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Everything posted by Observe

  1. For anyone stumbling over this in the future "docker system df" is a great command to run if you are worried about container size. But as trurl mentioned I had assigned it this value when creating it due to inexperience.
  2. Ah okay good spot... I will look into it tomorrow, thanks!
  3. I agree chia pools will be really good for unraid chia mining.
  4. No orphan dockers from what I can see. Here is diagnostics: oblivion-diagnostics-20210507-1526.zip
  5. Hello all, I recently replaced my cache drive from a 120Gb one to 400Gb one as I am using photoprism and I have a stupid amount of photos which needed thumbnails (which I wanted on a fast cache drive). Using my 120Gb one I believe the docker.img file was <40Gb which is acceptable for 16 docker containers. However after swapping the cache drive (I did not do this the offical way by writing to the array as that would have taken a stupidly long time...) I noticed my docker.img file has skyrocketed to >200Gb. Not quite sure what has caused this as all docker containers are still there and operational and nothing has really changed. Is there a way to remake this file without losing any data or configuration. It is my understanding that the data is stored withinside appdata and therefore shouldn't be deleted but feels very wrong to delete all 16 containers... to remake them and expect everything to be fine so some reassurance that I am doing the right thing would be lovely haha. Thanks in advance
  6. Yeah after trying to do it quickly I found various problems with some random unicode characters in paths and corrupt files so I needed a bit more of a hardcore approach hence the logging and error handling
  7. Thanks for the help guys Having retaught myself python I made a couple of scritps to do the influenced by uek2wooF's solution. I will paste the solution below in case anyone stumbles on this in the future which hopefully can give them a big start. FYI I know this code is stupidly inefficent but there was really no need for me to make it better. import os from PIL import Image import hashlib import re counter = 0 log = open("logs/Log.txt", "a") hashLog = open("logs/HashLog.txt", "a") errorLog = open("logs/ErrorLog.txt", "a") def is_ascii(s): return all(ord(c) < 128 for c in s) for root, dirs, files in os.walk("/mnt/disks/DISKNAME/"): if "derivatives" in root: break else: for file in files: if file.endswith(".jpg") or file.endswith(".png") or file.endswith(".JPG") or file.endswith(".PNG"): if file.startswith("._"): break else: fullFilePath = os.path.join(root, file) try: if is_ascii(fullFilePath) == True: print(fullFilePath) md5hash = hashlib.md5( Image.open(fullFilePath).tobytes()) log.write("Index: "+ str(counter) + "\n") log.write(md5hash.hexdigest()+"\n") log.write(fullFilePath+"\n") hashLog.write(md5hash.hexdigest()+"\n") counter += 1 else: errorLog.write(fullFilePath+"\n") except Exception as e: try: errorLog.write(fullFilePath+"\n") except Exception as e: errorLog.write( "There is a badly named file near index" + str(counter) + "\n") print("I counted ", counter, " images.") log.close() hashLog.close() errorLog.close() differencesLog = open("logs/differencesNextCloud.txt", "a") filepathBase = "logs/Log.txt" filepathComparison = "logs/nextcloudLog.txt" with open(filepathBase) as fpBase: baseLine = fpBase.readline() # Skips first index line baseLine = fpBase.readline() while baseLine: with open(filepathComparison) as fpComp: compLine = fpComp.readline() # Skips first index line compLine = fpComp.readline() found = 0 while compLine: if baseLine == compLine: found = 1 print("Found " + baseLine + " in both files") fpComp.close() break else: #This is the file path fpComp.readline() #This is the next index fpComp.readline() #This is the next hash compLine = fpComp.readline() #If it hasn't found the hash anywhere it will add it to the comparison file if found == 0: print("** Never found " + baseLine + " in comparison files! Adding to differences! **") #This is the hash differencesLog.write(baseLine) #This is the file path baseLine = fpBase.readline() differencesLog.write(baseLine+"\n") #This is the next index baseLine = fpBase.readline() #This is the next hash baseLine = fpBase.readline() else: #This is the file path baseLine = fpBase.readline() #This is the next index baseLine = fpBase.readline() #This is the next hash baseLine = fpBase.readline() fpBase.close() #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# with open(filepathComparison) as fpComp2: compLine2 = fpComp2.readline() # Skips first index line compLine2 = fpComp2.readline() while compLine2: with open(filepathBase) as fpBase2: baseLine2 = fpBase2.readline() # Skips first index line baseLine2 = fpBase2.readline() found = 0 while baseLine2: if compLine2 == baseLine2: found = 1 print("Found " + compLine2 + " in both files") fpBase2.close() break else: #This is the file path fpBase2.readline() #This is the next index fpBase2.readline() #This is the next hash baseLine2 = fpBase2.readline() #If it hasn't found the hash anywhere it will add it to the comparison file if found == 0: print("** Never found " + compLine2 + " in comparison files! Adding to differences! **") #This is the hash differencesLog.write(compLine2) #This is the file path compLine2 = fpComp2.readline() differencesLog.write(compLine2+"\n") #This is the next index compLine2 = fpComp2.readline() #This is the next hash compLine2 = fpComp2.readline() else: #This is the file path compLine2 = fpComp2.readline() #This is the next index compLine2 = fpComp2.readline() #This is the next hash compLine2 = fpComp2.readline() fpComp2.close() differencesLog.close() import os import shutil filepathTextFile = "logs/toMove.txt" filepathToMoveTo = "/mnt/user/nextcloud/PATH" notMovedLog = open("logs/notMovedLog.txt", "a") errorLog = open("logs/moverErrorLog.txt", "a") counter=0 with open(filepathTextFile) as fpBase: currentLine = fpBase.readline() # Skips first hash line currentLine = fpBase.readline() while currentLine: try: currentLine = currentLine.strip('\n') fileName = os.path.basename(currentLine) shutil.move(currentLine, filepathToMoveTo + str(counter) + " - " + fileName) print("New file: " + filepathToMoveTo + str(counter) + " - " + fileName) except Exception as e: print("! - Error occured - !") errorLog.write(str(e) + "\n") notMovedLog.write(currentLine + "\n") counter += 1 # This is the gap fpBase.readline() # This is the hash fpBase.readline() # This is the new file path currentLine = fpBase.readline() errorLog.close() notMovedLog.close()
  8. Hello, I am currently in the awkward situation where I use nextcloud for my photo storage however, due to fault of my own some of the photos got permenantly deleted. I have however an external backup of these photos but I do not know which ones are missing... Is there any tool that could help me with this? The folder structure is completely different and therefore cannot just copy/paste using windows and let that figure it out for me. I need something to find all files that are on the external storage which are not on the share. Thanks in advance for any help!
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