Jacob Bolooni

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  1. Overview: Support for Docker image s3sync from what-name Application: AWS CLI - s3 sync Docker Hub: https://hub.docker.com/r/whatname/docker-s3sync GitHub: https://github.com/what-name/docker-s3sync Documentation: see README.md Info S3sync is a Docker container which backs up one or more folders to S3 using the aws cli tool, more specifically `aws s3 sync`. Usage To tell s3sync what to back up, mount your desired volumes under the `/data` directory. S3sync is configured by setting the following environment variables during the launch of the container. ENV VARIABLE - Description - Example ACCESS_KEY your AWS access key AKIABV38RBV38RBV38B3 SECRET_KEY your AWS secret key ubuUbuBubUuuBbuveubviurvurud6rDU3qpU REGION your bucket's region eu-central-1 S3PATH your S3 bucket and path s3://my-nice-bucket S3SYNCPARAMS custom parameters to s3 sync --delete Backend To deploy a backend for s3sync, you can use the s3sync-backend ready made Terraform template, or take a look at the guide below. This Terraform template deploys an S3 bucket with all public access blocked, KMS encryption by default (including a KMS key), Lifecycle policies for IA storage class and expiring old versions of objects, as well as an IAM user [that you need to create Access Keys for manually].