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Everything posted by Hectic

  1. Unraid shows both dockers are running. Server 1 works fine and i can connect using steam. Server 2 steam cant find and i cant connect Server 1 Valheim started up-to-datebridge172.17.0.2:2456/UDP192.168.2.142:2456 /serverdata/serverfiles/mnt/cache/appdata/valheim Server 2 Valheimtest started up-to-datebridge172.17.0.6:2456/UDP192.168.2.142:2600 /serverdata/serverfiles/mnt/cache/appdata/valheimtest Using my local ip and port 2601 Thanks
  2. Thank you so much for the quick reply. Successfully created new container with your instructions but i can't get steam to find the secondary container with the new port. New port range added and changed game port in the ''Show more settings tab'' Ports also forwarded on router. Apologies, first time setting up game servers.
  3. can anyone help me with creating a second server docker? I added a new container using the valheim template. changed the folders and port but it fails. Stopping container: Valheim Successfully stopped container 'Valheim' Removing container: Valheim Successfully removed container 'Valheim' Command:root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name='Valheim' --net='bridge' -e TZ="America/New_York" -e HOST_OS="Unraid" -e 'GAME_ID'='896660' -e 'GAME_PARAMS'='' -e 'USERNAME'='' -e 'VALIDATE'='' -e 'PASSWRD'='' -e 'SRV_NAME'='servertest' -e 'WORLD_NAME'='myserver' -e 'SRV_PWD'='mypass' -e 'PUBLIC'='1' -e 'UPDATE_CHECK'='true' -e 'ENABLE_VALHEIMPLUS'='' -e 'BACKUP_FILES'='true' -e 'BACKUP_INTERVAL'='62' -e 'BACKUP_TO_KEEP'='24' -e 'GAME_PORT'='2456' -e 'UID'='99' -e 'GID'='100' -e 'DEBUG_OUTPUT'='false' -p '2600-2603:2456-2458/udp' -v '/mnt/user/appdata/steamcmd1/':'/serverdata/steamcmd1':'rw' -v '/mnt/cache/appdata/valheim1/':'/serverdata/serverfiles':'rw' --restart=unless-stopped 'ich777/steamcmd:valheim' /usr/bin/docker: invalid publish opts format (should be name=value but got '2600-2603:2456-2458/udp'). See '/usr/bin/docker run --help'. The command failed.
  4. I can't seem to find the location of the save game files so i can migrate my current world to unraid. My valheim docker got instlled in /serverdata/steamcmd/mnt/user/appdata/steamcmd /serverdata/serverfiles/mnt/cache/appdata/valheim Can anyone help me. THANKS ~# cd /mnt/ /mnt# ls cache/ disk1/ disk2/ disk3/ disk4/ disk5/ disks/ remotes/ user/ user0/ /mnt# cd cache/ mnt/cache# ls appdata/ domains/ system/ /mnt/cache# cd appdata/ mnt/cache/appdata# ls NginxProxyManager/ binhex-mineos-node/ icloudpd/ nextcloud/ valheim/ binhex-minecraftbedrockserver/ calibre/ mariadb/ steamcmd/ binhex-minecraftserver/ calibre-web/ minecraftbedrockedition/ unms/ /mnt/cache/appdata# cd valheim/ :/mnt/cache/appdata/valheim# ls LinuxPlayer_s.debug* Valheim\ Dedicated\ Server\ Manual.pdf* start_server_xterm.sh* valheim_server.x86_64* Steam/ linux64/ steam_appid.txt* valheim_server_Data/ UnityPlayer.so* server_exit.drp* steamapps/ UnityPlayer_s.debug* start_server.sh* steamclient.so* mnt/cache/appdata/valheim# cd valheim_server_Data/ /mnt/cache/appdata/valheim/valheim_server_Data# ls Managed/ globalgamemanagers.assets* level4* sharedassets1.assets.resS* MonoBleedingEdge/ globalgamemanagers.assets.resS* level4.resS* sharedassets1.resource* Plugins/ level0* resources.assets* sharedassets2.assets* Resources/ level0.resS* resources.assets.resS* sharedassets3.assets* app.info* level1* sharedassets0.assets* sharedassets3.assets.resS* boot.config* level2* sharedassets0.assets.resS* sharedassets3.resource* globalgamemanagers* level3* sharedassets1.assets* sharedassets4.assets* mnt/cache/appdata/valheim/valheim_server_Data# cd .. :/mnt/cache/appdata/valheim# ls LinuxPlayer_s.debug* Valheim\ Dedicated\ Server\ Manual.pdf* start_server_xterm.sh* valheim_server.x86_64* Steam/ linux64/ steam_appid.txt* valheim_server_Data/ UnityPlayer.so* server_exit.drp* steamapps/ UnityPlayer_s.debug* start_server.sh* steamclient.so* mnt/cache/appdata/valheim# cd
  5. Hi, is there any way for someone to write up instructions on setting this up? I downloaded the docker and put the template information. Apple ID: myapple@email This is the Apple ID for the account you want to download files for AppData Config Path: /mnt/user/appdata/icloudpd Synchronisation Interval (seconds): 86400 Default is once every 24h. Data: /mnt/user/icloud/ Container Path: /home/user/iCloud Docker is up and running and whats next? Im a little lost. Thanks
  6. figured it out. it was a damaged iso.
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