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  1. Running Unraid 6.12.10 I finally fixed the issue but I still don't know what was causing it in the first place. Steps I did: - Deleted the faulty vrising docker - Renamed up the appdata folder to keep my world saves and settings - Downloaded a fresh copy of the docker like you suggested - Started container once without any issue and then stopped it - Imported my save files and settings backup (the whole save-data folder) into the new docker - Started the container again It seems to have solved the issue as I was able to start the server with my old save and log into my world. So it seems a save data corruption wasn't at fault here. Thanks for your time
  2. Sorry I forgot to add it doesn't work. The server is still in a bootloop. And the log window closes itself everytime. I can't get it to stay open sadly.
  3. I found a 8000+ lines log and I didn't know what you'll need exactly so I uploaded the file on my ISP website https://transfert.free.fr/jDPLrVU This log is from launching the server after move the save-data folder out.
  4. Greetings, I updated my V Rising server like an hour ago and now the Server restart endlessly. Besides the update I didn't change any settings The only thing I see that seem out of place in the log is this and it seems the log window close right after displaying this message. After seeing this I tried to change the "ListOnEOS" to false in the config file but it didn't help. I also tried to enable BePinEX but no dice either. Do you have any idea please?
  5. I just got in again by changing 3 values: Changed the "Data" path to: /var/www/remotely Added 2 variables: ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT = Production ASPNETCORE_HTTP_PORTS = 5000 Should look like this: I didn't do a full test but at least I have access to the WebUI again
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