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Everything posted by Bruceflix

  1. Creat a user script to run this command: docker exec --user www-data Firefly-III /usr/local/bin/php /var/www/html/artisan firefly-iii:cron
  2. Off-topic but that is great to hear. Next upgrade has plans for arc to replace my 1050ti
  3. If you want to expose it to the internet for remote access
  4. To save time you could have read https://docs.frigate.video/configuration/authentication rather than post here.
  5. There was an update overnight. Did you read the changelog before you updated?
  6. Which is the scope of this thread. More specifically blakeblackshear - Frigate. I suggest you post in a VM discussion about passing through devices. Note, The Frigate documention advises against running Frigate in a VM
  7. The instructions are literally in the template as pointed out by foo_fighter. Not always apparent especially for people where english is a second language but they are there. If you are not populating the parameters, remove/delete them or it will cause an error.
  8. Most people wouldn't be using a SSD for CCTV recordings
  9. Frigate uses CPU for its motion detection. Perhaps use masks to cover leaves, branches etc that could be triggering it.
  10. 1) No 2) No 3) Mine shows as Google Inc. Probably thats enough to show that you have a dud. I hope you purchased from an official store that has warranty.
  11. When mine updated to 13 it was broken. Moving the db to /config fixed it.
  12. Im using this https://www.makerfabs.com/dual-edge-tpu-adapter.html and yes, it can access both TPU
  13. I just re-read your initial problem and realized i've also got the same problem with the directory structure. Frigate timezone is correct but the directory names are set to GMT. i think.
  14. Is your host on the correct time? Have you mounted /etc/localtime?
  15. https://docs.frigate.video/configuration/ I recommend using vscode over notepad++ and following from the documentation: VSCode Configuration Schema VSCode (and VSCode addon) supports the JSON schemas which will automatically validate the config. This can be added by adding # yaml-language-server: $schema=http://frigate_host:5000/api/config/schema.json to the top of the config file. frigate_host being the IP address of Frigate or ccab4aaf-frigate if running in the addon.
  16. Have you added "--runtime=nvidia" as extra parameter?
  17. For GPU detection you need to use Frigate 12
  18. I had a blackout the other day and I don't think my m2. coral and/or adaptor survived. Coral crashes the whole server after a couple of minutes causing a server reboot. This is after months of uptime. Fortunately I have a spare USB coral to use. Probably just order another adaptor to see exactly where the problem is.
  19. The hint is in the domain name of this forum.
  20. Step 1 in the docs. "Frigate requires a functioning MQTT server. " Literally the first sentence.
  21. I think you need to read the documentation. The installation steps point out pretty clearly how to create the config.yml and what is needed in it. I am not sure what configuration options you are expecting on a FOSS project. Given the target demograph of Frigate is the HA community they would usually already be well versed in YAML. Hey, if I can get it to work, anyone can.
  22. Because everyone's would be different. No but HA certainly works well with it. not at all
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