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Everything posted by Linxawakening

  1. I came here for this same question. Also the github page has the last commit as August 2022. So I also have no clue why this needs updating almost daily.
  2. I am just running up a wall trying to figure this out. I tried to follow this video, but I am not getting any success. I don't know why, but I initially setup a VM to use 500GB. I only need about 100GB, so I ran GParted as live, reduced my ~500GB partition down to 100GB. I then went into the Unraid command line and ran `qemu-img resize --shrink vdisk1.img 150GB` to be safe. The image resized, but when I go to run the VM I get into the BusyBox terminal. The log doesn't seem to be saying anything is wrong, but I can post that if it would help. Am I missing something? The image is just a standard 20.04 Ubuntu desktop.
  3. Unfortunately I'm still getting an unknown database. It should be there, I just feel like it's not pointing in the right direction
  4. For the orphan image, it's deleting the image, should I also delete the image for zoneminder? Will I lose all of my settings?
  5. Hey I all of a sudden had some problems with Zoneminder. And I'm not really sure what happened. I initially was having what seemed like mysql errors, so I updated and some stuff (I can't remember all the commands I did). But now I'm getting this error: Oct 27 00:56:50 f1281e6e5843 zmpkg[15761]: ERR [Error reconnecting to db: errstr:Unknown database 'zm' error val:] Now the other strange thing is I have an orphan image in my docker list that is this database. It has this data to it: Image ID: 733b124cdfef dlandon/zoneminder:latest And that ID is different than my ZM container ID. I have an image but I'm struggling with being able to post it. Is there a way to re-associate this image to the Zoneminder docker?
  6. Hey, I have a quick question. I'd like to run two NVidia GPUs on my unraid server. One would be for Plex transcoding (so I need this driver application) and one for a VM pass through. Is that possible? Or will this app pick up on the GPU going to the VM and make it difficult to pass through?
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