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Posts posted by wes.crockett

  1. 8 minutes ago, nubbz1992 said:


    It looks like my isp had it locked out. contacted them and they have the ports open but they are going to provide me a dedicated ip address which should resolve the issue.  I will follow up once all the updates have been made


    Wait, your ISP was like "Oh, yeah, sorry, here's a dedicated IP to solve the issue"? What glorious ISP do you use?!?!

  2. 8 minutes ago, ich777 said:

    This can't work, you added Steam credentials, remove them and start over.


    BTW are you the root user from Steam? :D

    They re-autofill every time I remove them. It's been running like that since launch somehow :D


    That said... THAT SAID... I stopped the container, blanked them out, started it and:



    but if i go back in to settings now, again, root shows up with some dummy pw... lol


    How do you even deal with us plebs? :D Thanks @ich777

  3. OK, my turn... I have updated (and force updated) my Palworld server, enabled VALIDATE (and re-disabled it after saving) and yet my server is still showing


    Is there a way, from within the docker console, to see the Palworld version?:


    Here is the log information on startup. Server has been stable since day 1.


  4. 4 minutes ago, nubbz1992 said:

    Good afternoon, UnRaid Gamers, 


    I am attempting to setup my Palworld server on my unraid setup. I am able to connect to the server via my localipaddress:8211 but when attempting to connect to the server via publicipaddress which is confirmed in the logs and whatismyip. I have gone through and made sure t hat the docker is using 8211 and setup port forwarding. I will provide pics for context. 


    For additional context I do have plex setup and I am able to connect to my server remotely. 

    PortFwd on Asus Router.png

    port scan.png

    Odd, this config looks like it should work. Maybe try setting the router to only accept UDP instead of both UDP and TCP. I couldn't imagine that would matter... but maybe??

  5. 14 minutes ago, Dustin Solis said:

    So I thought mine was messed up too cause it wasn't showing up in the community list. Once I read here that it could take a few minutes cause there's so many servers. I opened up the game and spammed the "Display next 200 results" button a couple times then searched again. I noticed the list of servers growing so I hit it a couple more times and there my server showed up. So nothing appears to be broken guys. (Well except direct connecting via IP when there's a password set but that's a known issue on the dev's side.) There's just ALOT of servers getting spun up by the community.

    You weren't kidding... that's a LOT of servers.

    I put in the ADMIN password I created and it said it didn't match. Trying the non-admin one next.

  6. 32 minutes ago, ich777 said:

    In the config (please read the description where to find it).


    What is broken? You have to wait until your server is listed in the server browser, currently you can‘t direct connect to a server that is password connected, but that should be fixed soon.


    You can also remove the password by leaving it empty, then it‘s possible to direct connect.

    I'm big dumb dumb. I missed it on my first look at the config file.


    As a side note, it looks like players who are using xbox live to play the game aren't able to join dedicated servers (like, there is no place to even see the dedicated servers.) Also, no cross play between xbox/xbox live and Steam. Really unfortunate limitation.

  7. 32 minutes ago, Wotan said:

    docker is up and password is configured.

    when trying to connect ingame i get "No password has been entered":

    i dont see an option to put in a password ingame ? am i missing something ? ^^


    found in the FAQ if we connect directly, password is not supported.
    so i guess we must wait till it populated in the community server list:


    Hey, where do you set the password? Also, from this and your edit, that's completely broken right now right?

  8. On 4/16/2023 at 9:52 AM, SmartPhoneLover said:


    v1.6 (2023-04-16)


    When configuring, what do we put in for DOCKER_HOST and DOCKER_PORT when hosted on Unraid? Sorry if this is a super noob question :D

  9. I just ran /sbin/reboot as a user script. Server rebooted fine but array didn't come back online on its own. Is that normal behavior when running /sbin/reboot?


    My thinking is trying nightly reboots to see if the issue persists every now and then.



    I'm dumb... that just flat out reboots Linux. Is there a prebuilt script for safely rebooting Unraid in the proper order?

  10. 15 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

    Both logs only cover a few minutes, at what time was the crash?

    Unknown. Sometime between 11pm and 630ish. I came in this morning and it was unusable. It became unusable overnight.


    I'm seeing several very similar threads. Going through them, looks like pretty identical symptoms. Hoping that, between all the threads, some light can come as to what may be causing it.

  11. 5 hours ago, JorgeB said:

    Correct, make sure you set the Unraid server IP in the remote server filed, it's a common mistake.

    I'm all about the common mistakes... like this one... that I made. :D Thanks.


    4 hours ago, itimpi said:

    It is often easier to set the “mirror to flash” option to get the output written to the ‘logs’ folder on the flash drive.

    So this will write them to my boot drive too then (being the flash drive)? Sounds good.

  12. As the title says, on Saturday, the server started acting up. I could access the unraid UI but not really od anything. Rebooting resulted in nothing. I could access the terminal but I couldn't get the reboot command to work there either. CPU was pegged at 100%. I had to hard boot it.


    Parity check passed fine after brining the array online.


    Tonight, I came home after a few hours away and I couldn't even access the unraid UI through web browser and I couldn't ping the box (so obviously I couldn't ssh in either.) iDrac showed no issues of note (but I could reach the idrac on the box) and I couldn't wake up the box to get direct video out. Naturally, I'm leaning to a dreaded hardware issue.


    I've attached Unraid logs... Hopefully someone more well versed than I can see a glaring issue in here?


    Syslogs attached


  13. I have just started encountering this issue as well. On Saturday, and tonight, I have had to hard-reboot the server...


    On Saturday, i was able to access the web UI but nothing would work (taking down the array, rebooting, etc)


    Tonight, I couldn't even ping the box (which is very scary of course) but iDrac (dedicated LAN port) still worked. Plugging in a mouse and keyboard w/ monitor and I couldn't get it to wake up at all.


    Logs attached, will enable persistent logging.


    FYI, Running on a Dell Poweredge T420.


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