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Everything posted by bilinz

  1. Is this still the best way to get mods? I specifically want to install the mod pack Valhelsia 3
  2. So I also use Binhex PlexPass container so this image is super helpful! What I am curious about is which script did you end up using as I see two different ones posted in the comments. There's this one... #!/bin/bash mkdir /tmp/PlexRamScratch chmod -R 777 /tmp/PlexRamScratch mount -t tmpfs -o size=4g tmpfs /tmp/PlexRamScratch And also this one... #!/bin/bash mkdir /tmp/PlexRamScratch mount -t tmpfs -o size=4g tmpfs /tmp/PlexRamScratch
  3. I'm trying to understand the difference between the sonarr and radarr Docker compose when it comes to port mapping. Sonarr port host 1: 7878 (I understand this) Radarr port host 1: 8989 Port host 2: 9897 This is where I get confused. Why is there a need for 2? The webui opens to port 8989 so where does 9897 come into play? Why does sonarr not have two ports?
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