much for your replys. So due to family issues I've only just been able to run mem test through my server and I'm ashamed to say as I used to be a computer engineer it looks very much like it was memory Squid thanks so much looks like my corsair vengeance sticks both have died, the one stick just instantly threw errors and hundreds of them. So I popped that out used the same slot and run the second stick that only threw 1 or 2 errors but still considered dead in my mind. Now I'm down to 1x 8gb adana stick not idea when I need to run a vm but at least I know the issue now. Can't thank you enough, I may come back to you shortly with some other questions as now I need to repair my plex docker contain database as it keeps telling me its corrupt. And is there a way within unraid I can scan for corrupted data? Thankyou all so much
  8. Hi everyone, so im propperly at a loss here, i built my unraid box when borris locked us down following spaceinvader ones guides, absolutly brilliant, im a tech guy anyway so love this but linux & containers, docker and the like are quite new to me, ive worked with VM's before but im a windows guy. with that said lets get down to the problem and how it started, this machine ran perfectly for around 2 years with zero downtime as such, ive been running Swag Nextcloud, MariaDB Plex Emby Sonarr Radarr SabNZB Shinobi Youtube DL and probably a few more i cant remember now, as well as a Windows 10 VM the issues im having are: within the VM Chrome will show the SNAP page stating memory access violation, my Docker containers crash i.e. Emby will usually stay logged in untill it crashes then it askes me for a username and password and will not accept my details untill i restart the container, having said that i get code 403 when trying to restart the container and this is only resolved by a system reboot. system is a Ryzen 3600x 24gb Ram 4x 6tb HDDs (1 of them for parity) 1x 2tb WD Blue NVME SSD ( houses my containers / App Data and VM / Domains folders ) also i was using it as a cache drive, i did wonder if this was a SSD Failure so the 2tb NVME is New i was running a 1TB before. anyway here when the issue started, as stated above ive been following spaceinvader ones guide (what a bloke for these guides) and i installed Tdarr and started to transcode my sizable plex library into H.265, all was going well and i managed to convert about half if not 2/3 of my library, then i added a gpu to speed things up as i was just allowing the cpu to chug through it when i wasnt using the machine as the helm as such, this is where the problem started, i filled up my cache drive and thus crashed my machine, got back rebooted realised what happened though oh silly me ran the mover and thought all was good. my machines never been stable since, ive now removed the GPU for reference it was GTX1080 3gb, and im still using the RTX3070 i has in for the windows VM, ive attached the diagnostics for you to take a look through, i have 2 unhappy ish drives but they were thumbs down when i started the transcode, 1 of them has simply hit its lifetime timer but i cant see these giving me all this trouble when the stuff im running mainly sits on the SSD??? any help would be greatly appreciated and if ive forgotten anything shout me and ill add details as we need them, id love to get this stable again as its so useful. thankyou everyone in advance, cant wait to see what you all think voyager-diagnostics-20220710-1249.zip
  9. Interesting, in responce to a few things ive read looking back at this, currently ive left my nextcloud to not use a temp and let it use the docker as it wants too for now, mainly ive not changed anything so that i know where the issue was, ive had another unraid restart since as i was playing with my vm but nextcloud itsself has been working flawlessly again as it should be, no more 504 errors, no more not being able to restart, id say ive had 5 days or so stable now, just to give you the info on it tho, i wasnt able to replicate the fault under my own loads as such uploading from phone browsing on my laptop and desktop, but i have an office that my mother works in that syncs about 8 - 10 machines using my nextcloud, it seemed to be when they were hitting it that it would stop, as i work days and they use it in the day i narrowed it down to around 10am i would lockup just as they are starting to load it up, they dont have alot of data but i know 3 of them use the Web interface with onlyoffice integration and the rest just use the desktop stnc client, mover for me runs once a week currently, since im running a ups i dont see much of an issue with data sitting on my cache drive especially if the files the office are using are frequently used, i have no LSI cards yet (need to look into them my rig is full right now) in my machine its a humble little array of: 4x 6tb Western Digital Red drive (1 Parity) 1x Western Didital Black 1tb NVME (cache / VMs) 1x 2tb Seagate usb 2.0 unassigned drive (CCTV) running UNRAID 6.8.3 and nextcloud 20.0.3 ( the problem occured in all upgrades from i think i started on, total i think it took me 5 updates to get to 20.0.3) fyi if youve not updated to 20 do it the dash is a nice feature
  10. Insidently i should now add ive waited untill now to post this as ive had 3 days stable, my issue actually was caused by trying to get nextcloud not to fill up the docker image upon upload, i added a /tmp variable and it worked for about a week and then started showing issues, but none of the logs show anything, remove that /tmp variable and now its running stable again
  11. Hi Guys and Gals, need a little help with nextcloud locking up at random intervals anything between 1 min to 18 hours, its been running since the beginning of lockdown just fine untill about a week ago, the use case and how its used, id say i have 10 machines running the sync desktop app as my mum uses it at work to sync all the office documents (not massive files and not alot of files tbh) id say i have 2 maybe 3 mobile syncs, as thats why i started this in the first place i got fed up of paying for drop box and always wanted my own server id say total theres probably about 100gb of data been uploaded to nextcloud, mostly my own camera roll. so the problem: nextcloud locks up when browsing to the site i get 504 Gateway timeout, so try to restart nextcloud and it wont restart, try to stop nextcloud it just keeps the play icon there and wont stop, trying to stop the docker service all the other containers will stop but not nextcloud, unraid itsself wont reboot without me having to power cycle my machine, once my machine boots again unraid starts my windows 10 vm boots and i login to the unraid web ui all is fine, i navigate to nextcloud and the page works and start syncing as it should be, then again after an random time it will lockup again exactly the same issue. things ive tried so far: ive upgraded from 18.0.6 i think, i went to 19.0.5 had to do 3 updates to make it that far (didnt help) removed plugins from nextcloud antivirus was showing errors in nextclouds internal log (didnt help) the container log shows nothing everything starts as it should, Nextcloud Container Log, ------------------------------------- _ () | | ___ _ __ | | / __| | | / \ | | \__ \ | | | () | |_| |___/ |_| \__/ Brought to you by linuxserver.io ------------------------------------- To support LSIO projects visit: https://www.linuxserver.io/donate/ ------------------------------------- GID/UID ------------------------------------- User uid: 99 User gid: 100 ------------------------------------- [cont-init.d] 10-adduser: exited 0. [cont-init.d] 20-config: executing... [cont-init.d] 20-config: exited 0. [cont-init.d] 30-keygen: executing... using keys found in /config/keys [cont-init.d] 30-keygen: exited 0. [cont-init.d] 40-config: executing... [cont-init.d] 40-config: exited 0. [cont-init.d] 50-install: executing... [cont-init.d] 50-install: exited 0. [cont-init.d] 60-memcache: executing... [cont-init.d] 60-memcache: exited 0. [cont-init.d] 70-aliases: executing... [cont-init.d] 70-aliases: exited 1. [cont-init.d] 99-custom-files: executing... [custom-init] no custom files found exiting... [cont-init.d] 99-custom-files: exited 0. [cont-init.d] done. [services.d] starting services [services.d] done. the log at the top right of unraid doesnt seen to show an issue, im not sure where you guys get your diagnostics from, if you let me know i will happily post it, im at a loss to be honest right now, i have other contains running through swag to get to the outside world but they work fine so i dont believe its anything to do with swag, it seems to be specifically the nextcloud container. personally im thinking maybe nuke the container and start again but having never had to do this before im weary as ive alot of data and users within nextcloud with encryption keys somewhere and im so worried about loosing data, any ideas where to look or what i could check chaps? im clutching at straws here thanks in advance James
  12. Hi Everyone, so i started with unraid back in march during lockdown lets be honest what else was there to do? anyway i need the help of the community or a guru and am willing to pay for someones time if need be, ive had everything running well now since march untill this last week, im seeing 502 or 504 gateway errors just with nextcloud, now when this happens i cannot stop the container it just wont stop or restart, and it wont allow unraid to naturally reboot either i have to power cycle the machine for it to come back up propperly, once rebooted my nextcloud boots and runs for an indeterminate amount of time untill it locks again, if nextcloud doesnt lock i am able to stop the container without issue and restart it but once it locks thats it i have to pull the plug, so ive had a look at the logs but if im honest i could use some guidance as to whre else to look, the unraid log in the top right doesnt show anything, the log to the right of the nextcloud container doesnt show anything either, when it was last running i found some issues with the log within nextcloud itsself and have been working to find fixes for that, mostly an antivirus app that wasnt working propperly so have removed that. i have also updated nextcloud thinking maybe it could be a bug ive done 3 updates in total and its now pushed me up to nextcloud 19.0.5 at this point im running out of options, im thinking maybe i should nuke the container and do a fresh install however im massivly worried about loosing file associations to my users and encryption keys, i followed spaceinvader ones videos on how to setup nextcloud initally and tbh the guys a legend so usefull, the problem i have is as this has been so stable for the last months, my mothers work are now using it to backup there company data and i cant loose there data, they also use only office to edit on the go, still new to unraid but i am slowly working it out but if anyones willing to help please please please im tearing my hair out here, again will happily pay for someone who knows what they are doing and looking at, i would welcome the lesson into the bits i dont know Thanks in advance all and thankyou for all the hard work you guys are putting into this stuff, so glad i found unraid but it frustraights the heck out of me James
  13. Hello everyone, My name's James very new to unraid, docker and containers, I've been hearing name's from a few places and wondered if there may be a member here who could tutor me a little on setting things up how I want them? So apparently squid and spaceindaver one are very good around the community, and i would like to thank spaceindaver one for your amazing youtube videos that have got me thus far, I wonder if one of you chaps would be good enough to pm me to discuss what I'm after as I feel like I've made a mistake or 2 and can't seem to fathom my way around it, of course I'm not asking for free help I will happily compensate anyone willing to take me under their wing. I currently have questions regarding WordPress and running multiple instances of it at the same time Letsencrypt Nextcloud And security Again thsnkyou everyone for your amazing work with unraid and I look forward to hopefully dealing with someone soon and getting this all sorted the way I require it to be Thanks in advance guys and gals James
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