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Everything posted by hugenbdd

  1. I would need to see your log entries. (syslog) Best way to troubleshoot is to enable logs, enable test mode, and move now button follows filters.
  2. Few Things. 1.) You should store the ignore file somewhere on the array and not a cache file. In case it gets moved to the array. I use /mnt/user/Backups/ignore-file.txt 2.) D - Mostly. An example folder to ignore would be /mnt/cach/TV You can make this even more specific, a / at the end is okay, however wildcards are not. Make sure that this file is not created in a Windows OS as it will leave ^M (Control M) characters at the end of the lines and cause it to fail. I would suggest, enable logging, set Test Mode=Yes and Move Now follows plug-in filters. Then review what gets moved. If your on the latest version. The logs will be under /tmp/Mover. If you on an old version, then review the syslog. The test mode really helps you get the settings correct quickly with the "move now"
  3. See the new release. 5-16-2023. You will have to update a few files on your own though. But the new release of Mover Tuning provides the back end support for it.
  4. Mover Tuning - New Release - 5-16-2023 Major update to 1 file. /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ca.mover.tuning/age_mover Known Issues: On the first run an error will be posted in logs that files in /tmp/Mover are not accessable. Can be ignored, as /tmp/Mover is created by the second run. (See above post, may not work with ZFS caches on RC5) Change Details: This release changes the age_mover bash script which does most of the work for the plug-in. In the past it would move files similar to the original mover script by sending the output of the find command to the binary mover. This change, creates a file list of all files that to be moved based on the filters. Then loops through the file list sending each file to the mover binary. This will allows us to know a few things. total number of files to move, size of each file, how much is being moved and how much is left. I also suggest that you run in test mode and with logging enabled. In Test mode, there is a 2 second wait between files so that you can review the GUI on the tower/Main page near the "MOVE" button. If you are brave enough to update unRAID files on your own, you can download the following files from my github. https://github.com/hugenbd/ca.mover.tuning /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ArrayOperation.page /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/nchan/parity_list #Create backup of ArrayOperation.page cp /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ArrayOperation.page /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ca.mover.tuning/ArrayOperation.page-premovertuning #Place the new files in their respective directories #Set Permissions #Read Only ArrayOperation.page chmod 644 /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ArrayOperation.page chown root:root /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ArrayOperation.page #All, read/execute, read/execute for parity_list chmod 755 /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/nchan/parity_list chown root:root /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/nchan/parity_list
  5. It won't stop once it hits a certain percentage moved. The Percent used is what will allow it to "kick off" mover. i.e. mover doesn't move anything unless the drive is used equal to or greater than the percent you choose. Then it applies the rest of the config items to "reduce" the amount of files returned in the find command. Each persons setting will be a bit different based on how much they download. If you are in a stage where you are mass filling a server with media, it's recommended not to use cache. If you are onto your "daily" gathering of media and it's always about the same each day, then you can really hone in on the settings. If you're onto your daily gathering, I would suggest setting to 75%, and 40 or more days. This will take some testing to get close to your desired results. Some days you will move more files than others. But it allows you to utilize the cache a bit better.
  6. No it's not an option. Best you can do is try and hit that number with "days old" and %. Can usually get close enough. Before that "move 10% of files" comes around I have to change to a filelist for moving files. I have this completed just not released. Then the data of filepath/name and size is tracked, and it would be possible to add this option. However, I suspect that this is probably months away at the earliest.
  7. Shouldn't be an issue. I would suggest uninstalling, re-installing. Make one small change to the config, save. Then leave the schedule page and come back to make the rest of your changes.
  8. Should probably start a new thread as this is for the Mover Tuning Plug-in. With that said... setting cache to "NO" will mean mover will never look at the files that are already on the cache and orphan them. "Prefer" will try to move files to the cache from the array. If you want to move them off, I would suggest not using the plug-in, set cache to "yes" and make sure you have the same cache paths that were set before, and hit the "move" button. If you have logs enabled you should be able to see the files move off. Once moved, set cache back to no.
  9. I am not running any rc candidates so I can't trouble shoot this on my own. This is the statement that is returning the % used. `df --output=pcent $POOLPATH | tail -n 1 | tr -d '%' I believe you will want to replace $POOLPATH with your pool location. /mnt/ssd_unraid_cache/ Would be helpful to see the df output without the tail and tr
  10. shareCachePool does not seem to be set for several shares. Suggest adding it in the share config like what data has. shareCachePool="cache_nvme" Edit: this shouldn't be causing it to crash, just an entry in the log.
  11. Yup, backup somewhere else and just rename. If there is an issue you should be able to rename back to capital and I will try to come up with a solution in the plug-in.
  12. Was the name ever changed? Check out this directory. ls -ltr /boot/config/shares/ There is probably a Media.cfg file instead of a media.cfg file. Make a backup someplace else and rename the file.
  13. would be under /var/log directory. in syslog or possibly syslog.1 Without seeing the log it is hard to tell what caused it to move everything. I highly suggest using test mode with logging enabled to get the config how you want.
  14. Need to see the logs and the associated find commands. You can run the find command (Minus the | /usr/sbin/mover piece) to see what files it will be/is moving. I have a release coming up in the next few weeks that changes to a file list, so when testing you can review the file list instead of logs. (also will support GUI if your willing to change internal files)
  15. They go to the syslog, which you can see with the log icon (upper right). if you hover over it, it will say log. (Next to the ?) 85%, Update your "Move All from Cache-yes shares pool percentage:" from 80 to a higher % then. Probably around 90 or 95%. Or just don't use it.
  16. You can also set a few things to review logs instantly. 1.) Enable Logs (top of page) 2.) Move Now button follows config: Yes (Near bottom) 3.) Test Mode: Yes (Last option at bottom) Then hit move now. Review the logs to make sure your options are acting how you expect. Once you have it set to your liking, set the test mode to No.
  17. This was frustrating. Didn't notice it in the newletter, didn't see any posts even on reddit... No warning that if you have capitals in your email address, (like I usually type it out) then logging in probably won't work. At least didn't for me. I changed to all lowercase letters with my email after a password reset, auto generated by chrome, and it finally let me in. Hopefully others find this useful. Or unRaid can add a "tolower" in their code. FYI, more prominent "Contact Us" would have been helpful, even just an email address.
  18. Looking for a few testers with the following. 1.) Basic understanding of bash/shell (To install the files and change their permissions. chown, chmod etc...) 2.) That have mover tuning plug-in installed. (Preferrable have been using it for a while) (Required as the GUI update file is created based off this plug-in). 2b.) Have unRAID 6.11.3 or above installed. 3.) That can test moving files off cache shares to the array. 4.) That can test moving files TO cache pool FROM the array. 5.) Bonus - if you have multiple pools to test with.
  19. Looking for a few testers with the following. 1.) Basic understanding of bash/shell (To install the files and change their permissions. chown, chmod etc...) 2.) That have mover tuning plug-in installed. (Preferrable have been using it for a while) (Required as the GUI update file is created based off this plug-in). 2b.) Have unRAID 6.11.3 or above installed. 3.) That can test moving files off cache shares to the array. 4.) That can test moving files TO cache pool FROM the array. 5.) Bonus - if you have multiple pools to test with.
  20. I think I'll be able to provide info that is needed for the GUI portion in an update to mover tuning to allow this. (Move based on a filelist instead of a "find") I still have a ways to go, but hopeful to have the base info needed in a few days. Implementing the GUI portion I will need help with though.
  21. "Move All Cache Threshold: 5" Might be a bug somewhere so that the right value did not get saved in the config file. Try changing from 55% to 60% and hitting apply.
  22. Yes, each rule is logged when it's triggered. If you have logging enabled, and run in test mode, you can then review the logs and change your rules accordingly. Also, if you set the "Move Now button follows Rules" then you can make lots of edits very quickly by hitting the move now button.
  23. Would need to see some of the mover log entries. Mostly the individual find commands for each share.
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