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Everything posted by spicyflavor

  1. I had a container restart after a weekly backup and it was suddenly unable to connect to my VPN provider. The config didn't change. Looking at the deluge supervisord logs, I was continually spammed with the following error. 704 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output: OpenSSL: error:0A00018E:SSL routines::ca md too weak Cannot load inline certificate file 704 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output: Exiting due to fatal error I looked up the error and found a solution that may help. I had to add this to my OVPN file and the error went away. https://superuser.com/a/1741782 tls-cipher "DEFAULT:@SECLEVEL=0"
  2. Regarding the the "Clear an unRAID array data drive" script. The script doesn't verify that the desired drive is unmounted, I tried running the script last night and realized this morning that it was still running. The 'sync' progress had a hold on the drive. Could be an easy validation step to add to the script.
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