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Posts posted by weirdcrap

  1. 7 hours ago, itimpi said:

    Just had a quick look at the code and it appears that there IS a check on whether the array is already started so unless that check is faulty in some way the backup process will not run without the array started.

    I figured it out. It's this script. It's set to run nightly and backup the usb to dir="/mnt/user/CommunityApplicationsAppdataBackup/usb/". I'll see if I can figure out how to add a check for if the array is started or not.


    EDIT: I can just throw this at the front. tested it on my home server and it works, no execution if the array is stopped.


    ls /mnt/disk[1-9]* 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null
    if [ $? -ne 0 ]
       echo "ERROR:  Array must be started before using this script"
       logger "ERROR:  Array must be started before using this script"


  2. 26 minutes ago, Squid said:

    Version that you're running is from the new dev.

    Yeah sorry I wasn't trying to imply it was your version, just wasn't very clear.


    My buddy finally got over there to reboot the server. Sounds like I might have two bad sticks. The second one wouldn't post/test yesterday but after removing and reseating it worked so we kept it in. But today again after rebooting the server wouldn't post until he removed this second stick. It sounds like G.Skill wants me to return the kit anyway as part of the RMA so I guess it works out I'm down two sticks instead of just one.


    Server is back up and everything appears to be working now.



    3 hours ago, itimpi said:

    Just had a quick look at the code and it appears that there IS a check on whether the array is already started so unless that check is faulty in some way the backup process will not run without the array started.



    I checked the schedule for the appdata backup plugin and it is set to run on Tuesday so I have no idea how that CommunityApplicationsAppdataBackup folder would have been created in /mnt/user/ while my array was stopped.

  3. 1 minute ago, itimpi said:

    I have not checked the code, but I would expect the appdata backup plugin to include a check on whether the array is started.

    You would think. I was hoping to figure it out by checking the schedule but looking through the diag captured I can't find anything about it. I didn't notice any evidence of the plugin running in the syslog capture either.


    7 minutes ago, Kilrah said:

    Possible yes. Just reboot.

    I've got someone headed that way in a bit to force a reboot hopefully that resolves it.

  4. 1 hour ago, JorgeB said:

    No, because it already exists before array start, so something else is creating that folder.

    After memtest was finished my helper booted the server up and it sat all night with the array stopped. When I went to start the array this morning this is what happened.


    I wonder if the appdata backup plugin maybe ran while the array was stopped and created that folder? I don't know how else it would have been created before array start.


    If I can get the server back up I just need to delete that folder with the array stopped then? Or how do I remove the "bad" version of the folder without affecting the actual share that contains my data?


    Will the folder persist in /mnt/user/ after the reboot if something isn't automatically recreating it at boot? I have no automated processes that touch /mnt/user/ (besides built in UnRAID stuff) so I would hope that a reboot would be all I need to resolve this.


    EDIT: I can't seem to find plugin parameters in the diagnostics. I was hoping to check the ca.backup.appdata plugin's schedule to see if it was set to run this morning.

  5. 2 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

    You have something creating this folder before the array starts:


    Apr 28 04:40:42 Node emhttpd: error: malloc_share_locations, 7199: Operation not supported (95): getxattr: /mnt/user/CommunityApplicationsAppdataBackup


    You need to correct that, or the shares won't then work correctly.

    But that's just a share on my array? It's not just a random folder I created. It's a share on my other server as well and it isn't causing me any problems.


    It's from/for Squid's community app data backup plugin before it was taken over by the new dev.

  6. The bad stick was located and array booted back up.


    Things have taken a turn for the weird. Sonarr was throwing all kinds of access denied to path errors. I'm missing a bunch of shares and there are strange errors in the log I've never seen before.

    It's throwing the below for most if not all of my shares.

    Node emhttpd: error: malloc_share_locations, 7199: Operation not supported (95): getxattr: /mnt/user/CommunityApplicationsAppdataBackup


    The data appears to be there on the individual disks still and unraid reported the array configuration was valid before I started it.


    I tried to reboot the server and am now stuck in an unresolvable retry unmounting shares loop. It claims /mnt/user is not empty but I don't see any open files preventing unRAID from stopping the array.




    EDIT: OK I managed to force a reboot. Waiting for it to come back up now.


    EDIT2: F*CKKKKKK its not coming back online. I'm going to have to get someone to go over there and see what the hell is going. In the meantime if anyone can shed some light on wtf happened to my shares that would be great. I've never seen this happen before and I don't think testing and removing a single RAM stick would cause all this nonsense.


  7. 1 hour ago, Kilrah said:

    Likely a single location was corrupted, but now since it can't be repaired it keeps reporting errors everytime it's accessed...



    Sorry, make that a check filesystem on the cache then.


    I assume this means the FS is fine?


    Phase 1 - find and verify superblock...
    Phase 2 - using internal log
            - zero log...
            - scan filesystem freespace and inode maps...
            - found root inode chunk
    Phase 3 - for each AG...
            - scan (but don't clear) agi unlinked lists...
            - process known inodes and perform inode discovery...
            - agno = 0
            - agno = 1
            - agno = 2
            - agno = 3
            - process newly discovered inodes...
    Phase 4 - check for duplicate blocks...
            - setting up duplicate extent list...
            - check for inodes claiming duplicate blocks...
            - agno = 0
            - agno = 2
            - agno = 1
            - agno = 3
    No modify flag set, skipping phase 5
    Phase 6 - check inode connectivity...
            - traversing filesystem ...
            - traversal finished ...
            - moving disconnected inodes to lost+found ...
    Phase 7 - verify link counts...
    No modify flag set, skipping filesystem flush and exiting.


  8. 42 minutes ago, Kilrah said:

    Likely a single location was corrupted, but now since it can't be repaired it keeps reporting errors everytime it's accessed...



    Sorry, make that a check filesystem on the cache then.


    Ok I've got a data transfer going but once that's done I'll put the array in maintenance mode and check the filesystem on the cache disk.


    40 minutes ago, itimpi said:

    It is always easy to recreate the docker.img file if it gets corrupted and restore containers with settings intact via Apps->Previous Apps so, as long as the underlying XFS file system look OK, I would probably recommend doing that.

    Are you saying that you disagree that it is a RAM issue? Or just that if I don't want to address the RAM issue simply recreating the docker.img file is easy?


    I do like my data uncorrupted so if it is a RAM issue I'll address it, doesn't mean I'm any less mad about having to do it in a server that's less than 2 years old. I've got someone who says the can memtest the sticks for me this weekend so I'll have them do that as well just to rule the RAM out.

  9. 50 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

    If it's a RAM problem, all data can be affected, but since you don't have any other btrfs or zfs filesystems, only the docker image is detecting data corruption.

    This is what I figured. Great.


    Do I need to use the memtest built into the UnRAID USB or can I just grab any old copy? I assume there is nothing "special" about the unraid version?


    If I can find someone local to do the testing for me I'll have them remove the unraid USB just so it doesn't accidentally boot and start the array if they miss the post prompt or something.


    I also just realized Kilrah probably meant scrub the docker image not the cache itself (since its xfs). I ran a scrub on loop2 and got no errors.


    EDIT: Oh wow I didn't look at the previous syslogs in the diagnostics. apparently this just blew up fast. April 8th and 9th both syslog.1 and syslog.2 are nothing but iterative BTRFS corruption errors, just thousands of them.


    99% of them all seem to be the same ino (inode?) and a few different off (offsets?): root 13093 ino 10035 off 93798400. Even the single error from today is the same ino of 10035.


    If it really is a RAM error would ALL the errors be on the same inode? I would think RAM issues would return lots of different inodes and offsets as things are shifted around in memory?

  10. 8 minutes ago, Kilrah said:

    All depends on how it evolves, now it's just a single corrupted block in the Docker image, maybe it even fixes itself if that gets deleted/rewritten when updating a container, or maybe it gets worse. Could just leave it as is until it breaks more I guess.

    If it's going to potentially corrupt data written to the array then I obviously need to address that. But if its just some corrupted bits in the docker.img file I don't really care and its not worth the time and headache to address currently.


    I'll keep a close eye on the logs for the next few days and make a decision based on what I observe.


    EDIT: How would I know if it fixes itself with a container update? The error would just stop appearing?

  11. 27 minutes ago, Kilrah said:

    You can do a scrub of the cache pool, and if no errors recreate the docker image



    If the problem comes back it'll likely be a hardware issue and you'll want that memtest.

    It's not a pool its a single NVME drive. What are the possible consequences of just not addressing it then?


    I would like to exhaust all other avenues before I have to take multiple days off work or track someone else down to run and baby sit memtest for me. It's not just a simple run memtest once and you're done type of thing, since i have 4 sticks if I get errors I then have to play the test 1 stick at a time game to figure out which stick needs to be replaced. So i'm looking at multiple days of down time while I try to track down which stick or sticks the problem is.


    I rebuilt this server brand new because of RAM issues less than two years ago when I could no longer find new sticks of DDR3 RAM. I'm understandably pretty mad that I'm already having to take time off work to go track down some RAM related error again.


    I'm desperately waiting for a fiber to the home provider to build out in my neighborhood so I can bring this server home and stop having to deal with this crap. I can't run a plex server for remote streaming when I'm out of the house off of 10-15Mbps upload though.

  12. 7 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

    Start by running memtest, that could be a RAM problem.

    That's going to be a problem as it's a remote server  4 hours away and it would have to stay down for days to thoroughly memtest 64GB of RAM (3-4 passes assuming I get no errors right away).


    Anything else I can try before I have to pull the server offline for an extended period of time?

  13. v6.12.10


    I've been noticing intermittent appearances of the following error:


    Apr 23 05:28:31 Node kernel: BTRFS warning (device loop2): csum failed root 13298 ino 10830 off 741376 csum 0x4458e96e expected csum 0x9c63b882 mirror 1
    Apr 23 05:28:31 Node kernel: BTRFS error (device loop2): bdev /dev/loop2 errs: wr 0, rd 0, flush 0, corrupt 232049, gen 0


    Per recommendations here I deleted and recreated my docker image but barely a day later the error is back.


    Apr 24 19:22:17 Node kernel: BTRFS warning (device loop2): csum failed root 382 ino 10035 off 83816448 csum 0xc0681546 expected csum 0x185344aa mirror 1
    Apr 24 19:22:17 Node kernel: BTRFS error (device loop2): bdev /dev/loop2 errs: wr 0, rd 0, flush 0, corrupt 1, gen 0


    My docker.img file is on the cache and not in the array: /mnt/cache/docker.img


    What else should I try?


  14. On 4/18/2024 at 10:59 AM, drohack said:

    I'm having issues with my Appdata.Backup (v2024.03.17 up-to-date).
    I've installed it for the first time and tried having it run overnight. But it got stuck on "[18.04.2024 06:46:58][ℹ️][Plex-Media-Server] Verifying backup..." It was on this step for over 2 hours which seems like that shouldn't be the case.


    Here's my log after Aborting the flow. (you can see the 2 hour difference when it give the message "[18.04.2024 08:19:39][][Plex-Media-Server] tar verification failed! Tar said: tar: Removing leading `/' from member names"):

    [18.04.2024 05:00:02][ℹ️][Main] 👋 WELCOME TO APPDATA.BACKUP!! :D
    [18.04.2024 05:00:02][ℹ️][Main] Backing up from: /mnt/user/appdata, /mnt/cache/appdata
    [18.04.2024 05:00:02][ℹ️][Main] Backing up to: /mnt/user/backup/ab_20240418_050002
    [18.04.2024 05:00:02][ℹ️][Main] Selected containers: FileBrowser, MinecraftBasicServer, NginxProxyManager, Plex-Media-Server, SpeedTest-By-OpenSpeedTest, bazarr-1, binhex-lidarr, binhex-radarr, binhex-sabnzbd, binhex-sonarr, ombi, overseerr, recyclarr, tautulli
    [18.04.2024 05:00:02][ℹ️][Main] Saving container XML files...
    [18.04.2024 05:00:02][ℹ️][Main] Method: Stop/Backup/Start
    [18.04.2024 05:00:02][ℹ️][tautulli] No stopping needed for tautulli: Not started!
    [18.04.2024 05:00:02][ℹ️][tautulli] Should NOT backup external volumes, sanitizing them...
    [18.04.2024 05:00:02][ℹ️][tautulli] Calculated volumes to back up: /mnt/user/appdata/tautulli
    [18.04.2024 05:00:02][ℹ️][tautulli] Backing up tautulli...
    [18.04.2024 05:00:03][ℹ️][tautulli] Backup created without issues
    [18.04.2024 05:00:03][ℹ️][tautulli] Verifying backup...
    [18.04.2024 05:00:03][ℹ️][tautulli] Starting tautulli is being ignored, because it was not started before (or should not be started).
    [18.04.2024 05:00:03][ℹ️][SpeedTest-By-OpenSpeedTest] No stopping needed for SpeedTest-By-OpenSpeedTest: Not started!
    [18.04.2024 05:00:03][ℹ️][SpeedTest-By-OpenSpeedTest] Should NOT backup external volumes, sanitizing them...
    [18.04.2024 05:00:03][⚠️][SpeedTest-By-OpenSpeedTest] SpeedTest-By-OpenSpeedTest does not have any volume to back up! Skipping. Please consider ignoring this container.
    [18.04.2024 05:00:03][ℹ️][SpeedTest-By-OpenSpeedTest] Starting SpeedTest-By-OpenSpeedTest is being ignored, because it was not started before (or should not be started).
    [18.04.2024 05:00:03][ℹ️][ombi] Stopping ombi... done! (took 14 seconds)
    [18.04.2024 05:00:17][ℹ️][ombi] Should NOT backup external volumes, sanitizing them...
    [18.04.2024 05:00:17][ℹ️][ombi] Calculated volumes to back up: /mnt/user/appdata/ombi
    [18.04.2024 05:00:17][ℹ️][ombi] Backing up ombi...
    [18.04.2024 05:00:18][ℹ️][ombi] Backup created without issues
    [18.04.2024 05:00:18][ℹ️][ombi] Verifying backup...
    [18.04.2024 05:00:18][ℹ️][ombi] Starting ombi... (try #1) done!
    [18.04.2024 05:00:32][ℹ️][MinecraftBasicServer] No stopping needed for MinecraftBasicServer: Not started!
    [18.04.2024 05:00:32][ℹ️][MinecraftBasicServer] Should NOT backup external volumes, sanitizing them...
    [18.04.2024 05:00:32][ℹ️][MinecraftBasicServer] Calculated volumes to back up: /mnt/cache/appdata/minecraftbasicserver
    [18.04.2024 05:00:32][ℹ️][MinecraftBasicServer] Backing up MinecraftBasicServer...
    [18.04.2024 05:01:20][ℹ️][MinecraftBasicServer] Backup created without issues
    [18.04.2024 05:01:20][ℹ️][MinecraftBasicServer] Verifying backup...
    [18.04.2024 05:03:06][ℹ️][MinecraftBasicServer] Starting MinecraftBasicServer is being ignored, because it was not started before (or should not be started).
    [18.04.2024 05:03:06][ℹ️][binhex-sabnzbd] Stopping binhex-sabnzbd... done! (took 6 seconds)
    [18.04.2024 05:03:12][ℹ️][binhex-sabnzbd] Should NOT backup external volumes, sanitizing them...
    [18.04.2024 05:03:12][ℹ️][binhex-sabnzbd] Calculated volumes to back up: /mnt/user/appdata/binhex-sabnzbd
    [18.04.2024 05:03:12][ℹ️][binhex-sabnzbd] Backing up binhex-sabnzbd...
    [18.04.2024 05:03:13][ℹ️][binhex-sabnzbd] Backup created without issues
    [18.04.2024 05:03:13][ℹ️][binhex-sabnzbd] Verifying backup...
    [18.04.2024 05:03:13][ℹ️][binhex-sabnzbd] Starting binhex-sabnzbd... (try #1) done!
    [18.04.2024 05:03:24][ℹ️][recyclarr] Stopping recyclarr... done! (took 7 seconds)
    [18.04.2024 05:03:31][ℹ️][recyclarr] Should NOT backup external volumes, sanitizing them...
    [18.04.2024 05:03:31][ℹ️][recyclarr] Calculated volumes to back up: /mnt/user/appdata/recyclarr
    [18.04.2024 05:03:31][ℹ️][recyclarr] Backing up recyclarr...
    [18.04.2024 05:03:33][ℹ️][recyclarr] Backup created without issues
    [18.04.2024 05:03:33][ℹ️][recyclarr] Verifying backup...
    [18.04.2024 05:03:34][ℹ️][recyclarr] Starting recyclarr... (try #1) done!
    [18.04.2024 05:03:46][ℹ️][overseerr] Stopping overseerr... done! (took 11 seconds)
    [18.04.2024 05:03:57][ℹ️][overseerr] Should NOT backup external volumes, sanitizing them...
    [18.04.2024 05:03:57][ℹ️][overseerr] Calculated volumes to back up: /mnt/user/appdata/overseerr
    [18.04.2024 05:03:57][ℹ️][overseerr] Backing up overseerr...
    [18.04.2024 05:03:59][ℹ️][overseerr] Backup created without issues
    [18.04.2024 05:03:59][ℹ️][overseerr] Verifying backup...
    [18.04.2024 05:03:59][ℹ️][overseerr] Starting overseerr... (try #1) done!
    [18.04.2024 05:04:10][ℹ️][binhex-lidarr] Stopping binhex-lidarr... done! (took 18 seconds)
    [18.04.2024 05:04:28][ℹ️][binhex-lidarr] Should NOT backup external volumes, sanitizing them...
    [18.04.2024 05:04:28][ℹ️][binhex-lidarr] Calculated volumes to back up: /mnt/user/appdata/binhex-lidarr
    [18.04.2024 05:04:28][ℹ️][binhex-lidarr] Backing up binhex-lidarr...
    [18.04.2024 05:04:59][ℹ️][binhex-lidarr] Backup created without issues
    [18.04.2024 05:04:59][ℹ️][binhex-lidarr] Verifying backup...
    [18.04.2024 05:05:05][ℹ️][binhex-lidarr] Starting binhex-lidarr... (try #1) done!
    [18.04.2024 05:05:19][ℹ️][bazarr-1] Stopping bazarr-1... done! (took 15 seconds)
    [18.04.2024 05:05:34][ℹ️][bazarr-1] Should NOT backup external volumes, sanitizing them...
    [18.04.2024 05:05:34][ℹ️][bazarr-1] Calculated volumes to back up: /mnt/user/appdata/bazarr-1
    [18.04.2024 05:05:34][ℹ️][bazarr-1] Backing up bazarr-1...
    [18.04.2024 05:05:38][ℹ️][bazarr-1] Backup created without issues
    [18.04.2024 05:05:38][ℹ️][bazarr-1] Verifying backup...
    [18.04.2024 05:05:39][ℹ️][bazarr-1] Starting bazarr-1... (try #1) done!
    [18.04.2024 05:05:53][ℹ️][binhex-radarr] Stopping binhex-radarr... done! (took 17 seconds)
    [18.04.2024 05:06:10][ℹ️][binhex-radarr] Should NOT backup external volumes, sanitizing them...
    [18.04.2024 05:06:10][ℹ️][binhex-radarr] Calculated volumes to back up: /mnt/user/appdata/binhex-radarr
    [18.04.2024 05:06:10][ℹ️][binhex-radarr] Backing up binhex-radarr...
    [18.04.2024 05:10:12][ℹ️][binhex-radarr] Backup created without issues
    [18.04.2024 05:10:12][ℹ️][binhex-radarr] Verifying backup...
    [18.04.2024 05:26:39][ℹ️][binhex-radarr] Starting binhex-radarr... (try #1) done!
    [18.04.2024 05:26:52][ℹ️][binhex-sonarr] Stopping binhex-sonarr... done! (took 9 seconds)
    [18.04.2024 05:27:01][ℹ️][binhex-sonarr] Should NOT backup external volumes, sanitizing them...
    [18.04.2024 05:27:01][ℹ️][binhex-sonarr] Calculated volumes to back up: /mnt/user/appdata/binhex-sonarr
    [18.04.2024 05:27:01][ℹ️][binhex-sonarr] Backing up binhex-sonarr...
    [18.04.2024 05:28:21][ℹ️][binhex-sonarr] Backup created without issues
    [18.04.2024 05:28:21][ℹ️][binhex-sonarr] Verifying backup...
    [18.04.2024 05:46:40][ℹ️][binhex-sonarr] Starting binhex-sonarr... (try #1) done!
    [18.04.2024 05:46:51][ℹ️][FileBrowser] Stopping FileBrowser... done! (took 5 seconds)
    [18.04.2024 05:46:56][ℹ️][FileBrowser] '/mnt/user/appdata/filebrowser/branding' is within mapped volume '/mnt/user/appdata/filebrowser'! Ignoring!
    [18.04.2024 05:46:56][ℹ️][FileBrowser] Should NOT backup external volumes, sanitizing them...
    [18.04.2024 05:46:56][ℹ️][FileBrowser] Calculated volumes to back up: /mnt/user/appdata/filebrowser
    [18.04.2024 05:46:56][ℹ️][FileBrowser] Backing up FileBrowser...
    [18.04.2024 05:46:56][ℹ️][FileBrowser] Backup created without issues
    [18.04.2024 05:46:56][ℹ️][FileBrowser] Verifying backup...
    [18.04.2024 05:46:56][ℹ️][FileBrowser] Starting FileBrowser... (try #1) done!
    [18.04.2024 05:47:05][ℹ️][NginxProxyManager] Stopping NginxProxyManager... done! (took 7 seconds)
    [18.04.2024 05:47:12][ℹ️][NginxProxyManager] Should NOT backup external volumes, sanitizing them...
    [18.04.2024 05:47:12][ℹ️][NginxProxyManager] Calculated volumes to back up: /mnt/user/appdata/NginxProxyManager
    [18.04.2024 05:47:12][ℹ️][NginxProxyManager] Backing up NginxProxyManager...
    [18.04.2024 05:47:14][ℹ️][NginxProxyManager] Backup created without issues
    [18.04.2024 05:47:14][ℹ️][NginxProxyManager] Verifying backup...
    [18.04.2024 05:47:15][ℹ️][NginxProxyManager] Starting NginxProxyManager... (try #1) done!
    [18.04.2024 05:47:25][ℹ️][Plex-Media-Server] Stopping Plex-Media-Server... done! (took 13 seconds)
    [18.04.2024 05:47:38][ℹ️][Plex-Media-Server] Should NOT backup external volumes, sanitizing them...
    [18.04.2024 05:47:38][ℹ️][Plex-Media-Server] Calculated volumes to back up: /mnt/user/appdata/Plex-Media-Server
    [18.04.2024 05:47:38][ℹ️][Plex-Media-Server] Backing up Plex-Media-Server...
    [18.04.2024 06:46:58][ℹ️][Plex-Media-Server] Backup created without issues
    [18.04.2024 06:46:58][ℹ️][Plex-Media-Server] Verifying backup...
    [18.04.2024 08:19:39][][Plex-Media-Server] tar verification failed! Tar said: tar: Removing leading `/' from member names
    [18.04.2024 08:25:03][ℹ️][Plex-Media-Server] Backing up the flash drive.
    [18.04.2024 08:25:57][ℹ️][Plex-Media-Server] Flash backup created!
    [18.04.2024 08:25:57][⚠️][Main] Backup cancelled! Executing final things. You will be left behind with the current state!
    [18.04.2024 08:25:57][ℹ️][Main] DONE! Thanks for using this plugin and have a safe day ;)
    [18.04.2024 08:25:57][ℹ️][Main] ❤️

    I'm not sure the best way to post my settings:



    Let me know if there's any other logs or information I should provide.

    I did a quick Google Search and didn't see anything specific for this "stuck" or "hung" status on "verifying backup". But maybe I didn't look hard enough.

    I am also getting the tar verification error on several container backups:

     [23.04.2024 05:11:55][?][nzbhydra2] tar verification failed! Tar said: tar: Removing leading `/' from member names; ; gzip: stdin: invalid compressed data--crc error; mnt/cache/appdata/nzbhydra2/backup/nzbhydra-2024-04-21 07-02-59.zip: Contents differ; tar: Child returned status 1; tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now

    Is this a user or container issue or a problem with the plugin?

  15. 2 hours ago, Rysz said:

    I'm not getting involved with the guesswork about a possible future licensing model.

    Should the financial need for a subscription model arise, I'll be happy to consider it for the system I've grown to love.


    But it really hurts me to see that Unraid as a brand is taking what seems like a lot of unnecessary PR damage right now.

    Unraid has always been very community reliant and driven and I'd say that was one the most liked points besides the OS.


    All of the hate and doomsday scenarios being spun online right now could've been avoided by better communication.

    I really hope a lesson is learnt from this and we'll see more up-front communication, rather than picking up the pieces later.


    It is still concerning though that LimeTech doesn't seem to have learned a lesson about communicating with the community from the last big kerfuffle that drove @CHBMB away. The community is what makes UnRAID great, and to keep the community around communication and engagement should be a priority IMO.


    I'm also not going to speculate and get mad over what are currently entirely unconfirmed changes to the licensing model.

  16. Hmm ok maybe this is a DNS thing? I kind of forgot I had a second server (I've been keeping it off because its so hot upstairs) so I installed the dockers and they seem to be able to check for updates on this server. I compared the repo URLs and they're the same.


    Both servers are behind pfsense routers (v2.7.0) with nearly identical configurations. DNS on the routers has the two repo domains cached correctly.


    EDIT: I forgot I think I patched my docker file manually rather than use the plugin like I thought I did:

    But this wouldn't persist after a reboot without an entry in my go file or a user script, right?


    I don't have a script or anything to reapply it so I don't think this is the issue but I could be wrong.

  17. I'm having a bit of trouble figuring out what my issue is as I've rarely had any issues with docker and updating before.


    The LinuxServer.io SABNZBD container and the plextraktsync container are consistently reporting that update info is not available".


    I haven't changed anything on my end and the repos still appear to be up and active. I don't really see where UnRAID or docker logs any further details about WHY this information is unavailable so I'm struggling to find troubleshooting resources.


    Repos are here: https://ghcr.io/taxel/plextraktsync  & https://github.com/orgs/linuxserver/packages/container/package/sabnzbd


    I know this was a widespread issue a few versions ago but afaik that was corrected already.


    I tried to look for threads from others but my Google-Fu is failing me apparently.


  18. 1 hour ago, Frank1940 said:

    Also make sure your home network connection is Private, not Public.  See here fro details:


    It is:


    1 hour ago, Frank1940 said:

    Check to see that you have things setup as described here:





    Normally, this will not be allowed, for details, see here:


    That's fine I don't really want or need public shares anyway.


    I have already read through the document from that thread and my laptop already uses the sane defaults mentioned.


    SMB1.0 is not installed. I already have my credentials loaded in credential manager and a matching user has existed on the UnRAID box this entire time. I played with the insecure guest login setting under lanman and it made no difference so I've kept it disabled.


    My home network and sharing settings already use sane security defaults:




    I did not follow the network neighborhood part of the linked doc because I don't really care if the servers show up in the network window or not.


    All of my exported shares are set to private so no guest read access is allowed anyway.


    The issue is that I can't even get a listing of my available shares by going to the server path "\\node" so I don't think this is an authentication issue as I can't even get to the point where I would attempt to open a share. Furthermore trying to access a share path directly results in the same unhelpful error.


  19. Turning up Samba logging produced absolutely zero log entries when trying to access the server. So the issue is clearly that the laptop's requests for shares are never making it across the tunnel for some bizarre reason.


    EDIT: I tested again with a bootable copy of linux on the laptop and I can access the shares fine outside of Windows so this is 100% a Windows issue, not an issue with the WireGuard tunnel.


    Am I missing some network setting in Windows that allows cross subnet traffic to work that gets enabled when I activate the WireGuard for Windows client?

  20. I've got a fresh Windows 11 install on a brand new laptop and I cannot access my remote UnRAID server via SMB. I can ping by name/IP and access the web interface for management.


    I have two servers, one local and one remote but connected to my local LAN by a WireGuard site to site VPN. There is a static route established for the remote subnet in pfsense and other devices (Windows 10, 11, & Linux) can access the remote server shares without issue. I have both server's defined in my host file on the laptop.


    I get an "unspecified error" 0x80004005 trying to access the remote server by name or IP address.


    I've been making my way through the Windows issues with UnRAID thread but so far nothing I've tried has helped.


    I've tried enforcing a minimum SMB setting in the extra config for SMB on the remote server.


    I've also tried adding my credentials into credential manager for the device. My UnRAID user credentials fully match my laptop credentials (capitalization and all) so I don't think the credential manager thing was necessary but I'm not sure what else to try.


    All of this works fine from my other Windows computer but it was upgraded from win 10 and its possible I changed other settings to make it work but I don't recall what they are if I did. The linux laptop I have and a bootable copy of ubuntu both can access the server without any mucking about. My wife's Windows laptop also works fine.


    Now here's the real kicker. thinking maybe something was wrong with my WireGuard tunnel so I connected to my phone hotspot and fired up WireGuard on the laptop and lo and behold it works without changing anything!?


    So What could be causing this? I checked the network settings on both devices and they match, no additional IP settings specified or anything.  Everything is pulling DHCP from my pfsense box.


    I'm fairly certain this is an SMB issue and not a WireGuard issue but the fact that changing net connections and using the WireGuard for Windows client suggests maybe not?


    So, why do all my other devices work over the tunnel with no issues and not this one?




    EDIT: I'm going to try and bump the log level in samba once I can find a moment to stop the array. I'm curious if there are requests even hitting the server or if I'm not making it past the router on my side.


    EDIT2: I forgot to mention I also tried making a public share and setting it public to ensure it wasn't a credential issue. I can't even access public shares.

  21. 14 hours ago, thymon said:



    Same here :(
    Test iperf3 unraid --> unraid-backup


    root@Unraid-Backup:~# iperf3 -s
    Server listening on 5201 (test #1)
    Accepted connection from, port 54148
    [  5] local port 5201 connected to port 54162
    [ ID] Interval           Transfer     Bitrate
    [  5]   0.00-1.00   sec  2.26 MBytes  19.0 Mbits/sec                  
    [  5]   1.00-2.00   sec  2.63 MBytes  22.1 Mbits/sec                  
    [  5]   2.00-3.00   sec  2.75 MBytes  23.1 Mbits/sec                  
    [  5]   3.00-4.00   sec  3.00 MBytes  25.2 Mbits/sec                  
    [  5]   4.00-5.00   sec  3.09 MBytes  25.9 Mbits/sec                  
    [  5]   5.00-6.00   sec  3.00 MBytes  25.1 Mbits/sec                  
    [  5]   6.00-7.00   sec  2.96 MBytes  24.8 Mbits/sec                  
    [  5]   7.00-8.00   sec  2.81 MBytes  23.5 Mbits/sec                  
    [  5]   8.00-9.00   sec  2.81 MBytes  23.6 Mbits/sec                  
    [  5]   9.00-10.00  sec  2.26 MBytes  19.0 Mbits/sec                  
    [  5]  10.00-10.09  sec   224 KBytes  21.5 Mbits/sec                  
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    [ ID] Interval           Transfer     Bitrate
    [  5]   0.00-10.09  sec  27.8 MBytes  23.1 Mbits/sec                  receiver


    root@Unraid:~# iperf3 -c
    Connecting to host, port 5201
    [  5] local port 54162 connected to port 5201
    [ ID] Interval           Transfer     Bitrate         Retr  Cwnd
    [  5]   0.00-1.00   sec  3.91 MBytes  32.8 Mbits/sec    0    337 KBytes       
    [  5]   1.00-2.00   sec  2.64 MBytes  22.1 Mbits/sec    0    350 KBytes       
    [  5]   2.00-3.00   sec  2.76 MBytes  23.1 Mbits/sec    0    337 KBytes       
    [  5]   3.00-4.00   sec  3.13 MBytes  26.2 Mbits/sec    0    369 KBytes       
    [  5]   4.00-5.00   sec  3.19 MBytes  26.7 Mbits/sec    0    326 KBytes       
    [  5]   5.00-6.00   sec  3.19 MBytes  26.7 Mbits/sec    0    315 KBytes       
    [  5]   6.00-7.00   sec  2.39 MBytes  20.1 Mbits/sec    0    310 KBytes       
    [  5]   7.00-8.00   sec  3.19 MBytes  26.8 Mbits/sec    0    313 KBytes       
    [  5]   8.00-9.00   sec  2.39 MBytes  20.1 Mbits/sec    0    297 KBytes       
    [  5]   9.00-10.00  sec  2.39 MBytes  20.1 Mbits/sec    0    307 KBytes       
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    [ ID] Interval           Transfer     Bitrate         Retr
    [  5]   0.00-10.00  sec  29.2 MBytes  24.5 Mbits/sec    0             sender
    [  5]   0.00-10.09  sec  27.8 MBytes  23.1 Mbits/sec                  receiver



    rsync with 1Go "testfile" over Wireguard VPN at 3Mbits.... (I tested all possible options for rsync and SSH without improvement)...

    root@Unraid:~# rsync -az --progress testfile[email protected])
         50,987,008   4%    3.04MB/s    0:05:20  



    So, what other solution do you use to backup to another remote Unraid server?

    You can setup a VM in UnRAID or really make a wireguard server on any other device besides directly in the UnRAID OS. I set it up on my site routers and it performs way better than UnRAID ever did.

  22. 6 hours ago, miicar said:

    I am also getting a random error "kernel: traps: lsof[*****] general protection fault ip:************* error:0 in libc-2.36.so[**********]" in my logs as well.  This is quite frustrating over the last few weeks, as random things i do "resolve" the issue, so i have no idea what the actual cause/solution is!  


    I've gotten this on and off for years across various versions. It doesn't seem to affect anything for me that I can tell.

  23. On 1/24/2023 at 7:42 AM, PlanetDyna said:

    Unfortunately, no one is working to fix the problem?

    The problem is no one seems to be able to definitively pinpoint the cause of the issue.


    LimeTech is apparently unable to reproduce this in their testing and it seems to be limited to only a small subset of users so it just isn't garnering much attention I think. The more people who find this thread and share their experiences the more likely someone will start to take a more serious look at the problem.


    The only solution at this time is to just not use UnRAID as a WireGuard server if you want to be able to move large amounts of data quickly.

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