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Everything posted by ryancacophony

  1. I dont know why I didnt see history before....definitely the smoking gun. Looks like it pauses it to do a full filesystem scan at 3am every day, backs up some of the other files that changed, and then fails to upload the larger files for some reason, leaving the backup off until the next frequency check..... seems like something I should bring to code42 support. It has no problem starting when I tirgger it manually (I'm assuming the 4 files are my largest files which are large compressed files on my store) Thanks for helping me figure out that it was crashplan and not unraid!
  2. I have it set to "Always Run". I originally had frequency set to "every day" but I changed it to 6 hours in an attempt to have it automatically restart without intervention, but I think I need it to be shorter. I'm not eager to do shorter though cause I feel like the backup re-reads files every time even if its in the middle of an upload (unconfirmed suspicion)
  3. Per my last issue (Crashplan freezing), I think some combination of raising the default memory and updating the docker container fixed it (I'm also getting much better upload speed now, though still not maxing out my connection, but that's crashplan for ya) I do have one issue that's consistently bothering me though. I'm not sure if its caused by crashplan or some setting on UNRAID - every day at 3am my crashplan backup stops, and I have to restart it when I get up in the morning. the only think I had scheduled then AFAIK is my SSD trim (which crashplpan is accessing my array not SSD, largely) and I set that to only once a week but it still happens every day. Any idea what might be causing it? is there a log I can check?
  4. Anyone else have issues where the UI seems to semi-freeze? Particularly while a backup is running? Sometimes I get into a state where I open the web UI to view my crashplan upload progress, and I'm shown the login screen which is normal if I havent been on in a bit, and I send my password through the clipboard, paste, and then when I hit login nothing happens. I can move the text cursor, highlight the password, but backspace doesnt do anything. It gets stuck in this weird limbo state where I just cant really do anything. If I open the help window, I cant exit out of it. Last time this happened, I eventually logged on like a day later and it was fine, but it's annoying because I want to know where a backup is at so I can make some plans to schedule some work.
  5. I cant seem to unzip files. I can click into zip files in the krusader UI, and I know unzip is installed from checking the terminal, but if I use unpack on a zip, I get " unsupported archive type"
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