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Everything posted by Shalmi

  1. @JorgeBa lil late now and will hopefully lead to less stress on the controller....and hopefully wont break on me again. Good to know though
  2. ps if you have the power to edit the document. I think it should say hit "sync" instead of "start" in step 8 Rebuild Started
  3. @JorgeB Thank you. going to try that now in maintenance mode following those steps. Will report back if there is an issue or if all goes well
  4. unraid-diagnostics-20240329-1137.zip @JorgeB attached
  5. @JorgeB Right now 2 drives are showing as emulated (pic attached)....which is concerning cuz only one should be. 1. Should I still start the array in this state? 2. What risk do I have of losing any of this data? 3. Should I start normally or in maintenance mode? 4. Should i be concerned that it no longer says something about repairing sdg next to the start button? Sorry for all the questions
  6. New one attached. Thank you for the quick response @JorgeB unraid-diagnostics-20240329-1058.zip
  7. @JorgeB Attached. I removed the vms as they have some private names and havent been on in over a year and I did a find replace for some private container names that I dont want posted publicly. the rest is left as normal @JorgeB Thank you! unraid-diagnostics-20240328-1913.zip
  8. I have 6 drives in my array (2 as parity) Last night I started getting multiple errors like so This was the SMART on that drive today before replacing the drive I ordered a new Drive to replace it and it came in. I turned off the machine. Unplugged that drive, replaced it with an equivalent size and turned the machine back on. I then selected that drive to replace it in the array and hit start. It said it would take about 2 days to repopulate the data on that drive and then I started getting these errors: I panicked and stopped the array. Then I saw the uploaded image attached where multiple drives are stated as missing. What do I do. I have Loads of data I do not wanna lose (hence the 2 parity drives). Someone help
  9. Bumppp how is this still not a feature 😩
  10. I bought a license to solid works and can not install it because it keeps recognizing that I am in a vm. I followed this blog and tried to edit my xml but was still getting the same error https://www.ringingliberty.com/2015/10/07/solidworks-activation-license-mode-is-not-supported-in-this-virtual-environment-qemu-kvm/ I then tried to just pull the raw disk image and run it on VMware fusion on my laptop which is approved(?) but fusion wouldn’t let me import the img file or the vmdk I converted it into using qemu-img what am I missing here? has anyone gotten this to work in anyway?
  11. Has anyone else figured out how to get "remember me" to work?
  12. I have been using authelia happily for a while now. I have it setup with duo as well for 2fa, but I have noticed that I can NOT get it to keep me logged in. in the config I set: # The time in seconds before the cookie expires and session is reset. expiration: 2w # The inactivity time in seconds before the session is reset. inactivity: 2w Is there more I have to do so I am not relogging in every day
  13. Back again, I realized that my authelia container starts up faster than my mariadb container and then errors out and stops. Would it be possible to have the authelia container continue to attempt to connect to mariadb without just stopping?
  14. Just wanted to come back and say that I got it working! 2fa and all! Thanks for the great app!
  15. I was banging my head against the wall when I ran into the same issue as that user. I did not realize there was a config file that needed to be configured before the application would start. You may want to put that in the description with a link to the readme as well as in the error messages that pop up if you try to run the container without setting up the file. Gonna go try and configure this. Thanks for the nice instructions on your github. Seems like you put a lot of work into this.
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