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Everything posted by Malachi

  1. Thanks for the tip. I installed that and updated the firmware, startup works fine now.
  2. When the system boots, the network interface fails to start. I've found that I can get it to work by changing any network setting. I guess that causes it to restart. I've been having this issue for a long time, not just the current version. I'm running a Mellanox (NVIDIA) Connect X-3, with the networking on the motherboard disabled in the BIOS. nas-diagnostics-20240423-1630.zip
  3. Hello! I was testing out the extra files option and noticed that extra files are backed up after the container backups are finished, even when type is set to 'Stop all containers, backup, start all'. Could this be changed so extra files are backed up before the containers are restarted? I'm worried that those files might be touched by the now restarted containers before backup is complete.
  4. I've run into some behavior I'm not sure is expected. I was running a parity sync when appdata backup started. The sync operation was paused, as expected, but then not resumed when it finished. It was outside the increment window, but I would have only expected that to apply to parity checks, not syncs, especially since I have increments disabled for Parity-Sync/Data Rebuild.
  5. Add a setting for Minimum Free Space on a per drive basis. I use a very mixed set of drives (HDDs & SSDs, wildly different capacities) in my array, and for speed and drive age reasons use the Fill-up allocation method. I've got all my drives formatted in ZFS. ZFS is known to perform badly when drives are almost full, so I'd like to set a minimum free space on each drive that is appropriate for it's size. Another option is to allow a percentage in the existing Share minimum free space setting, so each drive will leave some percentage of it's capacity free. I noticed there's already some sort of support for this, added in 6.12 I think, but it seems to just pick a static number on save.
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