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[Support] what-name - s3sync

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Overview: Support for Docker image s3sync from what-name

Application: AWS CLI - s3 sync

Docker Hub: https://hub.docker.com/r/whatname/docker-s3sync

GitHub: https://github.com/what-name/docker-s3sync

Documentation: see README.md



S3sync is a Docker container which backs up one or more folders to S3 using the aws cli tool, more specifically `aws s3 sync`.



To tell s3sync what to back up, mount your desired volumes under the `/data` directory. S3sync is configured by setting the following environment variables during the launch of the container.


ENV VARIABLE   -    Description           -         Example

ACCESS_KEY          your AWS access key             AKIABV38RBV38RBV38B3

SECRET_KEY          your AWS secret key             ubuUbuBubUuuBbuveubviurvurud6rDU3qpU

REGION              your bucket's region             eu-central-1

S3PATH              your S3 bucket and path          s3://my-nice-bucket

S3SYNCPARAMS        custom parameters to s3 sync     --delete



To deploy a backend for s3sync, you can use the s3sync-backend ready made Terraform template, or take a look at the guide below. This Terraform template deploys an S3 bucket with all public access blocked, KMS encryption by default (including a KMS key), Lifecycle policies for IA storage class and expiring old versions of objects, as well as an IAM user [that you need to create Access Keys for manually].

Edited by Jacob Bolooni
Extend with backend template.
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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey @Jacob Bolooni,

I put together this how-to that walks users through setting up an s3 bucket, and creating a separate IAM user and Policy specifically for backups. I had security in mind when i wrote this so I include things such as blocking public access to the bucket, enabling encryption, and restricting access to IP addresses. Let me know if this post is ok for here, otherwise i can certainly remove it.




     Some notes before we get started:

  1. As a best practice, you should never do anything using your root account. That is the account/email that you used to create your AWS account. This is your “break glass” account, and has unrestricted rights to everything in your AWS account. If it is compromised, you could potentially lose access to your account. If you have set up a new AWS account to use for offsite backups, by default you will only have the “root” user. In an effort to secure your account, use a password manager to generate a long, strong password for this account, and enable MFA, and never use it unless you have a compelling reason to.
  2. It is also good to set a strong password policy in the IAM > Account Settings. For example:
  • Minimum password length is 20 characters
  • Require at least one uppercase letter from Latin alphabet (A-Z)
  • Require at least one lowercase letter from Latin alphabet (a-z)
  • Require at least one number
  • Require at least one non-alphanumeric character (! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + - = [ ] { } | ')
  • Password expires in 90 day(s)
  • Allow users to change their own password
  • Remember last 24 password(s) and prevent reuse

     3. Now, lets create an admin user for you to use. After the root account has been secured, navigate to IAM > “Users” > “Add User”.

  • Pick a username that you would like to use
  • Check “AWS Management Console Access” to create username/password to log in to the AWS Administrative Console (Web interface) with.
  • Make a strong password, and after it is created enable MFA for this account as well
  • Check “Programmatic Access” if you would like to interface with your account using the command line interface. This is optional. Later in this guide we will create one more user who will ONLY have programmatic access, specifically to leverage the s3sync docker container.
  • Click next to go to permissions
  • We’ll skip permission for now, click next to go to tags
  • Add tags if you desire
  • Click Next to create user
  • Store your AWS username, password, and access keys somewhere secure, and click close.


    4. Now, let’s give this new user some permissions

  • Navigate to IAM > User Groups > Create Group
  • We are going to create a new group that has Admin Rights, as well as access to the billing console so you can track your spend. So give it a fitting name “Admin_And_Billing”, for example.
  • “Add Users To the Group” – Check the box next to the user that you just created in step 3
  • “Attach Permissions” – There are 3 user groups that we want to add here, you can use the search bar to find them.

                         -- AdministratorAccess – Gives you full admin rights to your AWS Account

                         -- Billing – Gives you access to the billing reports and settings

                         -- IAMUserChangePassword – Allows this user account to change its own password

  • Click "Create Group"
  • Now, log out and log back in using the new account you created. Navigate back to the IAM settings, and look around the different pages there. Make sure you don’t see any permissions or access denied errors.

     5. If everything looks ok: In the top right of your browser window, click the dropdown where it says your username @ your account #  > My Security Credentials.

  • Enable MFA for your new account.



     6. Perfect. Now that we have secured your root account and have a separate admin account with a strong password and MFA, let’s get started prepping your environment for s3sync.


  • First, let us create the s3 bucket
  • Click the dropdown for “Services” in the top left, and navigate to S3
  • Click “Create Bucket”
  • Give the bucket a name. This name has to be unique across all AWS customers. So something simple like “bob” is probably taken. But “bobs.unraid.s3sync.backup.bucket” is probably available.  
  • Region – Choose a region closest to you for increased performance and reduced latency. Avoid US-East-1 if possible (friends don’t let friends us-east-1!)
  • ****Block Public Access – check the box next to BLOCK ALL PUBLIC ACCESS. This will help prevent any joe shmo from accessing your backed up files.****
  • Bucket Versioning – This will keep previous versions of your files. Say you are backing up a text document. You make changes to the document and sync it to s3 again. S3 will store the previous version, and the new version with the changes. Also, if you delete the text document from s3, it will not be instantly deleted. It will create a marker that says this file is marked for deletion. This helps prevent accidental loss/deletion of files.

I recommend enabling this, but it is up to you. I won’t cover it in this guide, but after your bucket is created you can create “Lifecycle policies” to automatically delete previous versions, and files marked for deletion from your bucket after an amount of days that you specify.

  • Default Encryption
  • **Enable**
  • Amazon S3 key (SSE-S3) – AWS S3 manages the encryption keys, it’s simple and keeps your files secure!
  • Create Bucket






     7. Easy Enough! Now you have your very own cloud storage! Before we go, after creating the bucket you should now be back at the AWS S3 dashboard. If not, navigate back there using the services tab in the top left, and click s3.

  • Click on the name of the bucket that you just created.
  • Navigate to the “properties” tab and copy down the “Amazon Resource Name (ARN)” for your bucket. Store it in notepad or somewhere similar, we’ll need it coming up.

Mine is arn:aws:s3:::mmwilson0.s3sync.demo




     8. The next step is to create a new user and give them permission to use s3sync so that they can backup your files to this bucket.


  • Click “Services” in the top left, and click “IAM”
  • “users” > Add User
  • Username – name it something that lets you know this is the account that is doing the backups for you. Mine will be “mmwilson0_s3sync_demo”
  • Check the box for “programmatic access”. You will never need to login with this account, it will only be used by the docker container. There is no need to create a password for AWS Management Console access.
  • Click Next, skipping through permissions, apply tags if you wish, and just get to the end and press Create User.
  • It will present you with your access key and secret access key. Copy these both down in to your notepad 





     9. Create a new policy. IAM > Policies > Create Policy

  • Switch the tab from “Visual Editor” to JSON, and paste the below text in.
  • Under “resource” you will need to update the s3 ARN so that it has your s3 bucket’s ARN.
  • Additionally, if you want s3sync to DELETE objects from your s3 bucket after they have been deleted from your home device, then you will also need to add "s3:DeleteObject" under the Actions.
  • Make sure to match the formatting by including quotation marks, and commas.
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Resource": [
            "Sid": "Allows3sync",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [


  • Optionally, if you have a static IP at home, know what range your home ip will be in, or are willing to sign in and update this policy periodically as your home ip changes, then you can add a conditional statement to restrict access to your home IP address. This means that if someone has your access keys they will not be able to access the files in your s3 bucket unless their requests are originating from your home IP. Pretty cool huh!? Here is an example below. For demonstration purposed, I’ll include the "s3:DeleteObject" action as well


    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Resource": [
            "Sid": "Allows3sync",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Condition": {
                "IpAddress": {
                    "aws:SourceIp": ""



  • Click “next”
  • Add Tags if you wish.
  • Click “next”
  • Give your policy a name and Description, and click “Create Policy”.



10. Now to bring it all together. Create a new User Group

  • IAM > User Groups > Create
  • Give the user group a relevant name
  • Check the box next to the user you just created
  • Check the box next to the policy you just created
  • Click “Create Group”



     11. At this point you now have a new user and a policy that restricts access to only allow that user to read/write in the s3 bucket that you created for your backups. I also recommend adding a policy to your bucket that will restrict who is allowed to access that bucket.

  • First we will need to get the ARN associated with the user that we just created, the one that is allowed to write to the s3 bucket.
  • Navigate to IAM > Users > Click on the username that you just created.
  • At the top of the page, copy the User ARN. The format is similar to:
  • Navigate to S3 > Click on the bucket name that you created earlier in this walk-through.
  • Click on the Permissions tab, scroll down to Bucket Policy, and paste in the following policy. You will need to update:

          --the resources so that they match the ARN for your s3 bucket

          --the principal so it matches the ARN for your user that you just created.

          --If you did not add the “deleteobject” permission in your policy above, then you can remove it from the below statement as well. 

          --If you do not wish to restrict access to a specific ip address, remove the 5 lines, starting with "Condition", ending at }, (delete this line as well)


  "Id": "Policy1620696812001",
  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Sid": "Stmt1620696697710",
      "Action": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Condition": {
        "IpAddress": {
          "aws:SourceIp": ""
      "Principal": {
        "AWS": [




  •  Click “Save Changes”, and you are done!






  • Thanks 2
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  • 2 years later...

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