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Everything posted by dmacias

  1. Maybe do a full readout and see if there's anything temp related smartctl -A -n standby /dev/sdX 2>/dev/null I think I remember discussion about temp and those drives. Does it show a temp in the main webgui? If so, I'll have to see how he did that.
  2. Maybe the script isn't seeing the hard drive or the temp. Does that hard drive show up in the ignore list? What do you get when you run this command substituting sdX for sdf or whatever the hard drive is. smartctl -A -n standby /dev/sdX 2>/dev/null| grep -m 1 -i Temperature_Cel | awk '{print $10}' If nothing just try this smartctl -A -n standby /dev/${hdd} 2>/dev/null| grep -m 1 -i Temperature
  3. What are the settings you're using? Just for info, the plugin uses the highest temp hdd not an average. To test I would set the high threshold to the highest temp hdd. Also give it a min or so depending on your interval setting. The see if it spins up to full speed
  4. Which board? I have tested on X10 and currently have an X11. The plugin is based on specific ipmi commands for different models. If your bmc firmware isnt updated or consistant with other models this may affect it also. Recently I was made aware also at least one bmc firmware puts spaces in the fan names. The plugin expects FANA, FAN1.... I haven't implemented an update yet to trim out the spaces yet. The full speed setting is intended so the bmc doesn't try controlling the fans while fan control is running.
  5. Try using the network to connect instead of local. May be the part of the problem you're seeing with the plugin. Ipmitool won't do anything different than the plugin though. The plugin uses freeipmi to download the actual sensor config then load it. You can use freeipmi also from the command line if you want to. Just a little different syntax.
  6. If you set the fan min % you should be able to keep them above 200. You shouldn't need to restart the bmc.
  7. 100 might be too low. Also if they hit 0 that will trigger full speed also. You also need to adjust the fan speed minimum % in the fan control settings to keep the fans above the thresholds you set. If you look at the first post I explained it a little more.
  8. For Supermicro boards you need to set the thresholds lower for the fans. Look a few posts back and I explain how. Also edited the first post with instructions
  9. I think another plugin uses an older build (the last number e.g. 2) and Nerdpack wasn't programmed to pick that up.
  10. That was the right one but i just installpkg'd it. Also you need setuptools
  11. Try pip3 Edit: I got it to install on my dev vm. I had to install the slackware fuse3 and then pip3 install pyfuse3. Not sure what installing fuse3 on top of fuse2 will do though
  12. What version of Unraid are you on? You could try installing setuptools and pip and then pip install pyfuse3. Let me know if that works. No since in messing with llfuse if it's deprecated.
  13. No, that would be nice but there's no package manager for Unraid or slackware really. I updated the plugin to use nmap 7.70 for Unraid 6.7+.
  14. Just test out that package under 6.6.7 and let me know if it works. Then I'll add it to the repo for 6.7 if it does.
  15. I assume then you're on an older version of unraid. I usually only update the latest stable and the beta. So only 6.7 and 6.8 have that version. You could try and install this and see if it works then I'll update it. Just use upgradepkg borgbackup-1.1.10-x86_64-1.txz from the command line. https://github.com/dmacias72/unRAID-NerdPack/raw/master/packages/6.7/borgbackup-1.1.10-x86_64-1.txz
  16. Yes. I haven't created a 6.8 repo. Not sure when I'll get a chance. Works with 6.7 though.
  17. Thanks for the heads up. I'll add the unassigned version for 6.8
  18. Try setting the thresholds for the fans. I set FANA to 200 like this.
  19. Give it a try now. I compiled unrar myself and then recompiled rar2fs.
  20. Just run this from the command line. I'll add it to the unrar package later ln -s /usr/lib64/libunrar.so /usr/lib64/libunrar.so.5.6.1
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