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  1. Oh? Interesting. I can turn it off, it just seemed like a good idea to have on, for performance. As for macOS, no, we don't have any Macs in the office. We do have iPads and iPhones, so I figured it couldn't hurt. That may have been in error, though. EDIT: I was wrong, SMB multichannel is OFF. I had intended to turn it on, but never did. Only the macOS switch is on.
  2. Yep, mine looks like that, with the exception that I also have SMB multichannel and the macOS thing turned on. Otherwise, it's the same.
  3. All due respect, but I don't see how it can be anything but. The rest of the office has no issues connecting to the old server, or each other. It's only the 'new' (unraid) machine that has issues. My definition, that almost has to mean that it's the problem, no? The Win7 box has no problems connecting to the office. It's the new unraid machine that is having trouble maintaining a connection to the rest of the office, including the old server. But to answer your question, the old Win7 server is running SMBv2 and a lightweight sFTP server for our our large format scanner.
  4. Not really. It's a bit random. Sometimes the shares will remain available for hours, other times, I'll lose access within a few minutes. After a while, they will come back. It's very odd. I'm pretty sure it's not a general network environment issue, since our old server, sitting right beside the unraid box, and connected to the same switch, has no issues. The only difference is that's it's running Win7. Unraid is the only major variable.
  5. Mover logging disabled. Server rebooted. Ran diags again, much better this time. aeserver-diagnostics-20240710-2118.zip
  6. I don't know what to tell you. I know I never enabled it, since I didn't even know it was there until it was pointed out to me in this thread. This is basically a brand new install. I've only done basic setup, installed a couple containers, and started copying data over from my old server. I'm guessing I should turn it off and try the diagnostic export again?
  7. I'm not sure what it's doing either. I've never seen anything like it. Yes, mover logging is enabled. That is the default. Should I turn it off? I've tried invoking the mover before running the diags, and don't see any difference.
  8. I would have, but I didn't know how, until you just linked that helpful guide. I tried dumping the diags, but it took forever, then gave an 'out of memory' error and failed. It seemed to be trying to index the entire contents of the cache drive for some reason. Is that normal? I'm not really comfortable with it sending a full file list of everything on that drive anyway, since my company does work for the DoD, and there are rules about what data I can and can't release. I have read the regs closely enough to see if it extends to file names, but I wouldn't be a bit surprised.
  9. So I'm setting up a new unraid server for my company's office. Everything is working okay, except that their old 'server' as well as several of their desktop workstations are Win7 boxes. I can connect to the unraid shares just fine...for a while; maybe 20 minutes or so. However, when I'm trying to transfer data from the old server to the new one, after a few minutes, I lose connectivity to the new unraid box. I can still see it in Windows explorer on a Win7 box, but I can't browse it. I get an error that "the connection has not been restored", or similar. Oddly, after a while, the connection will come back for a bit. Any idea what might be going on here?
  10. Noted, thanks. I'm not really trying to 'back up' these photos, per se. I'm just trying to avoid having to plug in a cable, launch explorer and wait for the thumbnails to index every time I need to download photos from my phone to my desktop, which is often. This way, all the photos I take will eventually end up on my server, and I can just pull them from there.
  11. Thanks, I'll look into that. I'm playing around with SyncThing right now, and so far, it's working okay. It's a bit more complicated that I'd prefer to get set up, and I don't love the android app, but it appears to be doing the basic backup fairly well.
  12. So I've done quite a bit of searching, and oddly, haven't found a clear answer to this. All I want is to be able to automatically dump any and all photos from my Android phone to a specific share folder on my unraid server. I used to use Dropbox, and it had pretty much this exact feature, but it came with a lot of extra baggage, so I ditched it. Lots of the older links I found suggested NextCloud, but that seems to be just as bloated and cumbersome to set up as Dropbox, and is probably way overkill for this one simple task. I thought about Seafile, but looking at the 2 available dockers; 1 is outdated, and the other looks sorta complicated, as it requires a custom network and a separate DB/SQL server. Surely there must be a simple solution for this, no? Someone please tell me I'm missing an obvious solution! To be clear, this is for an Android phone, and needs to sync continuously (or on-demand would be okay also) over wifi. EDIT: For anyone coming across this later, the solution (for me) is SyncThing. It's not the most intuitive thing to set up, but it works fine once you get it all sorted. The Android app kinda sucks. I can't comment on the iOS version, since I don't use Apple products.
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