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Everything posted by KrisMin

  1. Could I in theory change the "Allocated Storage": of the live node by taking it down for a sec adjusting the parameter and bring it back up? Or is the only option creating another node?
  2. I did set the PCIe ACES override to disabled, multi, and both. It made no difference in stability, but every time the change was made I had to conf a new VM and point it to the existing image, because the old one didn't boot anymore. That's likely normal behavior right? It can be that I was on the wrong track and VM itself indeed ran fine. The problem likely was a combination of two things. What I now did was: a. I reinstalled AMD graphics drivers in the VM b. I reset the GPU settings to factory defaults again and cleared the buffer (even tho they should have been reset at machine reboot). Now It stress tests and runs fine so far. Thanks for the new ideas!
  3. Hi, I've been battling two days with my 5700XT and Win10 VM. The VM boots and is usable until in a random moment it freezes (under load). Nothing I did could fix it. I am out of ideas and honestly I have not found any success stories with navi & long term use in Unraid VM. All the hardware is stable and tested on a separate windows install. Probably did close to 30 different configs and enabled/disabled CMS etc in bios. All ending up in a same place. > random crash. I think, I have tried all the guidlines what allmighty google gave me. Now I am out of ideas. --> likely to hop on to RTX train instead. Using the newest Unraid release. Is the any hope left for me besides switching the card?
  4. Hi everyone! A newbie question. How do i add an unraid share which is located on my created zfs pool? When adding share, all i can see is my dummy array disk...
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