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Everything posted by CGR21

  1. I had the same problem here with Monterey as in: It appears some part of the initial install hadn't finished. The "vm_ready_notify" script never finishes for me. I no longer get this error; instead the VM sits forever on the Apple screen. It appears Monterey doesn't work yet? Thanks.
  2. In a normal file system, you can not have a folder and a file with the same name in the same location? root@NAS:/mnt/user/Temp# touch folder root@NAS:/mnt/user/Temp# ls folder root@NAS:/mnt/user/Temp# mkdir folder mkdir: cannot create directory ‘folder’: File exists root@NAS:/mnt/user/Temp# Clearly it's possible in an unraid type setup if you are accessing the disks directly through /mnt/disk, but I'm not sure why you'd want to, as it clearly confuses the mapper! I rarely access drives directly; if so it's to move an entire folder structure from one drive to another. I'm very puzzled as to how this file got created on disk6.
  3. Problem found and fixed! Somehow a FILE called 2015 existed on disk6 in the same place a FOLDER called 2015 existed on disk3. Hence "not a directory", although I could CD to the folder. Thanks for your help.
  4. The folder only exists on disk3 now. The problem moved along with the directory from disk2 to disk3. I guess that rules out a disk issue. I'm going to copy it now to disk6, then remove it from disk3, and hope the problem doesn't "copy", only "moves".
  5. Okay, that ran faster than I thought it would. 7 minutes later it finished. Still getting 'Not a directory'. I'm going to move the data from that folder directly from /mnt/disk2 to another /mnt/disk and see if the problem disappears with the folder being removed from the drive.
  6. Noted. I'm only running it on one share, which is arguably the largest. I have also seen random "permission denied" errors through smb in windows, that seem to work the next time I try it. Never something I can reproduce. I have to wonder if there's an underlying bug in here somewhere.
  7. The share this folder belongs to is very high in the directory structure: /mnt/user/HeartsCenter. I can write to other folders, even ../2014, without a problem. I'm trying the New Permissions trick on the share. It will take a while, as there are many many terrabytes of data there. I don't think I was using Unraid at version 5, but it shouldn't hurt? Thanks.
  8. Extended SMART test on the drive completed without errors. Yes, I'm unable to write to one specific folder, and all folders under that folder, when writing to it through the array's mapping. root@NAS:/mnt/user/HeartsCenter/HeartsCenter/3-Week-Full-Sync/Sanctuary Video/2015# touch somefile touch: cannot touch 'somefile': Not a directory root@NAS:/mnt/user/HeartsCenter/HeartsCenter/3-Week-Full-Sync/Sanctuary Video/2015# 'touch' demonstrates it. What does "Not a directory" mean, and what is causing it? This folder only exists on drive #2. I can only CD to it on drive 2. The below is disk1: root@NAS:/mnt/user/HeartsCenter/HeartsCenter/3-Week-Full-Sync/Sanctuary Video/2015# cd /mnt/disk1/HeartsCenter/HeartsCenter/3-Week-Full-Sync/"Sanctuary Video"/2015 bash: cd: /mnt/disk1/HeartsCenter/HeartsCenter/3-Week-Full-Sync/Sanctuary Video/2015: No such file or directory root@NAS:/mnt/user/HeartsCenter/HeartsCenter/3-Week-Full-Sync/Sanctuary Video/2015# Here is disk #2: root@NAS:/mnt/disk2/HeartsCenter/HeartsCenter/3-Week-Full-Sync/Sanctuary Video/2015# cd /mnt/disk2/HeartsCenter/HeartsCenter/3-Week-Full-Sync/"Sanctuary Video"/2015 root@NAS:/mnt/disk2/HeartsCenter/HeartsCenter/3-Week-Full-Sync/Sanctuary Video/2015# From within there, I can write files just fine with no errors. root@NAS:/mnt/disk2/HeartsCenter/HeartsCenter/3-Week-Full-Sync/Sanctuary Video/2015# touch somefile root@NAS:/mnt/disk2/HeartsCenter/HeartsCenter/3-Week-Full-Sync/Sanctuary Video/2015# rm somefile I can not write to it through /mnt/user (or /mnt/user0, whatever that is), but I can write to it directly through /mnt/disk2. This problem did not always exist, as the data in this folder was originally written to it through /mnt/user. Thanks.
  9. Here are the diagnostics. Thanks for the clue to include it! ls -lah /mnt shows: total 0 drwxr-xr-x 11 root root 220 Jan 9 16:51 ./ drwxr-xr-x 21 root root 440 Jan 9 17:42 ../ drwxrwxrwx 11 nobody users 186 Jun 5 2022 disk1/ drwxrwxrwx 9 nobody users 119 Sep 20 2020 disk10/ drwxrwxrwx 8 nobody users 132 Jul 21 2020 disk2/ drwxrwxrwx 9 nobody users 148 Jul 22 2020 disk3/ drwxrwxrwx 7 nobody users 93 Jul 23 2020 disk4/ drwxrwxrwx 8 nobody users 132 Jul 27 2020 disk5/ drwxrwxrwx 8 nobody users 133 Sep 20 2020 disk6/ drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users 186 Jun 5 2022 user/ drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users 186 Jun 5 2022 user0/
  10. Hello, I have a curious problem with my array. Windows was giving a very odd "directory is invalid" error when trying to write to a specific folder in the array. I worked backwards, and found the same problem exists inside the Unraid terminal, through /mnt/user. touch 1.txt gives the error: touch: cannot touch '1.txt': Not a directory The filename really doesn't matter. All writes to this folder fail with this error. Including subfolders of this folder (at least those I've tested). However, the above works just fine if I access the drive directly /mnt/disk2 (which is the only disk this folder exists on). touch creates the file, and I can rm it just fine. I followed the xfs_repair instructions with the array in maintenance mode, on all the drives in the array. None seemed to give any errors, and I did not end up with a lost+found folder. Since I narrowed the apparent problem down to disk2, I ran xfs_repair -L as well on it, and it didn't seem to indicate any error, but the problem still exists. There are NO errors showing in the unraid log. Bouncing the server did not change anything. Short SMART is not showing any errors. I'm going to run extended SMART here soon. I'm puzzled why I can write to the folder through /mnt/disk2, but not through /mnt/user. Implies something is wrong with a mapping somewhere? I'm now at a loss as to how to fix this problem. Help! Thanks.
  11. FYI, I installed this on Unraid 6.8.3 yesterday, and everything "just worked". Today I tried installing it on a different instance, vastly different geographical location, different hardware, version 6.8.2, and I got the "...Unable to download missing plugin control files." error. Your first link to the file above is no longer valid. But I found the directory from the URL works, and I downloaded ProFTPd-SlrG-Control-1.7.tar.gz and ProFTPd-SlrG-Dependency-1.7_x64.tar.gz into /boot/config/plugins/ProFTPd (which already existed), and then I was able to install the plugin. Maybe this will be helpful to you or others. Thanks!
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