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Guns McWar

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Posts posted by Guns McWar

  1. On 3/18/2021 at 3:55 PM, AwesomeAustn said:

    I love it! Thanks a lot!


    Edit: I had to stop using it because it kept saying the unraid logo tweaker share was deleted every time I went into a share or disk settings and I couldn't edit or see anything. Just the yellow box.


    Thank you for the feedback. I just noticed this as well on my system -- I guess it's been a while since I needed to add or change a share.


    I'll look into this, but my time is limited right now with work. I'll make sure to follow up on this post when I resolve the issue.

    • Like 1
  2. Hey everyone, thanks for the discussion. It's nice to know that I'm not alone using a QNAP for Unraid.


    Just following up with some fan news; I set the Fan SMART setting to Manual in the BIOS. Now my fans run at 100% speed. My server is in a networking closet, so I'm not concerned about the noise, and I prefer 100% to whatever they were at before. My drive temps have dropped 15 C.


    One issue I ran into was when setting my network interface bonding mode within Unraid to balance-alb (Adaptive Load Balancing), my whole network slowed to a crawl. Downloads on all devices peaked at 15 kb/s on a 100 Mbps connection. Switching back to the default active-backup fixed everything. I'm not sure if this is an issue with my QNAP, Unraid, my switch, or me.

  3. icon.png.31d97590dafd97470cfd21991b2852f1.png

    Unraid Logo Tweaker

    Easily change WebGui logo image and URL




    Please note: After your first save, the form will be blank and you must refresh the page. This is a known bug.

    I know there are plenty of things for me to fix and improve. I'd very much appreciate any feedback you have.



    Hello all,


    I've been tinkering with Unraid plugin development for a couple weeks, and I think I'm ready to share what I've come up with. Unraid Logo Tweaker is a simple plugin that allows you to customize the WebGui Unraid logo. You can set a custom URL (e.g., /Dashboard or your server IP) and replace the logo with your own base64-encoded PNG image. DOM elements are modified using JavaScript; no WebGui files are modified.


    Replacement logo images are expected with the same or similar dimensions as the original Unraid logo (160px ✕ 28px). If using a high-density or retina display, you'll want to use 320px ✕ 56px. You can modify the CSS margins inside the plugin to allow for images with a larger height – within reason. This plugin is intended to keep things vanilla.



    Navigate to the Plugins page on your Unraid installation and click on the Install Plugin tab. Then paste


    and click INSTALL. I plan to submit the plugin to Community Applications after a round of bug-fixes, feedback, and making sure the plugin is ready for that level of distribution.



    Unraid Logo Tweaker will appear on the Tools page under the WebGUI section. You can also access it by clicking on the Unraid Logo Tweaker icon in the Installed Plugins tab of your Plugins page.


    Simply specify which URL you'd like to apply to the Unraid WebGui logo. To replace the logo image, paste in a base64-encoded PNG image that is 160px ✕ 28px (320px ✕ 56px retina) or similar. You may base64-encode your PNG images here. If the form goes blank after saving, simply refresh the page.


    Base64 inline images load slower than HTTP loaded images, so make sure your image is optimized and compressed. Otherwise, you may see the Unraid logo for a split-second before the page DOM is manipulated.



    A sample base64-encoded image can be found in the README at https://github.com/joellombardo/unraid-logo-tweaker.


    • Thanks 1
  4. Thank you so much! Great point about the variable names -- mine are very generic. Thank you for all that you do for the community, @Squid


    If I can ask one last question, does anyone know how get a plugin to appear under Tools > Web GUI? I believe I've tried Menu="WebGUI" on my settings .page, but I didn't see it there. However, it could've been any number of other issues in my early code.

  5. Thank you everyone for reading. To the plugin gurus like @Squid, @dlandon, @bonienl, and more, this is probably the easiest Unraid dev question you've ever been asked.


    TL;DR: How do I inject a simple line of JavaScript into the entire WebGUI?


    I'm making a simple plugin to change the href of the WebGUI Unraid logo. I'd prefer it link to my server IP rather than the Unraid website. Also, I'd like to learn Unraid development and fill some holes in the plugin documentation for aspiring plugin developers.


    My plugin page in settings currently reads and writes to a configuration file stored on the boot flash drive. I'd like to take values from the configuration file and include those values in some JavaScript across the whole WebGUI.


    My plugin structure is:


    /boot/config/plugins/[plugin name]

    • .cfg file: stores user values


    usr/local/emhttp/plugins/[plugin name]

    • .page file: retrieves values from config and HTTP posts them to save-settings.php
    • save-settings.php: gets the HTTP post data and writes those values to the config file


    Any help would be greatly appreciated! I've tried to do this all independently based on existing resources, but I figured it's time to ask. Thank you!

  6. Sorry to reply so late -- I can't believe it's Wednesday already.


    It's been a month since I installed Unraid on my QNAP, and I'm so happy I did. My only complaint is that I don't have any fan control. I replaced the stock fans with Noctuas and flipped them from exhaust to intake, but my drive temps are still uncomfortably high, but still within spec. The fan controller isn't detected by the System AutoFan plugin, so I'll have to figure out some kind of hardware modification.


    I do like that it's low-power and isn't loud or overly obnoxious. It definitely passes the wife test, so it's been a winner.


    However, if I had a 2-3K budget like you mentioned, I'd definitely build something custom -- in the end, it may be worth the headache. If I had my choice, I'd take modularity over the convenient form-factor. My QNAP is already 4 years old. It fits my needs, but the processor is soldered on and I'm already maxed at 8GB of DDR3. I have no more upgrade paths.


    But as it stands, I've had 0 issues running Unraid on my QNAP. If you choose to go the QNAP route, you'll probably have a great time.

  7. nextcloud.thumb.png.2ac516b90c3a76dc41f268e7da38728f.png


    Hello all,


    I've recently jumped on the Nextcloud bandwagon and it's been great for my personal and business needs. But the Nextcloud icon sticks out pretty bad in macOS Big Sur. I rarely see it, but it bugs me just knowing that it's there. I've made an icon in the Big Sur style -- which I don't like, but it's here to stay. I've attached the .icns file if you'd like to use it for yourself.



    In your Applications folder, select the Nextcloud app and either right-click and choose Get Info or hit Command + i on the keyboard. On the Info window that appears, drag and drop the .icns file over the Nextcloud icon in the top left. You'll be asked to authenticate with your password or fingerprint if you use Touch ID.


  8. 2 hours ago, ChatNoir said:


    I am running 2 ST6000VN0041-2EL11C with 23748 power on hours. In my Unraid box, they generally sit between 31 and 32°C. They raise to 33°C during parity check. I have one 140mm fan on front of each 4 drives bay though, they are about 800 rpm since I do not have a better place than my living room to put my server.

    Thank you, that's really good to know! Mine are the ST6000NE0021-2EN11C model. Looks like I've got more work to do cooling these things. I know I shouldn't be using a NAS enclosure, but it was free and it passes the wife test.

  9. Hey, everyone. I run Unraid in an 8-bay QNAP NAS enclosure. I run 3 6TB Ironwolf drives (ST6000NE0021-2EN11C) in the first 3 bays, and my idle drive temps are pretty high (currently 45C, 45C, 41C, respectively). Ambient temp is 16-18C in a cold Minnesota basement. During a parity check, the temps of the first 2 bays can push 50C.


    I'm wondering what temps your Ironwolf drives run at. Seagate rates these at a maximum temp of 60C, but that makes me uncomfortable. There are 2 120mm fans flowing over all 8 bays, and I've replaced the stock fans with some Noctuas I've had laying around. I also switched them from exhaust to intake to pull in the cold ambient air. But being a NAS, I don't have any fan control options in the BIOS. The PWM controller/fans are not detected by System AutoFan. Outside of a hardware modification to make the fans run faster, I feel like I've done quite a bit to cool these down -- consistently cold ambient and nice fans blowing directly on the drives. Just ear-balling it, I'm guessing the fans are running at about 40% speed.


    But if these drives just run hot for everyone, I'll just leave it as-is.


    The Celeron CPU is passively cooled and closest to bay 1, so that side will run hotter. I'm considering spacing out the drives, but it's nice to have everything organized and ready for clean expansion down the road. I never ran the stock QNAP QTS OS on this thing, so I don't have a temp baseline with any OS fan control.


    Thanks in advance!

  10. 18 minutes ago, Vr2Io said:

    Some years ago, I use TS-851 with Unraid, it work well for light job, in that time I run two Unraid machine, but now only one.

    Nice logo / icon !!

    Nice! I'm definitely grateful to be able to boot other OSes on this thing. I'm worried that my Synology is getting close to end-of-life and it's locked to the OS on it. It's nice to stay updated on the QNAP.


    And it definitely fits the bill for my needs right now. Eventually I'd love something beefier that could do video transcoding, but 2020 is weird and money is tight. I know I'm preaching to the choir right now, but Unraid is a pretty incredible tool, even on older hardware.

  11. Hello all,


    I've been running Unraid on my QNAP TS-853A for about a month now. I intend to use Unraid full-time on this box with this as the primary file server in my home. Before switching to Unraid, I Googled if it was possible to run Unraid on a QNAP and the consensus was: "Probably, just try it." As long as you can access the BIOS and change the boot order, you should be able to boot into Unraid. Some people report not all of their drive bays working depending on which SATA controller was being used (that forum thread is from 2016, so an update may have added compatibility for those controllers). All 8 drive bays are working on my TS-853A. The rest of the hardware is working just fine. The LCD screen on the front of the QNAP constantly says "SYSTEM BOOTING >>>>>>>", but I can overlook that. One day I may try to see if I can modify that.


    I just want to document that it's possible -- and easy -- to run Unraid on a QNAP. My only experience with QNAP boxes is with my own, so your mileage may vary. This is my first Unraid installation, but everything was incredibly straight-forward. I had no complications getting things set up.


    As others have stated in the past, these NAS boxes come with 500 MB-ish of DOM flash storage. I didn't try to install Unraid on the DOM because I didn't know if it had a UID. It would be nice to use, but I don't see 500 MB being suitable in the long term. I actually removed the DOM because my BIOS would ignore my boot order and prioritize the DOM over my Unraid flash drive. I'll report back if I ever get around to booting Unraid from the DOM.


    The Celeron N3160 and 8 GB of DDR3 prevent me from going wild with dockers and VMs, but I had that expectation going in; my primary purpose for this box is a file server for my business. But it's running a Minecraft server for my nephews, Bitwarden, and a few other services that I use for work/play. I let my 2015 Nvidia Shield act as my Plex server pulling content from my Unraid SMB shares.


    Plus, boot times went from 10+ minutes to just a couple. Unraid has breathed new life into my QNAP. This was a hand-me-down of sorts, but I've always been a Synology guy. This QNAP was a clear upgrade from the hardware of the Synology, but the QNAP software experience was subjectively much worse.


    So far, it's been more than suitable for full-time use.


    If anyone else uses a QNAP for Unraid, I've attached the case model design I've made.




    • Like 5
  12. I hope I'm allowed to contribute, too. I adopted a QNAP TS-853A that was thrown away because it kept getting hit by QSnatch. The previous owner got fed up and switched to Synology. I converted it to an Unraid box, and it's been fitting my needs quite well.


    I threw together a case icon in the default/Mex style. Feel free to use. I'm including the layered .svg file for any modifications you'd want to make.


    Edit: The previews are looking a little blurry to me when posted here. They look fine in the dashboard. Sorry, I haven't used a forum in probably 15 years.







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  13. Just posting an issue (and solution) I ran into today. I haven't read through all 16 pages of this thread to see if anyone else has experienced this, so I apologize if this has been covered before.


    If my peer name has an ampersand (&) in it, my connection does not work. After removing the ampersand, my connection immediately started working again (using both the macOS and Android WireGuard clients).


    Hopefully this helps someone else who might be pulling their hair out while wondering why their VPN connection stopped/never worked.

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