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Steven O'Connell

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Everything posted by Steven O'Connell

  1. Docker refuses to start with the following error: 13:03:09.689 [main] ERROR org.snd.Application - Failed to start the app java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Expected URL scheme 'http' or 'https' but no scheme was found for at okhttp3.HttpUrl$Builder.parse$okhttp(HttpUrl.kt:1261) at okhttp3.HttpUrl$Companion.get(HttpUrl.kt:1634) at org.snd.module.MediaServerModule.<init>(MediaServerModule.kt:96) at org.snd.module.AppModule.<init>(AppModule.kt:29) at org.snd.module.context.AppContext.refresh(AppContext.kt:39) at org.snd.module.context.AppContext.init(AppContext.kt:29) at org.snd.cli.Komf.run(Komf.kt:30) at com.github.ajalt.clikt.parsers.Parser.parse(Parser.kt:198) at com.github.ajalt.clikt.parsers.Parser.parse(Parser.kt:18) at com.github.ajalt.clikt.core.CliktCommand.parse(CliktCommand.kt:400) at com.github.ajalt.clikt.core.CliktCommand.parse$default(CliktCommand.kt:397) at com.github.ajalt.clikt.core.CliktCommand.main(CliktCommand.kt:415) at com.github.ajalt.clikt.core.CliktCommand.main(CliktCommand.kt:440) at org.snd.ApplicationKt.main(Application.kt:20) Not sure What to do, as far as I can tell I've filled out all requires fields correctly in the "application.yml" and docker template.
  2. I can confirm that everything is working as intended, and all files are present and accounted for. Thanks for the help. 😁
  3. “I think you have a cache drive installed or am I wrong?” Yes, I do indeed have a cache drive it is what Plex, my Minecraft server, and a few other shares use. “Have you refreshed the folder after the container fully started?” Yes I have checked the folder both while the docker has been running and while stopped via SMB, Krusader, and the Unraid GUI as I had mentioned in my original post. “Can you share a screenshot from your Docker template please?” Here it is, this is a default set up with the only changes being the addition of Steam account login info needed to download the server files. “Can you go to the Share settings and look at the appdata folder to what it is set in terms of Use Cache?” Use cache is set to “Prefer” Here is a screen cap of the permissions on the folder where the server files are supposed to be located. I’ve also included a new log as I completely re downloaded the Docker. (It’s basically the same as the first one, shows no notable errors and the server starts successfully) This is to illustrate that the issue is reproducible between docker installs. Log_02.txt
  4. I’m currently having an issue with the Killing floor 1 server, it’s a little weird but I’ll summarize it as best I can. As far as I can tell the docker runs perfectly fine without any issue, only problem is I can’t find the actual server files in the mounted directory. The steam CMD directory is populated as expected but no matter where I mount the server files directory no files ever show up in the folder. I’ve tried mounting the server files to the following directories with no luck; • /mnt/cache/appdata/killingfloor (default) • /mnt/user/appdata/killingfloor • /mnt/disks/Samsung_SSD/killingfloor (Unassigned Device) All of which result in the folder being created but with no files present. I’ve checked the directories via SMB, Krusader, and the Unraid GUI with no luck. I’ve included the docker log from a completely default set up with the only changes being the addition of Steam account login info needed to download the server files. Personally, I have never had an issue like this with any other docker, nor do I know anyone else who has. I’m kind of at a loss with this. Log.txt
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