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Everything posted by 00Squat

  1. Thanks for the help, unfortunately this plugin will only do iSCSI target and not initiator. I think I am going to give up for now and just rip the files to my HTPC and then transfer them to Unraid.
  2. Thanks for the quick reply. No, the only reason I wanted to do it this way is because my server is down in the basement (do to temp and noise) and my HTPC is in my living room where it is very easy to change discs. I was thinking that it would be nice, but I can just as easily rip the files to my HTPC and then transfer them to Unraid.
  3. I saw quite a few references to iSCSI target, but could I use your pluging for an iSCSI initiator? I am trying to pass my Windows 10 optical drive to a MakeMKV container on Unraid. Thanks.
  4. Okay,........ That was quite a rabbit hole. I have looked into ATA over Ethernet, but it looks like that is mostly dead in favor of iSCSI. I found a program that will work as a target on Windows 10 (StarWind VSAN), but it looks like Unraid does not support iSCSI for either initiator(my use case) or target.
  5. So it seems like this is quite the edge case. After two days of searching I finally found a couple of posts about this idea. Only these are talking about Linux server to Linux client whereas one of my devices is Windows 10. https://askubuntu.com/questions/433231/how-can-i-share-an-optical-drive-in-a-way-that-fools-the-client-into-thinking-it and https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/119364/how-can-i-mount-a-block-device-from-one-computer-to-another-via-the-network-as-a The only reason I want to do this is because my server is down in the basement (do to temp and noise) and my HTPC is in my living room where it is very easy to change discs. I am still going to research and work on this but any help you can provide is appreciated. Thanks
  6. So it looks like that kinda works, while in MakeMKV web GUI I can now see the drive. However it is basically just a folder. MakeMKV does not recognize it as an optical drive. Do I need to now add the path that I created as --device? I think I tried something like this yesterday and couldn't get it to work. Thanks for any help. Edit:Yeah, so I tried what I did yesterday and that doesn't work. Not sure if it would be possible or not. Here is what Unraid tells me: Command:root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name='MakeMKV' --net='bridge' -e TZ="America/New_York" -e HOST_OS="Unraid" -e 'MAKEMKV_KEY'='BETA' -e 'AUTO_DISC_RIPPER'='0' -e 'AUTO_DISC_RIPPER_EJECT'='0' -e 'AUTO_DISC_RIPPER_PARALLEL_RIP'='0' -e 'AUTO_DISC_RIPPER_BD_MODE'='mkv' -e 'AUTO_DISC_RIPPER_FORCE_UNIQUE_OUTPUT_DIR'='0' -e 'USER_ID'='99' -e 'GROUP_ID'='100' -e 'UMASK'='000' -e 'APP_NICENESS'='' -e 'DISPLAY_WIDTH'='1280' -e 'DISPLAY_HEIGHT'='768' -e 'SECURE_CONNECTION'='0' -e 'X11VNC_EXTRA_OPTS'='' -e 'AUTO_DISC_RIPPER_INTERVAL'='5' -e 'AUTO_DISC_RIPPER_MIN_TITLE_LENGTH'='' -p '7806:5800/tcp' -p '7906:5900/tcp' -v '/mnt/user':'/storage':'ro' -v '/mnt/user/Media/':'/output':'rw' -v '/mnt/disks/HTPC_BD Drive':'/bddrive':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/appdata/MakeMKV':'/config':'rw' --device=/dev/bddrive 'jlesage/makemkv' 59c679fea19347a3171b1c502557f36baea09b60368fbdedc50cd5b4ffe4449e /usr/bin/docker: Error response from daemon: error gathering device information while adding custom device "/dev/bddrive": no such file or directory. The command failed. Thanks.
  7. Djoss, thanks for your work on this, it looks great. I am a little outside my depth here. I am trying to use a network share BD drive in the container and I don't know enough to put the correct info in the 'extra parameters' field. I used the Unassigned Devices plugin to add the BD from my Windows machine to Unraid. I can see the drive and access whatever is on it, but I don't know how to give the container access. Thanks for your help.
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