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Everything posted by hugenbdd

  1. Working on an update. Should have something released tonight. If your share config file does not have a "shareCachePool=cache" or another cache pool entry, then it was failing. Temporary fix would be to change each share to "none" than back to "cache", and hit the apply button, so the entry gets put into the config file. My update will set default cache name if it's missing in the config. brentdog, will circle back after the release tonight.
  2. No, it will "error" out if you try to install that release on 6.8 as it checks the version now. For 6.8, follow this post.
  3. Few things. There might be a hidden ^M character in your exclusion file if you created/edited it in windows. Either remove inside vi editor, try dos2unix (may not work in unraid), or sed -e "s/^M//" filename > newfilename Try just the find command on it's own from the console and see what it returns. (It should not have the files in the exclude file in the output). find "/mnt/cache/Backup/" -depth | grep -vFf '/boot/moverignore.txt'
  4. I believe you can, based on other users experiences. (page 12 and 13) You may want to move them to a temporary directory just in case they may be needed.
  5. Do you still have a Photos share? ls -ltr /boot/config/shares Seems an upgrade to RC2 may have left some orphan share config files. I will add some checks in the next release.
  6. How big do you need? I fear not moving large files will make it very easy for the cache to fill up quickly and cause problems.
  7. It should be 1024M not kb. if you have 1024 selected the find will add a -size +1024M
  8. Not sure why it doesn't show up. I was not able to find it on a search either. I'll reach out to Squid on the next release. if you want install the 6.9rc2 version, you can use this URL. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hugenbd/ca.mover.tuning/master/plugins/ca.mover.tuning.plg
  9. You Can. From the Plugin's tab, then "install plugin" put this URL into the textbox https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hugenbd/ca.mover.tuning/6c146ad3ad63d162488d7e965c011d48d3e47462/plugins/ca.mover.tuning.plg Then hit install.
  10. Mtime https://www.unixtutorial.org/find-mtime-identify-recent-files-in-unix/#:~:text=as you probably know from,on when they were modified. Yes, you would have to list all other directories you don't want to move. Maybe put the directory you don't want on cache on it's own share and disable cache so it writes directly to the array.
  11. Yes it will still work correctly. since you are on the version from may and in in raid 6.8.3. The warning is because the latest install log file has a minimum requirement of 6.9.0-rc2. But because you are on the older version you are fine. The “fix” will happen once 6.9 is out of beta.
  12. We can't do read time because of the way unraid mounts the shares (Look back a few pages as the details are discussed). I go off of "mtime". The majority of what this plugin does, is change the "find" string to send to the mover binary. The stock mover script looks something like "find /mnt/usr/ | /usr/local/sbin/move" and I will change it to look something like "find /mnt/usr/ -mtime +30 | /usr/local/sbin/move" Yes you could use the "Ignore files listed inside of a text file:" setting, and put all the directories in that file you don't want moved off cache. As it adds a 'grep' statement in between the find and the mover. (<findstatement> | grep -vFf '$SKIPFILESLIST' | <mover binary>)
  13. Ignore for now. If you have the old one from the archive raw link posted earlier.. you should be fine. (Which it looks like you do.)
  14. That's odd. This file (/boot/config/shares/Share1.cfg) should of had the entry of shareUseCache="yes" inside of it. As I check to see if the share has a cache. for SHARECFG in /boot/config/shares/* ; do if grep -qs 'shareUseCache="yes"' "$SHARECFG" ; then echo "Share Config: $SHARECFG"
  15. Can you post a pic of your schedule page or let me know what you have in the file ignore box so I can try and reproduce on my end.
  16. Try now... I updated the install script.
  17. New Version released. ###2021.01.08 - Added version check to Install script. - Removed threshold percent check in mover perl script. - Added threshold percent check to age_mover bash script. - age_mover bash script now check for global threshold percent or the a manual entry in the ca.mover.tuning.cfg file. (example: /boot/config/plugins/ca.mover.tuning cachetv="65") - "cachetv" being the name of the pool. - if using single digits leading zero required. (i.e. cachetv="01" for 1 percent) - Removed cache disk check in perl script to remove warning on scheduler page. - Several hard coded echo statements to help in trouble shooting/debug. These will be removed later but may cause an email to be generated and sent to you.
  18. Kizer It operates the same way (as the old one) However, in this beta... if ANY cache pool is over the percentage threshold then it invokes mover for all pools. (I plan to change this in the near future). Days old only comes into play once you hit a certain percentage used. It's possible that if percentage threshold is not hit, then your files on cache just keep aging until the percentage threshold is hit. I have a 2TB cache drive. I have my percentage used threshold set to 65% and 35 days... So TV/Movies stay on cache for at least 35 days. Sometimes longer if I had a busy download day in the past 35 days.... Just take note that if you don't have mirrored cache drives.. then your files are not protected by the array/parity drives. I am not worried as I backup to google drive nightly, and can just retrieve my files from there in case of a cache disk going bad.
  19. Looks like you are on 6.8.3 Uninstall, then install the package with the URL below. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hugenbd/ca.mover.tuning/6c146ad3ad63d162488d7e965c011d48d3e47462/plugins/ca.mover.tuning.plg
  20. If you installed the old version from the link I posted this morning... then you should be able to ignore the message in Fix Common Problems.
  21. I think you can re-install the old plug-in from May by going to the history of the github and posting this URL (May 11th version of the plug-in script) into the URL for install plug-in. However, I have not tried this. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hugenbd/ca.mover.tuning/6c146ad3ad63d162488d7e965c011d48d3e47462/plugins/ca.mover.tuning.plg
  22. Added, hope that fixes the "update" issue on 6.8.
  23. something like this? (Saw it in your Community Apps plg..) $version = parse_ini_file("/etc/unraid-version"); if ( version_compare($version['version'],"6.9.0", "<") ) { echo "********************************************************************\n"; echo "\n"; echo "unRaid version 6.4.0 or greater to run\n"; echo "\n"; echo "********************************************************************\n"; exit(1); }
  24. Where can I set this attribute? I don't see it in the plg file.
  25. If you see an update in 6.8, do not update. This is for 6.9 RC2 only... I have a new version, but am working through some bugs. You can install if you want to test, but I foresee a few changes soon. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hugenbd/ca.mover.tuning/master/plugins/ca.mover.tuning.plg Currently, I check all cache pools for their size, and if one is over the threshold it will initiate a move for all pools. I plan to change this to check each pool individually. But wanted to get an initial release out right now. Squid - Can you point me to any changes for the logger and how to check if cache exists? Currently, the mover.tuning.page file throws a warning that no cache exists... I would like to keep the check instead of just deleting it. if (empty($disks['cache']) || $disks['cache']['status']=='DISK_NP') { echo "<p class='notice'>No Cache disk present!</p>";
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