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Everything posted by Elmojo

  1. It's all good. I'm proud of myself for actually 'fixing' something. lol
  2. No one? Please? I have files backing up with incorrect timestamps.
  3. Ok, I figured it out. For anyone finding this later, and wondering how to make it all play nice: 1) Install this Rustdesk AIO container using whatever instructions are provided 2) Install Tailscale on all machines that need to connect 3) Get the Tailnet IP of your server (NOT the 'real' IP). 4) Use that as the ID and Relay servers in Rustdesk 4a) Don't forget that you still have to forward ports (maybe), but that's covered in the docs for Rustdesk 5) Rejoice! You now have a working connection, without a domain, or dyndns, or any of that stuff
  4. The key, the ID and relay server info, the password, etc... I know some of that goes in the client, but I was fairly certain at least of it had to be entered on the server side. No? If not, how does the client know which server to connect to, and how does the server (in this case the container) know which clients to listen to and accept connections from? EDIT: I have ID and relay server info that are no longer valid (yes, due to CGNAT). Where does that get changed or updated?
  5. Except that it's not working for me, presumably because the server that I was using (via DuckDNS) is no longer available. I need to change those parameters to point to something new, most likely some form of my Tailscale IP (which I'll have to sort out), but I don't know where to find or change that info. Is it all done on the client side? I set this all up several months ago, so I can't recall the process. I know there was some instructions, though. I'm not smart enough to figure this out on my own. lol
  6. Ok, no problem. How about the other part, on how to edit the existing Rustdesk config? I can't find any instructions for how I actually set this container up initially. I don't think I followed the info on the Github page, since it's not unraid-specific, and I'm not that savvy with Docker. I'm sure I had a step-by-step guide for this specific template, but I don't see anything now. I'm trying to figure out if I can edit the current template, or if I need to uninstall it and start over, and either way, how exactly. As you can tell, I'm a little bit lost in the woods on this one.
  7. I've confused myself. lol I'm running Rustdesk AIO, and all was well, using DuckDNS. However, I recently changed ISPs, and Duck doesn't work with my new provider. I've switched over to using Tailscale for remote access, which seems to be working fine for other things. HOWEVER - I can't for the life of me figure out how to configure Rustdesk to work with tailscale. I can't even find the instructions I used to initially set up the Rustdesk container in the first place. I do have the server and key info, which I guess may be changing, now that I'm no longer using DuckDNS... Anyway, can anyone please help me out here? Is it even possible to use Tailscale to connect Rustdesk to off-site machines? If so, how? And how do I re-configure a running instance of Rustdesk, or do I just nuke it and start over?
  8. Bummer. Okay, thanks. If I decide I really have to keep them both up at once, I'll come back and beg for help doing that. For now, I'll plan on it being and upgrade, then direct swap.
  9. Ok, great! I like being able to read through the whole process, including any warnings or potential issues, beforehand. So one other thing... Going about it this way, I would not be able to keep the old server running until I have the new one up and fully configured, correct? It appears that I would end up with an upgraded array, which would then have to be physically moved to the new server. I'd much prefer to have both running in parallel, until I can confirm that the new one is correctly set up and running reliably. Is this possible?
  10. I'm not aware of this 'normal' process. Is it documented somewhere, beyond what you outlined in your response? Honestly, what you described sounds super scary. lol Pulling a parity drive intentionally sounds like "don't do this 101".
  11. Ok, now you totally lost me. lol Is there a tutorial or video somewhere that explains that process? I'm not able to visualize how that would work...
  12. Possibly... Do you mean add them as a separate array, or add them to the existing array? Currently, the old server array is 6x 4TB data drives + 2x 4TB Parity drives. The new array will be 4x 6TB data drives + 1x 6TB Parity drive. I have room in the old chassis for all of them, I just don't know how to go about the migration. Would I set the "new" array up as a secondary array in the old server, copy over the data, move those drives to the new chassis, then make that the primary array? I'm lost... lol
  13. So this isn't the typical "I'm moving my drives to a new server" situation. It sort of is, but with a twist. I'm about to upgrade from a Dell T630 to a T640. I'll be moving the cache drive (1TB NVMe) and an SAS/HBA card to run my external disk shelf over to the T640, but that's it for the physical hardware. The new array will be built from different drives, since the T640 is only an 8-bay, so I need to use larger drives. My question is, how does that work? I know if I'm migrating the same physical drives from one chassis to another, it's a fairly simple process. How about when you're basically building a new array? Is there any way to avoid having to start from scratch, in terms of shares, containers, VMs, settings, etc?
  14. Where exactly would this IP be found? I feel dumb, but I'm not quite following what's meant here...
  15. Anyone know how to set the time zone variable in the Duplicacy container? The docs say to use the "TZ Environment variable", but I don't see a way to do that in the template. It's working fine, but all my backed-up files have incorrect timestamps.
  16. Excellent pricing (2TB for about $75/yr if you sign up for the 2yr plan), and simple setup using Duplicacy docker. IDrive themselves even have an excellent tutorial for how to interface with Duplicacy. It took me maybe 30 mins from docker app search to data being uploaded. Easy-peasy. It's also rated at or near the top of the several "best cloud service" searches I did, for whatever that's worth.
  17. Ok... thanks for the reply. I don't think I'm gonna be able to handle this one, it's just too complicated for my brain to untangle. lol I may be better off migrating to IDrive e2, like I've been thinking about for a while. I appreciate you taking the time to try to explain, though!
  18. I'm trying to Get Backblaze Personal Backup to work, and I'm having the same issue; my shares aren't showing up for backup. So to ask a stupid question (3 actually).... 1) when I use that 2nd command above, is that run in a terminal window on my unraid host, or within the docker itself? I assume unraid terminal, but the github instructions say it must be "mounted manually within wine", which is confusing me. 2) Do I copy/paste that command exactly, or will I need to edit the "/backup_volume/" portion to point to my local path? If the latter, what might that look like, exactly? 3) If/When this is all up and running, what happens to the BackBlaze instance that I already have, that's been running for years on my old Windows server? Am I able to eventually do the 'inherit state' thing, and have it migrate over, or will it have to totally upload all over over again? I have just over a TB backed up, so I'd hate to start over. I'd also hate to get banned or whatever if they see 2 machines on the same line, if you get my meaning. TIA for any assistance!
  19. I'm trying to Get Backblaze Personal Backup to work, and I'm having the same issue; my shares aren't showing up for backup. So to ask a stupid question (3 actually).... 1) when I use that 2nd command above, is that run in a terminal window on my unraid host, or within the docker itself? I assume unraid terminal, but the github instructions say it must be "mounted manually within wine", which is confusing me. 2) Do I copy/paste that command exactly, or will I need to edit the "/backup_volume/" portion to point to my local path? If the latter, what might that look like, exactly? 3) If/When this is all up and running, what happens to the BackBlaze instance that I already have, that's been running for years on my old Windows server? Am I able to eventually do the 'inherit state' thing, and have it migrate over, or will it have to totally upload all over over again? I have just over a TB backed up, so I'd hate to start over. I'd also hate to get banned or whatever if they see 2 machines on the same line, if you get my meaning. TIA for any assistance!
  20. I'm trying to Get Backblaze Personal Backup to work, and I'm having the same issue; my shares aren't showing up for backup. So to ask a stupid question (3 actually).... 1) when I use that 2nd command above, is that run in a terminal window on my unraid host, or within the docker itself? I assume unraid terminal, but the github instructions say it must be "mounted manually within wine", which is confusing me. 2) Do I copy/paste that command exactly, or will I need to edit the "/backup_volume/" portion to point to my local path? If the latter, what might that look like, exactly? 3) If/When this is all up and running, what happens to the BackBlaze instance that I already have, that's been running for years on my old Windows server? Am I able to eventually do the 'inherit state' thing, and have it migrate over, or will it have to totally upload all over over again? I have just over a TB backed up, so I'd hate to start over. I'd also hate to get banned or whatever if they see 2 machines on the same line, if you get my meaning. TIA for any assistance!
  21. I'm trying to Get Backblaze Personal Backup to work, and I'm having the same issue; my shares aren't showing up for backup. So to ask a stupid question (3 actually).... 1) when I use that 2nd command above, is that run in a terminal window on my unraid host, or within the docker itself? I assume unraid terminal, but the github instructions say it must be "mounted manually within wine", which is confusing me. 2) Do I copy/paste that command exactly, or will I need to edit the "/backup_volume/" portion to point to my local path? If the latter, what might that look like, exactly? 3) If/When this is all up and running, what happens to the BackBlaze instance that I already have, that's been running for years on my old Windows server? Am I able to eventually do the 'inherit state' thing, and have it migrate over, or will it have to totally upload all over over again? I have just over a TB backed up, so I'd hate to start over. I'd also hate to get banned or whatever if they see 2 machines on the same line, if you get my meaning. TIA for any assistance!
  22. Very cool, thanks. Oddly, the icon is not updating. I just get a [?] using the new URL. All else seems okay.
  23. The app works just fine. There are occasional issues with the way unraid handles extra interfaces, but we've found workarounds. I would literally be out of business if not for this container. It's been a lifesaver for accessing my work server from home.
  24. That's a bummer. Many (like myself) have no idea how to spin up dockers that don't have ready-made templates for unraid, so apps like these are super useful. Not having them updated is for sure not optimal. What's the implication of it being deprecated? Will it still work, just not be promoted on the community app store?
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