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Hammy Havoc

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Posts posted by Hammy Havoc

  1. Experiencing crashes that prevent the container from being stopped and can't kill the process either: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/90003-cant-stop-docker-container-nextcloud-or-reboot-the-whole-system/


    Forced to do an unclean reboot every time this happens, otherwise I can't get the Docker container running again. Any ideas? Been a problem for months and Nextcloud devs told me to talk to the container image maintainers.

  2. Has anybody gotten this up and running with Authentik?


    When I go to `netbird.mydomain.com`, I get `Login Error: User state: Unauthenticated ;`, even if I launch the "Application" from Authentik. I'm sure I'm probably missing something obvious, but just thought I'd ask if anyone else has any ideas.


    Would be interested to see your `management.json` file.

  3. On 10/2/2022 at 1:35 AM, gethowell said:

    I experience the same as @howiser1. Everything works fine with nextcloud on unraid until the iOS app is used to authenticate against the server: nextcloud stops responding (502 in the ios app log), and I can't restart/stop the container on unraid. Even stopping the docker service doesn't resolve, the unraid server itself will not shutdown/restart and needs a hard reset, which is bad.


    I can recreate this consistently, so there is definitely an issue here with the unraid/nextcloud/ios combination. It's been a consistent problem for me across all recent versions of nextcloud and unraid.


    I do use swag and cloudflare and access nextcloud externally, unsure if this is also playing a part.


    Be great to know if anyone has any ideas on why this is happening. @howiser1 I see your post was from last year - do you still experience the issue?

    I'm seeing this happen on Android consistently. It seems that opening a file via CODE from the Android Nextcloud app is what causes it, but opening a file via the web interface in CODE/Collabora doesn't cause it to crash.

    I mentioned the issue here: https://github.com/nextcloud/server/issues/44821

  4. On 4/15/2023 at 7:20 PM, cheesemarathon said:

    Is this still the case? I saw another "app" for MinIO on the Community Apps in Unraid, maintained by imagegenius. Just curious.


    Did anybody ever figure out anything other than MinIO for S3? Really needing some kind of S3 compatibility for backing up specific apps on other boxes.

  5. 11 hours ago, kernelpaniced said:

    If you have a lot of plugins installed then try to boot into safe mode and see if your system is more stable. I had issues with a plugin causing my server to lock up and found it by doing this.


    Any particular plugins that you felt were responsible?

  6. On 3/3/2023 at 2:08 PM, Retrogamer137 said:

    Same Problem here. I created a cronjob whith "docker restart swag" which restarts my swag every hour to avoid problems, but this sucks.


    Log of swag shows no problems.

    Using Let's Encrypt as the cert provider
    SUBDOMAINS entered, processing
    SUBDOMAINS entered, processing
    Sub-domains processed are:  xxx
    E-mail address entered: xxx
    http validation is selected
    Certificate exists; parameters unchanged; starting nginx
    The cert does not expire within the next day. Letting the cron script handle the renewal attempts overnight (2:08am).
    [custom-init] No custom files found, skipping...
    [ls.io-init] done.
    Server ready


    Did you figure out the cron issue? My cron tasks were running initially, gave the SWAG container a restart and noticed that my cron tasks didn't persist.


    Just confirmed that restarting my SWAG container causes me to lose any tasks I've added to crontab. I used `(crontab -l ; echo "0 * * * * /usr/bin/php81 '/config/www/tasks/cron_jobs/run_every_hour.php'") | sort - | uniq - | crontab -`

    Edit: workaround is adding cron tasks in Scheduled Tasks in Settings and executing the command within the appropriate Docker container.

  7. Hi all,


    Looking to run Active Collab on my Unraid server. There's a probe file available on https://activecollab.com/help/books/self-hosted-activecollab/requirements if anyone wants to play along at home.


    I know that SWAG can handle PHP sites/apps alone, but not sure it's the most appropriate solution versus a dedicated container (I assume anyone else will know better than me).


    If I were to use a dedicated container, what container should I use? And what kind of proxy-conf would I use with it?


    Equally, if I were to just sling it into a SWAG dir, what kind of proxy-conf would I use for that, assuming I want to run it on a subdomain?


    Got plenty of containers already running with SWAG, but they were largely bog-standard common turn-key things. This is likely the final piece of the puzzle for me.


    Edit: figured this out.

  8. On 3/17/2023 at 10:48 PM, ljm42 said:

    For everyone else in this thread, assuming you are just having issues with My Servers connecting to mothership and not other things...


    First thing to do is go to the Plugins tab and make sure you are running the latest version of the plugin. Currently that is 2023.03.09.1140


    Then check https://status.unraid.net/ and confirm we are not having back-end issues. If we are, then I apologize and ask you to please wait until those are cleared.


    If there are no issues reported on our end, try restarting the Unraid API via `unraid-api restart`. Wait at least 30 seconds, then reload the webgui. If restarting the api solves the issue then we still have more work to do on our reconnection logic. The API should be able to detect that it was disconnected and automatically reconnect.


    If restarting the api doesn't solve the issue then you need to check your network for a firewall or pihole or adguard that might be blocking the connection.

    Having this problem too. I've restarted via `unraid-api restart`, no joy though. Latest plugin version.


    Apparently my USB flash backup is also corrupted. That's somewhat disconcerting.


    Server is reachable via WAN, so port forwarding isn't the problem. Has worked fine for months.

  9. It seems like every consumer off-the-shelf NAS, and even offerings like TrueNAS, have shockingly decent built-in backup facilities, and have done for many years. TrueNAS integrates well with cloud storage providers in the OOBE. I'm bewildered that Unraid still doesn't offer anything like this, even just backup to a local target like another machine on the LAN, or just a USB drive.


    Even a cheap TerraMaster NAS offers something, which I've used prior to Unraid. With pages like https://unraid.net/product/data-storage-users, there's a lot of functionality that you would otherwise expect, especially invoking "Designers, 3D animators, developers, and video production companies", it sets certain expectations for the OOBE. Not saying this to be negative, but saying it because I'm shocked by how comparatively janky and lacklustre pretty much every third-party solution is with Docker containers versus how slick and effective competing solutions are.


    I've also noticed a lot of users seem to misinterpret parity as being a backup solution rather than simply improving availability. Backups really should be in the OOBE, and when setting up a new server, should be one of the first things that users do, and as simple as the rest of the Unraid experience. The complexity of setting up third-party backups is in great contrast to how simple and intuitive the rest of the experience with Unraid is. After recently having had a Docker container break with a bad update, I'm extremely sceptical with regard to something as mission critical as backups.


    Something. Anything. Pretty please! Love the rest of Unraid, but this is crying out for a solution, especially in terms of feeling able to recommend it to others.

  10. Getting this error when trying to start the latest version of the `matrix` Docker container:


    /usr/bin/python3: Error while finding module specification for 'synapse.app.homeserver' (ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'synapse.app')


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