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Posts posted by digidep

  1. 8 minutes ago, Hoopster said:

    And, he's back! 


    I experienced problems with the BMC chip on my backup server so I contacted ASRock support and, what do you know, the next day I was contacted by our friend William Lee.  After several attempts at resurrecting the BMC chip, William authorized an RMA and replacement board which is in process now.


    Did you ask him if there were any new BIOS?

  2. At some point in the few weeks, seems that my Dockers are limited to 100Mbps.


    Found this out from a speedtest tracker container.


    1000Mbps shows connected in unraid host.


    Been running for over 1 year without issue.


    Any ideas on what happened or how to troubleshoot further?


    Thanks in advance.


  3. 8 minutes ago, Squid said:

    Very recently, as over the course of a month (every month), every single container in CA gets pulled to look for stuff like this





    Sure, I wasn't necessarily worried about CA as much as getting this container updates.  I assume, that there are several people that have this container deployed and now no longer able to get updates.


    In doing some more investigation, looks like the image moved here:



    I updated the Docker template and was able to get it to update.

  4. 1 hour ago, JimmyGerms said:

    Whew, thought I may have messed up my template! Last question before I derail this thread any further. What are your temps like with the 2288G running a VM? I'm sitting at ~46C when my 6 core VM is idle. I feel like this is a bit too high for something like this. I'm so paranoid with temps and if I got good thermal paste coverage every time I build a PC.


    Thanks for all the help @Hoopster! I've learned so much from this thread and building this machine!


    Mine idles at 30C, though have a Noctua NH-D15S on it (140mm fan).


    I also am paranoid about the CPU temps...so you are not alone.

  5. 30 minutes ago, d1ck13 said:

    Hi Guys,


    I need some recommendations before buying my first Unraid server in order to replace some old synology devices.


    Im planning to buy a ASRock Rack E3C246D4U2-2L2T with an Intel Xeon E-2288G. Does anybody can confirm if that motherboard have the same issues with iGPU and IPMI as the ASRock Rack E3C246D4U2? Or is everything fine with this motherboard?


    I already contacted the ASRock Support in order to get some informations about known issues with iGPU and IMPI also because the motherbaord have still its first BIOS, but the ASRock Support just answered some crap.


    Thanks in advance,



    This newer board looks great!  I like the extra network adapter and hdmi.


    I just have the E3C246D4U2.


    Who did you talk with at ASRock?


    Maybe you can entice @Hoopster to upgrade his board and let you know if it works?  LOL.

    • Like 1
  6. On 1/29/2021 at 12:33 AM, Ver7o said:

    Just throwing this out there is maybe there is someones else experiencing similar issues. I use Bromite on mobile, and everytime I visit unraid forums, the browser hangs and ask to force close. Sometimes it loads the forum homepage, and hangs in the next selected section or sometimes it hangs outright. And it only happens on this page (unraid webgui is fine). Haven't otherwise experienced a browser crash on mobile.



    Same for me on Chrome on Android.

  7. I have watched all of Spaceinvaders on this topic, but not able to get this to work with my Win10 VM.


    Only been running Unraid for a month or so, so please be gentle.


    I just don't get output to the monitor after starting the VM.  I'm guessing I'm missing something stupid.


    I have manually made the recommended changes in the VM XML (red below) that are suggested for GPU passthrough, keeping it on the same bus and making it multi-function device.


        <hostdev mode='subsystem' type='pci' managed='yes'>
          <driver name='vfio'/>
            <address domain='0x0000' bus='0x01' slot='0x00' function='0x0'/>
          <rom file='/mnt/cache/domains/vbios/Sapphire.RX580.8192.180719.rom'/>
          <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x04' slot='0x00' function='0x0' multifunction='on'/>
        <hostdev mode='subsystem' type='pci' managed='yes'>
          <driver name='vfio'/>
            <address domain='0x0000' bus='0x01' slot='0x00' function='0x1'/>
          <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x04' slot='0x00' function='0x1'/>



    Interestingly, I am able to have it work with a MacOS VM.



  8. 5 hours ago, SpaceInvaderOne said:


    Using opencore configurator. Mount your efi partition and open the config.plist with the configurator.

    goto misc

    and set as in this pic (check hideauxillary and uncheck show picker)




    Thanks!  Exactly what I needed.  All booted up with graphic card passthrough on Big Sur!!!

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