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Everything posted by mcrustk2

  1. Hi All, Appreciate this has been asked in various guises and seen recommendations such as Robocopy but I particular approach so here goes. I have a relatively simple UNRAID server (3 array drives + Parity + Cache) with lots of big files. Im looking to run a simple daemon service that monitors the disks or folders and collates a list or DB of all files added and removed from a particular date (or just from when I started the daemon). You can then keep that log file or DB and effectively run it against another file location (such as an external backup drive which will then add the delta files to the external drive or remove deleted). The difference being, its only copying whats instructed in the database/log as opposed to a full drive/array indexing sweep. Also means I can re-run that particular (copy/log/delta) at any time in the future or replicate many times (even if I have since added/deleted more stuff on the server). Just something logging (Pseudo) ... /* Daemon started log - date - time */ /array/disk/folder/file - add /array/disk/folder/file - delete /* Daemon end log - date - time */ and then you can just select the above log file, pick your destination and it will run the above as a copy or delete operation (just for this delta). Does such a 'thing' exist? (either docker or plugin). Many thanks. J.
  2. My DelugeVPN (WireGuard)/Sonarr/Radarr have just stopped working and im also using PIA & Amsterdam.. Likely something PIA end given above comments also.
  3. Sorted it - 6.9.1 was screwed up from a restore with regard to re-registering the key remotely. I was also getting 'upc' and other browser errors. I just upgraded the server to latest, then re-registered and it worked!
  4. Hi All. My server USB failed, fortunately I am using the backup and have a fairly recent backup. I have restored the backup to a fresh USB as per the guide and the server boots, all good. I have downloaded my basic.key and dropped into the config folder on the USB. However, when I click on 'registration key' - instead of seeing 'Replace Key' button, I see the following upcTrigger.default 'Fix". The fix button doesnt do anything and I am now stuck.. please help Im on Unraid 6.9.1