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Posts posted by steelrat

  1. Here's the output @JorgeB - thank you for taking the time to look into this.


    Label: none  uuid: 798fccc9-4a1e-418e-85e0-2604502228a3
            Total devices 1 FS bytes used 340.00KiB
            devid    1 size 20.00GiB used 536.00MiB path /dev/loop2

    Label: none  uuid: 8e6e94bd-7ef0-4028-b032-b5b8adc15c8e
            Total devices 1 FS bytes used 412.00KiB
            devid    1 size 1.00GiB used 126.38MiB path /dev/loop3

    Label: none  uuid: 4eba87b2-c286-475c-8d30-08f41b74e75c
            Total devices 2 FS bytes used 602.34GiB
            devid    1 size 465.76GiB used 97.00GiB path /dev/sdh1
            devid    2 size 931.51GiB used 662.03GiB path /dev/sde1
            devid    3 size 931.51GiB used 662.03GiB path /dev/sdb1

  2. After downsizing my main Array and described by SpaceInvaderOne here (New Config > Preserve current assignments: all > then removing the device I didn't need anymore) I now get the error "unmountable: no pool uuid" on the cache drives.


    To be clear - I did not change the cache drives in that process. Any Ideas what happened here? The array is fine and all the data is there - it's just the cache that has issues...


    Best regards and a happy new year!


  3. Hi everyone,


    I recently bought a second 1TB Cache drive to add to my cache pool, after the initial 500GB drive grew too small and I had already added another 1TB.


    Now I wanted to add the second 1TB and move to raid1 have better data security and remove the 500GB thereafter.


    As far as I've already read, I can add the second 1TB, wait for the cache balance to finish and then simply remove the old 500GB drive.


    This is my current config:

    Data, single: total=625.00GiB, used=608.64GiB

    System, RAID1: total=32.00MiB, used=112.00KiB

    Metadata, RAID1: total=1.00GiB, used=326.69MiB

    GlobalReserve, single: total=138.88MiB, used=0.00B


    My questions now would be:

    Can I move forward as planned?

    And would it make sense to upgrade to 6.9.0 before or after the cache changes?


    best regards



  4. Quote

    -start array, delete/move a couple of GBs from cache then balance to single profile

    @JorgeB Is this the correct command to balance to single profile?

    btrfs balance start -dconvert=single -mconvert=raid1 /mnt/cache

    I followed your advice, deleted unnecessary data and should now have enough space to da a balance with the desired outcome.


    best regards



  5. After my 500GB (Samsung Evo 860 btrfs) Cache drive started to go twards 90% full, I got a new 1TB Samsung Evo 860 and added it as a second cache drive.

    Now it seems my Cache is mounted as read-only and I can't start any VMs or Dockers which I had on the Cache.


    I was advised to attach the logs. Can anyone help? I'm kinda lost here :(



    - The 1TB Disk was added to the cache (raid1 as I've learned now).

    - I was happy to see, that the cache seemed to work immideately and resized my vm disk (which is on the cache) and spun it up to start an update which was previously not possible due to missing space *duh* < I'm with stupid...

    - during the update in the vm froze (obviously due to unraid setting the array to read only to prevent data loss) and I freaked and came here...


    my learnings so far:

    - search through the forum before touching your unriad if you plan on doing something you have never done before. Someone else has probably done it already...

    - the cache is configured as raid 1 per default (had I known before, I wouldn't have just added a 1TB)

    - don't be so quick to assume, everything will work on it's own


    So I guess my question now would be more: What data on the cache might still be salvegable?


    best regards




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