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Everything posted by TrCl

  1. Hi everyone! This might be a little off topic, I'm sorry if that's not ok. Is anyone familiar with the scripts that make the reannouncement of a torrent when there's an error for unregistered torrent when getting torrents from IRC channels? There's a few versions of them around, but I can't seem to getting any to work properly. Herer's one of the scripts I've tried unsuccessfully: #!/bin/bash torrentid=$1 torrentname=$2 torrentpath=$3 output="/config/deluge-reannounce.log" ip= port=58846 # deluge daemon port x=1 while [ $x -le 100 ] do sleep 7 echo "$(date '+%Y.%m.%d-%T') - Running $x times - TorrentID: $torrentid" >> "$output" line=$(/usr/bin/deluge-console "connect $ip:$port; info" "$1" | grep "Tracker status") echo "$(date '+%Y.%m.%d-%T') - $line" >> "$output" case "$line" in *Unregistered*|*unregistered*|*Sent*|*End*of*file*|*Bad*Gateway*|*Error*) /usr/bin/deluge-console "connect $ip:$port; pause '$torrentid'" sleep 5 /usr/bin/deluge-console "connect $ip:$port; resume '$torrentid'" ;; *) echo "$(date '+%Y.%m.%d-%T') - Working after $x tries: $torrentname $torrentpath $torrentid" >> "$output" exit 1;; esac x=$(( x+1 )) done I add the script via the execute plugin on deluge, and set it to run when a torrent is added. The script seems to run, but the problem is new torrents added from IRC channel get the status "error: unregistered torrent", but when I check the script log file it says "working after 1 tries...". I'm running this container on docker on an Asustor NAS. I'm not on unraid. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
  2. Hi @binhex! Are you planning to update the container to rutorrent 4.0 that was released last week? Thanks for all your hard work
  3. [warn] Unable to successfully download PIA json to generate token from URL 'https://privateinternetaccess.com/gtoken/generateToken' I've been getting this message for the past few hours and can't access the webui or start the container. Is this a PIA issue?
  4. Hello, Ever since version 4.3.6 I've been getting random "errored" torrents while downloading. Some finish without a problem, others just get errored and I'm forced to recheck them so they can finish. Sometimes they error more than once. Everything is fine on version 4.3.6, but it happens on all versions since. I understand this problem probably has nothing to do with the container, but perhaps someone knows what could be causing this. Maybe I need to change some setting? Thanks.
  5. Yeah, thanks. I think maybe it's the kernel version I'm on that's the issue. I'm running on a NAS that I believe is running version 4.14. Perhaps that's the problem.
  6. I added the variable VPN_CLIENT=wireguard. Is there another variable I should add? Thanks for your reply
  7. Hello, I'm trying to use wireguard, but I'm running into trouble, my log says: [#] ip link delete dev wg0 2020-10-11 17:13:18,187 DEBG 'start-script' stderr output: Cannot find device "wg0" 2020-10-11 17:13:18,187 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output: [warn] WireGuard interface failed to come 'up', exit code is '1' Can anyone help me, please? Thanks
  8. Hi Chadwick, Thanks for your reply. I put 4 or 5 servers on the ovpn file. And they all seem to behave the same. I'm using next gen servers and portforwarding seems to be working. Both openvpn and wireguard produce the same result, although with wireguard I can reach higher speeds. I can reach good upload speeds, 10MB+. My problem is it seems to "choke" while downloading something above 20MB speed.
  9. Hi everyone, Perhaps someone can help me, please. I have this container running on a NAS (Nimbustor 4). I have a gigabit connection. With VPN (PIA) turned on I can reach around 25MB max download speed. The problem I'm having is that while downloading near the top limit the upload speed drops to practically 0. If I throttle the download speed to around 10MB the upload is fine. Is this normal? Is this a hardware limitation or maybe there's some setting I can change to improve this? Thank you.
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