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Everything posted by binhex

  1. Do purevpn support incoming ports? If not then your downloads will be slow at best. If they do support incoming ports then you will need to manually configure deluge to use it.
  2. !!! IMPORTANT !!! As from 15th of January 2020, if the web ui and/or rpc2 password have not been defined (defined via environment variables) then the password(s) will be randomised and no longer set to 'rutorrent'. Please see link below to the rtorrent FAQ, Q3. and Q4. for more details:- https://github.com/binhex/documentation/blob/master/docker/faq/rtorrentvpn.md
  3. Having issues connecting to the web ui of Deluge and use PIA?, if so make its not the changes regards port forwarding, see Q10 (and Q11 if you want to switch endpoint):- https://github.com/binhex/documentation/blob/master/docker/faq/vpn.md If the above is not related to your issue then please do the following:- https://github.com/binhex/documentation/blob/master/docker/faq/help.md
  4. This support thread and the Docker image arch-rtorrentvpn has now been deprecated, no support or further images will be produced. Overview: Support for Docker image arch-rtorrentvpn in the binhex repo. Application: rTorrent - https://github.com/rakshasa/rtorrent Docker Hub: https://hub.docker.com/r/binhex/arch-rtorrentvpn/ GitHub: https://github.com/binhex/arch-rtorrentvpn Documentation: https://github.com/binhex/documentation If you appreciate my work, then please consider buying me a beer For other Docker support threads and requests, news and Docker template support for the binhex repository please use the "General" thread here
  5. Hi neo_x yeah I know the donate button was a long time coming for moviegrabber eh :-). Thanks for the beer money BTW, really appreciated!. So yes there are some significant differences with the latest Dev branch and the master branch of moviegrabber, I've redone a lot of code and added in a shed load of torrent index site support, keep in mind though that this is Dev and therefore some things are broken, such as post processing, trying to find time to fit in coding and juggle docker Dev is a tricky feat but I have not abandoned my beloved moviegrabber and I personally rely on it all the time.
  6. and SQL Failures. Where is the log in Sab now? I have "sudo chmod -R 755" both /complete/movies and /complete/tv folders and the error still appears. I just can't figure it out anyone have any ideas? See full screenshots here: This might be a hangover from a previous bug, try deleting perms.txt in your /config folder and restart the docker. If the issue persists then it could well be a sab bug introduced in v0.8
  7. See FAQ Q1 in post #2 of this thread regards issue with mangle support.
  8. Have you configured the LAN_RANGE environment variable? if you left it on defaults it might not be correct for your internal lan. For how to connect CP to deluge see FAQ Q6 on post #2 of this thread.
  9. There was recently a massive change in version number for sab, it's very possible some things don't migrate over OK from the 0.x series to 1.x
  10. I've been working on my own rtorrent + rutorrent image and have seen the above when the plugins folder is either soft linked or had been deleted, worth checking guys?
  11. nice write up!, thats exactly the procedure, i might add this to FAQ, as this is the same procedure for ALL my dockers. just to be clear for anybody reading this, you only need to do this procedure IF you are changing the user/group that the container runs as, by default this will be user "nobody" group "users"
  12. nice write up, thats exactly the procedure, i might add this to the FAQ, just to be clear for anybody reading this, you only need to do the procedure above IF you want to switch the user and group the container runs as.
  13. I see now that I had the wrong port configured.. it was at standard.. and I think I need to use 443 as port (atleast that is the one mention in the ovpn file). no this isnt right, you need to figure out what your incoming port is for your vpn connection, this might be dynamic or might be static, you will need to find out from your vpn provider what they offer, some vpn providers do not allow incoming ports, in which case you either need to switch vpn provider or use usenet instead, airvpn and pia both DO support incoming ports. I tried to switch to a Windows computer (not a VM this time), and installed OpenVPN and Vuze.. Found the same torrent again (the one I was downloading for a long time now..), set it to download to the same folder.. Took some hours to check all the files.. and the download started. After a short time, download speed was 2.2Mbit again.. And ETA for download was about 3-4 days. In deluge VPN it was atleast a month. But today the speed has fallen to about 3-400kbit.. but it looks a bit more stable than in Deluge VPN. And the wierdest part is that I did not open any ports for Vuze now, so it looks like my router manages that part fine itself. Think I just gonna finish the download this way, and then try to find out what is wrong in Deluge VPN. Think I need to contact vpntunnel and ask what ports they give me. Vuze may well be using uPnP and configuring the incoming port for you on your router, DelugeVPN cant do this, as you talking over a vpn tunnel and thus it cannot use uPnP. You def need to discuss this with your vpn provider and find out what port they allow for incoming connections, normally you can either define this yourself as a static port (airvpn allows this) or you get a dynamic port each time you establish the tunnel (how pia works).
  14. The path has a space so you need to wrap it in double quotes rm -rf "<path with spaces>" Another good example of keeping things simple when creating a folder structure, try to not create folders with spaces and keep to lower case. If you need more structure then create more folders e.g./mnt/cache/cache-only/data/downloads/completed
  15. there is a new version out, just incase your seeing a bug can you try updating to the latest version and let me know how you get on.
  16. I see now that I had the wrong port configured.. it was at standard.. and I think I need to use 443 as port (atleast that is the one mention in the ovpn file). no this isnt right, you need to figure out what your incoming port is for your vpn connection, this might be dynamic or might be static, you will need to find out from your vpn provider what they offer, some vpn providers do not allow incoming ports, in which case you either need to switch vpn provider or use usenet instead, airvpn and pia both DO support incoming ports.
  17. if you want to clear it all down quickly then the best way is command line, so ssh in to unraid and then issue the following command, be VERY VERY sure of the path, as this will be a recursive delete, if you specify the wrong folder you can delete a lot of stuff very quickly!!! rm -rf /mnt/cache/<path to the root folder you want to delete>/ one of the REALLY nice things with docker is that you can blow away everything and get it back up and running very quickly, if your happy with the paths you choose for your dockers then you can use the "user defined templates" dropdown to pre-populate each docker config as it was before, i dont know if you want to do this as you say it got in a bit of a mess but its an option Thanks for the reply. Not gonna lie never actually tried to ssh into the server. What would i use for this? and how would i go about it? I can essentially delete 3 share and start over. my appdata, downloads and completed downloads. only completed downloads was ever cache only so should i use rm -rf /mnt/user/<path to the root folder you want to delete>/ as opposed to cache? so for instance if I go with rm -rf /mnt/user/appdata/ rm -rf /mnt/user/Downloads/ rm -rf /mnt/cache/Completed Downloads/ Will this delete the share or just the whole contents of the share? doesnt really matter either way as I intend to start over. but just fmi! OK you would use something like putty if your running windows, if your mac or Linux then you of course have native ssh built in. So yes that should delete the share, looking at your paths and folders I think you need to re-think where things are going now, I would suggest the following:- /mnt/cache/<your-cache-only-share-name>/config/<appname> /mnt/cache/<your-cache-only-share-name>/data/<appname> mnt/cache/<your-cache-only-share-name>/data/completed So each app has it's own space for config and downloads except the completed folder which is set the same for ALL dockers. You then volume map the above for each docker with the docker volume mapping being /config and /data respectively, make sense? I would advise not to point ant docker config or data mappings at the array, keep it all on cache it's much much easier.
  18. if you want to clear it all down quickly then the best way is command line, so ssh in to unraid and then issue the following command, be VERY VERY sure of the path, as this will be a recursive delete, if you specify the wrong folder you can delete a lot of stuff very quickly!!! rm -rf /mnt/cache/<path to the root folder you want to delete>/ one of the REALLY nice things with docker is that you can blow away everything and get it back up and running very quickly, if your happy with the paths you choose for your dockers then you can use the "user defined templates" dropdown to pre-populate each docker config as it was before, i dont know if you want to do this as you say it got in a bit of a mess but its an option
  19. Make sure your password doesn't contain special characters, try and use only a-z and 0-9
  20. Can you post your supervisord.log please
  21. i have no idea how hard/easy this is as ive never used google drive, for now i will add it to the list of requests and take a look at some point to see if its doable. Binhex, Thanks for the great work, been using your plexpass plugin for sometime now! Any chance you looked at a possibility for a google drive, realizing it takes quite a bit of time and resources to make a docker from scratch. I happen to be in a position where I rely heavily on cloud drives, and having several desktops, laptops and devices at home on a extremely slow DSL connection, having a centralized shared folder for easy access is ideal then downloading files to every device and for each update! If it is something that just will need some spare time from you I totally understand, but if it not doable I would like to start looking for an alternative, possible OneDrive? Gross Microsoft, and I only use Google out of habit and the fact I have several GBs stored there! Thanks for your time in advance. bro! ~Acps Thanks for the donation, really appreciated, I will see if I can get some free time this coming week to take a look at Google drive and one drive.
  22. OK this looks like your right, it night be ipv6 related, unraid doesn't support ipv6 and thus neither do any docker containers. One which question are you sure you have defined your lan network correctly? It's unusual to use the 172.x.x.x range for internal lan.
  23. What ip are you specifying when configuring the link, it should be the IP address of your unraid host and the port number you specified on the host side for the docker configuration, is that what your specifying?
  24. What provider are you using? If it's not pia then you will have to manually set the incoming port otherwise speeds will be bad.
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