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Posts posted by Maginos

  1. @dlandon and @Frank1940:

    Hi guys,

    unfortunately, LibreOffice was not the issue.

    What I did today:

    - First I edited File A via SMB on my dads pc

    - Then I copied that file via SMB on my dads pc into the same folder

    - Saving this copy didn't work, and I got the error message that I don't have permissions to do so.

    The permissions of this copy are:

    -rwxrw----+ 1 username  users


    The getfacl command gives this output:

    getfacl: Removing leading '/' from absolute path names
    # file: mnt/user/sharename/A/Test2 - Kopie.docx
    # owner: username
    # group: users
    user:nobody:rwx                 #effective:rw-
    group:NT\040Authority\\anonymous\040logon:rwx   #effective:rw-
    group:3007:rwx                  #effective:rw-


    After leaving folder A via SMB on my dads pc, the whole folder A is locked with the permission error.

    Has anyone any idea, what else I could try?

    Thank you once again!



    After using "New Permissions" via the Unraid Gui, the output of the getfacl command changes, which is expected of course:

    getfacl: Removing leading '/' from absolute path names
    # file: mnt/user/sharename/A/Test2 - Kopie.docx
    # owner: nobody
    # group: users
    user:nobody:rwx                 #effective:rw-
    group:NT\040Authority\\anonymous\040logon:rwx   #effective:rw-
    group:3007:rwx                  #effective:rw-


  2. On 4/5/2024 at 4:06 PM, JorgeB said:

    Have you done a single stream iperf test in both directions to confirm if it's a LAN problem? Apologies if it was already done, I didn't read the complete thread.

    I tried now the same cable on one of my linux hosts and got around 940 Mbit/s in both directions. So the cable should be fine. Theres definitely something wrong either with my docking station or with my laptop.

  3. 8 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

    Have you done a single stream iperf test in both directions to confirm if it's a LAN problem? Apologies if it was already done, I didn't read the complete thread.


    Yes I did, here the results:


    740 Mbit/s Normal Mode;          797 Mbit/s Reverse Mode;

    Not too good, but at least write speeds are far away from the results from LAN Speed Test:
    305 Mbit/s Write                      778 Mbit/s Read


    I will try different cable later.

  4. Ok, so I deleted all vlans, switched off Netbios, removed un-get and Nerd Tools and rebooted my unraid server. It has a static IP address from day 1, so this is also set.

    In the network settings on my Windows 10 PC I checked, that SMBv1 is deactivated.


    The results from LAN Speed Test did not change.


    I checked the network load with netdata and it is pretty low (7 Mbit/s incoming, which is a stream from my surveillance camera, and 1.5 Mbit/s outgoing), so a secondary NIC should not be necessary.


    What else can I do?



  5. 6 minutes ago, dlandon said:

    You have IPV6 enabled.  Do you need it?  If not turn it off.

    No, I don't need it, I will turn it off.


    7 minutes ago, dlandon said:

    I see multiple vlans.  Be sure they are configured properly for your situation.

    I will remove them as well.


    7 minutes ago, dlandon said:

    Use a static IP address on your server.  It's set right now for DHCP.

    I have address reservation in my firewall, so it gets always the same IP.


    8 minutes ago, dlandon said:

    Upgrade to 6.12.10.

    Already done.


    8 minutes ago, dlandon said:

    Remove un-get and NerdTools plugins then reboot.

    Ok, I will remove them.


    Thank you for your tips!

  6. @dlandon Maybe we can have a look at SMB speeds now.

    I did following tests:



    - My PC:

         iperf3: 713 Mbit/s Normal Mode;          787 Mbit/s Reverse Mode;

         LST:    261 Mbit/s Write;                     649 Mbit/s Read   (LST = LAN Speed Test App)


    - My Dads PC:

         iperf3: 857 Mbit/s Normal Mode;          939 Mbit/s Reverse Mode;

         LST:    566 Mbit/s Write;                     877 Mbit/s Read


    LINUX PCs:


    - Proxmox shell:

         iperf3: 932 Mbit/s Normal Mode;          942 Mbit/s Reverse Mode;


    - DietPi PC (Shell):

         iperf3: 931 Mbit/s Normal Mode;          935 Mbit/s Reverse Mode;

         dd:      800 Mbit/s   (dd command: sudo dd if=/dev/zero bs=1G count=1 of=/media/pictures/test status=progress; the path for the of is mounted via autofs).

    Here my interpretations:

    - Both WIN PCs don't get the same iperf3 results like the Linux based PCs, for my dads PC it's at least close.
    - Both WIN PCs get significant lower transfer speeds in the LAN Speed Test

    - The DietPi PC has okish write speeds

    - The SMB performance on my PC is lower than on my dads PC


    I have a Dell XPS 9560 Laptop and a Dell 6000 Docking station connected to it for the Ethernet Port.


    What can I do to improve the SMB performance on the Windows PCs?

  7. Good morning guys, maybe I have found what causes these issues: LibreOffice!


    I did some tests in my Win 10 VM and here are the results:



    - When I rename a .odt file on the share in the Explorer, open it afterwards, edit it and try to save it, I get the permissions error. After around 5 retries, I can save the file.

    - When I go then back to the Explorer and try to rename the SAME .odt file, I get the permission error again. And not only for this file, but for the whole share.


    Then I uninstalled LibreOffice and installed OnlyOffice, did the same tests and everything works without any issues. I can edit and rename documents as long as I want, everything works. So I assume LibreOffice was the problem. I will now install OO on my dads PC and will report back in some weeks. I already set a reminder, so I won't forget. ;)

    Thank you very much for your help!

  8. 6 minutes ago, dlandon said:

    I will show you a much better way to apply your customizations to Mac SMB access.

    This sounds great, I'm looking forward to that! But yes, you're right, let's figure out the SMB issue first.

    So what I just did on my DADS PC (which is in the LAN network) is the following:

    - In the Windows Explorer, I browsed all folders in /mnt/user/sharename, which worked perfectly fine.

    - Then, I created the file /mnt/user/sharename/test.odt, which worked also perfectly fine. Renaming it to test2.odt worked also.

    - Then I entered the folder /mnt/user/sharename/folderA and did there the same. Here comes the difference: After creating the /mnt/user/sharename/folderA/test.odt, I was NOT able to rename it due to a permission error. I went back to /mnt/user/sharename/ and tried to rename the test.odt file there, which DID NOT work (permission error again). Deleting this file worked.

    What I also observed is, that it is not possible to access the folder /mnt/user/sharename/folderA again after the permission error occured. All other folder I can enter, but not this one.


    On the VM on my unraid server, which is in the same network, as the unraid server, I got this error message as well. Actually I got an "network error" by clicking on my unraid servers name in the "Network" section in the windows explorer. So it doesn't seem to be a problem specifically related to my dads pc.

  9. 18 hours ago, dlandon said:

    Are you using Mac computers also?


    At the moment not, but I will. At least in some months. I'm waiting for the feedback to the new Mac Studio and if this is positive, I will buy one. 
    I already have a MacBook Pro from Late 2016, but I don't want to use it anymore, as it doesn't get updates anymore. I tested SMB Performance on that machine and it was quite terrible. Loading times were very long and transfer rates were slow. With the settings I set, the performance improved drastically and it was on the same level as for Windows PCs. I don't know, how performance is on recent machines, but this is crucial for me, that I have a good SMB Performance. If I have to wait some seconds before I can access any folder on a SMB share, this is definitely too long. 


    So I can remove the SMB Extras for some months, but when I get a new Mac and the SMB Performance is bad, I will definitely come back to this.

    I will also disable macOS Interoperability and multi-channel.


    Lets see, how it performs tomorrow. 

  10. As far as I understand, the server gets only detected under the "Network" tab, when both devices (PC and server) are in the same subnet, which is not the case. As I said, my unraid server is in a separate subnet, so the packet to the broadcast address of the windows pc should not be seen by it.


    BUT: I have a Windows 10 VM on my unraid server which is in the same subnet as the unraid server and I tested it there. Works without any issues so far. 🤷‍♂️

  11. Strange news:

    I was able to access the share now as normal and also the file I created at 10:45 was there. Actually several other files with the same name were there, so I assume, that despite there's this error message, the file is created. This would mean, that the share is "temporarily" locked (for around 8 h or less) and then unlocked again. The permissions of the /mnt/user/sharename/foldername did not change.


    I don't know if my Nextcloud is interferring with that? I have a combination of the Linuxserver NC, mariadb and redis running. The shares are passedthrough to the NC Container as volume mappings/bind mounts (-v analogon). In the NC, I use the External storage app to get access to the shares. As far as I know, Nextcloud/the DB scans storage paths from the External storage app automatically, so a

    sudo -u www-data php occ files:scan --all

    is not necessary. Nevertheless, could it be, that NC/mariadb/redis is locking the share? I appended also a screenshot of my docker containers.




    30 minutes ago, Frank1940 said:

    Where you doing it this from the mapped drive or  going in from the server name and drilling down? 


    I'm not exactly sure what you mean. I opened the mapped drive in Windows Explorer, right clicked and then "Create Document".

    2024-03-29_Unraid Docker.png

  12. Hi guys,


    unfortunately, I have bad news. The error came back and the permissions of the folder /mnt/user/sharnename/foldername changed again:

    drwxrwx---+ 1 nobody users    62 Mar 29 10:45 foldername


    User and group are ok, but the permissions are different to the other folders. All other folders on the share have




    getfacl /mnt/user/sharename/foldername
    getfacl: Removing leading '/' from absolute path names
    # file: mnt/user/sharename/foldername/
    # owner: nobody
    # group: users


    This is the output from the getfacl command.

    Do you have any other ideas?

    Thank you once again!

  13. I did that, thank you. I will report back, if this solves the problem.

    I created a .docx file via SMB on a share and it got following permissions:

    -rwxrwxrw-+ 1 nobody users     13280 Mar 24 14:59 TEST\ (2).docx*


    The getfacl command gives following output:

    # file: mnt/user/sharename/TEST (2).docx
    # owner: nobody
    # group: users

    So should be fine.


    Thank you for your help dlandon. 👍

  14. I think you want wo warn me from having unraid as an exposed host, which I don't have. The GUI of unraid is not accessible from the internet.


    What I intended to say is, that the unraid server is in a seperate network, which doesn't have access to any other network than the internet. And only all outgoing connections are allowed. The web applications I host on the server are behind a Web Application Firewall on my Sophos UTM, so this should be fine.

    • Upvote 1
  15. Good morning guys, unfortunately, the issue with my dads folder is not fixed. The folder had these permissions again today:

    drwxrwx---+ 1 nobody users    52 Mar 24 09:44 foldername


    He has not edited anything in this folder since I set new permissions the last time. So maybe the problem is within unraid? I checked my User Scripts, but no script accesses this folder.

    The only thing that comes to my mind is my backup script, which runs at Saturday 1 a.m.

    My unraid server is in a DMZ and my Openmediavault server is in my LAN. So the OMV Server has to pull the data from the unraid server. This is done with this command:

    rsync -avhe 'ssh -p PORT' [email protected]:/mnt/user/sharename/* /srv/dev-disk-by-id-dm-name-name/backup/sharename --exclude='foldername'


    For what I have read, rsync doesn't change the permissions on the source, so this should also not be a problem. Within the -a option of the rsync command, the -p otion is included, which ensures, that the permissions of the source file is not changed.

    Or am I missing something?


  16. Ok, thank you for your tests. I don't know why your permissions look different than mine, but ok. So if the permissions of the .odt files are correct, why do the permissions of the folders change? That's what I don't understand.


    I don't know if this is important, but to improve the SMB performance under macOS, I added these lines under Settings --> SMB Settings --> SMB Extras:

    veto files = /._*/.DS_Store/
    aio read size = 1
    aio write size = 1
    strict locking = No
    use sendfile = No
    server multi channel support = Yes
    readdir_attr:aapl_rsize = no
    readdir_attr:aapl_finder_info = no
    readdir_attr:aapl_max_access = no
    fruit:posix_rename = yes
    fruit:metadata = stream


  17. Ok, I did some research, here the results:

    - It's not possible to open a file on an SMB server like described in the link, the "Windows Share" option is missing completely.

    - My father edited yesterday 6:44 p.m. the file /mnt/user/sharename/A/B/filename.doc. Already today, the folders /mnt/user/sharename and /mnt/user/sharename/A/B/ had wrong permissions again. I resetted the permissions yesterday before 6:44 p.m. So today I resetted the permissions again.

    - Then I opened a .odt file from the /mnt/user/sharename/ folder via SMB, edited and saved it. What I can observe is, that the file gets following permissions:

     -rwxrw----+ dads_username:users

    So it gets extended permissions. Using the


    command on this file reveals the following:

    owner: username_of_my_father
    user: nobody:rwx           #effective: rw-
    group:: ----
    group:users: ----


    This seems to be correct at first glance. 

    When new .odt files are created in the /mnt/user/sharename/ folder via SMB, they all get these extended permissions. 

    So right now, everything seems to work as expected. I hope the problem is fixed with this, but we will see.


    I also saw some .~lock.filename.odt files in the folder which were not deleted for whatever reason. They also had the permissions from above, so they shouldnt be the problem.


  18. 5 minutes ago, Frank1940 said:

    Make sure he is not using the 'Sharing' and 'Security' Tabs under properties to 'fix' permissions on directories and files that are on the Unraid server. 

    He doesn't. :D

    He tells me, that he doesn't have access to his files and I reset permissions with the "New Permissions" feature within unraid. That's all. And this seems to be enough for a temporary fix.


    All SMB shares, where "Export" is switched to "yes", have the security setting "Private". 

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