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Posts posted by Chester

  1. Folks:


    Basic question here - we had a power outage and I lost all access to the drives and web GUI.  (No backup power obviously).  After restarting the server, there no response on the old IP address and it does not appear to have pulled a new one.


    The basic FAQs seem to state that pulling the USB and trying to mount it on another system is the next step.


    Is there a recovery walk through somewhere?


  2. Thanks folks.  So after adding a Windows Credential for the UNRAID user, I was able to point to access it using the local IP address.  I created a shortcut and dropped that on the Desktop.  This will at least allow the user to open a directory and drag files. 


    Oddly, I was not able to create a Network location - the error said something about Windows needing a share.  I'm not a networking guru by any means, but I'm guessing if I also include the next level directory (ie - the share directory), it might work.  But calling it solved for my purposes.



  3. Thanks guys - it's appearing as a network location now - and is returning a different network error about needing a network share.  (I made no changes other than a restart and need to look into the error more).  (It's a laptop with a local IP 192.168.x.xx on our home network)


    My plan is to attempt to use the credential manager to force a login to the public share on the UNRAID box.  My thinking is that if I can match the widows user name and UNRAID user account name it might work.


    This is about a far as I'm willing to go on a work PC without making a phone call.



  4. Good Afternoon:


    I'm a new user and having issues with network access.  I have reviewed a couple threads and viewed spaceinvader's windows SMB video.


    I have three Windows 10 PCs.  The two running Home edition seem to point to new Unraid box ok.  A third (work computer running PRO or EDU - unclear) does not.  All same network.  


    The issue - the Unraid box not appear in the network tab - even after activating network discovery.  I have tried to map the drive by IP, and no joy.  (Network Path Not Found).  The GUI does show in a web browser. 


    From what I gather - I need to enable guest login. 


    What security issues am I creating?  And is there another option?  (I don't want to make Reg edits on a machine owned by her job, and am not sure I even can).


    Thanks - appreciate the help.  The goal here is have a network box so she can backup work files.



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